« on: November 04, 2017, 05:22:32 AM »
Greetings everyone! Azraekan here, but you can call me Azzy if you like
I joined the furry fandom about 5 or 6 months ago, and have enjoyed it so far. I figured i would join a Furry Forum, and this is the one the popped out the most! I look forward to making lots of friends
- Avatar by: Friend, wishes to remain anonymous
Compassion and kindness, not only to yourself, not only to humanity, but to the world as a whole, is the secret to happiness.
We are all connected as one. We are all one with the universe. Each of us is an extension of each other, but we can only experience one life's experience, until our breath is taken from us.
Show kindness and love to others, and you show kindness and love to yourself. Show hate or anger to others, and you show hate and anger to yourself.