hey welcome to the site, glad to have you here, awesome to see a deer sona it's something a bit different to most people which is cool, feel free to ask any questions yourself most people including myself will be happy to help out where we can
Thanks man. I'll be sure to toss you s line if i need any help with anything.
Post Merge: July 03, 2013, 07:12:43 PM
Welcome to the forum ^^
Have you been a part of the fandom for a long time or just recently?
Thanks! Nice to meet you.
Part of the fandom for a long time? Yeah, I guess you could say so.

I kinda drifted away, but im getting back into it now. I started back in 2008, but then i got into highschool, and i was to busy to keep up with stuff. But I still had a lot of rl friends that were furies, and they encouraged me to get back in the fandom again.