Hello everyone, I'm new to this website, and I feel it would be nice and proper to introduce myself.
I'll take the questions from the pinned message by a mod to give an intro~
> What is your fursona's name?
Well, my fursona's name is Kaz! Plain and simple...
> How long have you been apart of the furry fandom?
I've been apart of it for about a couple years now. Met a lot of jerks along the way, but eh, can't be friends with all of them.
> What are your interests?
My interests are dependent! I like reading (philosophy and science are my favorites to read), playing games (I mainly play on my computer with Steam with the occasional exception such as Minecraft), and if you want to add me on Steam, I'll put up my Steam username later. I will warn you: I don't play Overwatch or any online multiplayer game due to the fact that my Internet is buggy and my computer isn't really built for gaming purposes. Other interests include roleplay (obviously!) and teaching myself mathematics.
> Any favorite games/movies/music?
Well for this I have an eclectic taste! My favorite games would have to be Dark Souls 2, Minecraft, Portal, the list goes on. Movies, it would have to be none really, I don't watch movies much anymore! Music? I have loads of music, I mainly like modern day pop that has more of a electric/house type of genre to it. These do change as time moves on!
> Favorite color?
Well I think it'd be obvious since I'm answering in it right now: green! I mainly like forest green, actually, I decided to answer these posts due to it being poor on my eyes to see.
> Anything in particular you're looking for on this website?
Well, I suppose I'm honestly looking for roleplay! I've a lot of roleplay experience and I am a bit of freak when it comes to being at least literate enough to type up a cohesive paragraph. That, however, doesn't mean I'm going to have an aneurysm if you can't do this, I'm a very open and tolerant person in these regards and more. If you ever want to roleplay, just ask me! I'm not gonna bite...well, maybe a little.
And this concludes my sort of questionnaire if any were curious about how it goes with me. I honestly can ramble a bit, so if you do get confused about some of the answers to these questions, feel free to message me more about them, or reply for clarification! I hope you'll all get to enjoy my company and presence on the site. Have a good day!