Author Topic: A request for a fox? :3  (Read 1036 times)

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  • Species: Black FOX
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A request for a fox? :3
« on: September 04, 2011, 08:42:33 PM »
I will be very greatful for anyone who is willing to take the time to do this for me :D You dont understand how much this means to me :D

speciese: Fox
hair on your head: yes or no? and if so what does it look like Yes, sort of long anime like hair
hair color: Black
main body color: Black
tattoos or peircings: Rainbow peircing on right ear
eye color: Bright green
body coloring details: (please be specific) White tip on tail, black paws/ forarm and feet/calves white underbelly
gender: Male
orientation: (so i know what sort of demeanor the fursona has) Gay
clothes: yes or no. and if so what? Mesh shirt with dark jeans with a rainbow design on the bottom
acessories: Brightly colored bracelets/necklaces Holding glow sticks (Like going to a rave)

Please if you do this for me, have fun, i dont want to be anybodys burden :(, If need anymore info just tell me :D Ill be thankfull for whatever i get :D


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