*Hops closer*
Hiya guys, Tech's the name, TechRoo to be exact.. nice to meet you
Let me write something to introduce me, or well re-introduce me to be exact since i havent been active here for years!
As the name implies, im a kangaroo. A big blue and green one to be precise
I am a real tech nut, i like to spend my time programming stuff, creating robotic thingies, gaming or just spending time with my mate, a pink haired demonhusky named zoomy. I love him to bits
I havent been active in the fandom the last years but i hope to visit one of the EU cons next year, CesFur or Eurofurence. It would be my first con
I will allso be turned into a fursuit soon, first the start of 2016 by a friend and my mate, and in 2017 hopefully by one of the big named makers I shall probably pick up my suit at AC then too!