Hey welcome! How's it going? There really isn't anything too official to the site. I guess I can say. We're all here kind of just to screw around. (I think). Just surf around the forum and see where you belong! If you like drawing or the arts, we have an art section. (Or if you're looking for someone to draw something, (Usually your fursona) you can request it there as well. I would do a request but I'm taking down two at the moment so... Sorry.)
There's also a literature, music, even photography. So if you feel like talking about something, start a new topic and post away. The roleplaying section is split up into a training ground, a fun, and a serious section. The fun RP is more fun just screwing around and fun. The serious is more for fighting and stuff like that. The training grounds is for training.
If you're wondering what an Otherkin or Therian is, I think it's people that are a little more 'in tune' with their fursona. To the point that they feel like they are one. I don't know so much about them as I'm not one myself and I don't check that area.
The rants and advice section is a good place to go if you need to let something off your chest. Make a topic and people are usually there to hear you out. If instead you need advice like someone is bullying you or even relationship advice, usually members are there to give you advice as well.
The rest is kind of self explanatory... I guess...
Kind of a site wide rule I think is to avoid turning a topic into a role play. (Except in the Random thread.) So let's say I say in a post (I step into the room with my sword of Banashment And I chase after another member). In the general forums and most of the other forums you aren't allowed to do it. If you do keep it to a minimal. Also avoid swearing (Keep it to a minimal). Don't start fights, don't chase after people by spamming messages and arguing with them. A lot of the rules is just more about decency and common sense.
The adult area, I have no idea about since I've never accessed it sorry.
Well I hope that answers a couple of your questions.