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Atreju (OOC---Closed)
« on: May 05, 2011, 06:19:57 PM »

(Sorry this is a mess! There was so much to do...just read the stuff, make a char sheet and go for it. I don’t really care. Sorry for the mess, again. I'll post my - rather important - character after someone else posts. So please post soon, even just for fun!)

Warning: This is an RP based off of a story and comic idea chain of mine. By playing in this RP, you are telling me you are willing to sit and listen to a bit of history about the world the Kin of my story inhabit, and that you are willing to take your time and learn about the species and settings within it. In other words, you are telling me you're willing to read through longer posts and the obviously long OOC below and use them to your advantage.

Disclaimer: All of the story material within belongs to me, including my characters. Your characters belong to you, however, by joining, you are giving me permission to ask you to use them in any future stories/comics that may come from this RP.

I decided AGAINST allowing players to be Gods. Just forget about it.

Please read the attachments below!


The world of Rorn is beautiful.

Many times larger than Earth, this magical place is a home to any number of species both monster and animal, plants both alchemic and normal, Kin both evil and good. There are painted deserts glowing blue under the night sky, jungles lost in time, plains that seem to stretch endlessly, and towering cities with neon light and gleaming metal.

The world of Rorn lies in the middle of it all.

Rorn is a stomping ground for the gods, a world that connects all five Realms: Lilac, Deilm, Hecht, Ai, and the real universe that we know. Rorn itself lies in our universe, and it is where gods and creatures come briefly from the other Realms to get a taste of 'reality' every couple thousand years.

The world of Rorn is at war.

The powerful SSNP (or the Sentential Nazi Party), a legion of furs and humans who immigrated to Rorn a few hundred years ago from a destroyed Earth---led by the impossible to miss Heir Carson ---is at war with the Rebel Alliance, a legion of both natives and second generation immigrants who were scorned by the Nazi party or outright vilified and decided to take matters into their own hands to protect those they loved from genocide.

Just who are you?

And where do you stand?

Are you hero, villain, or something in between?

Slave or master?

Discover yourself and your calling as you set out on your own and adventure into the unknown.


The setting is rather open, since this is a magical world. Keep in mind any fantasy video games you have played, such as Final Fantasy or the like, when trying to come up with a setting.

These maps are your sandbox. They offer a foundation of terrain and location. Use them to place your own invented towns or homes, or just use them to find an interesting starting place for your character. The major cities are dotted on the maps.

Maps of the other dimensions are available on request only by players using a character(s) from them. -----> The Close Up Map -----> The General Map of territories


Creativity and imagination is key, but set magic and weapons builders have been laid out for you to pick and choose from. You may use an already established character such as your fursona, but bear in mind that you still will have to build from the ground up in that you have to decide all over again just what traits, looks, and factions your character would flaunt. The character sheet is below. You can be a native, a Nazi, or a Rebel, or you can make up your own much smaller tribe/faction.

Go all out with description, try to let me picture him or her clearly in my head. If something does not apply to your character, just leave that part blank or write N/A.


Ref Pictures (if you have any):

Markings/Tattoos/Secondary Colors:

Eye Color:
Eye style:
Hair Color:
Hair Style:



Mode of Transportation:


How they are carried:



List and describe all spells:



What faction does he/she belong to?:

How does he/she feel about the SSNP, or Sentential Nazi Party?:

How does he/she feel about the RA, or Rebel Alliance?:

How does he/she feel about the border war?

The following section is only for independents....chars that do not belong to a particular group and are primarily on their own.

How did this character come to work alone?

How do they operate on their own? That is, do they have enemies? Or are they generally tolerated in all territories?

Given the opportunity, would this character join a group that suited them?  

This following part is for chars who are members of a military or armed force only.

What Type of soldier is he or she?

Where does he/she serve?

State his or her rank or job.

Life Story




Listed here are your two main concerns, followed by a shorter listing of general rules.

Realism - Please be as realistic as possible. This is not a game on God Mode. This is  a game on Hardcore mode. Pretend your character is you, really doing the things you claim they are doing. For every action there is a reaction, wounds must be noticed and treated, characters need to sleep and eat and drink. They can’t carry too much without hurting themselves. It takes both ammo and effort to use a gun, and you won’t hit your mark every time. If you run out of ammo, you need to find more or toss the weapon and use another one. It doesn’t take five minutes to travel from town to town. On foot, you’ll be looking at a day or two of traveling, if not more. Your characters have a personality, desires, and dreams. Pay attention to them. Pretend this is for real. See through his or her eyes.

Powerplaying - Avoid overly powerful characters. I cancelled your ability to make Gods out of fear of this. Sure, you can be a talented magic scholar, top of your class, a dread monster called from another dimension to wreak havoc, or a barbarian who is master of the broadsword......but all of these characters aren’t just born like this! They trained, usually for years, to get to this point, and had to start from somewhere, find a calling somehow. Not to mention that their abilities have limits and that they can’t win em all. Remember David and Goliath, anyone?

* You must post within two days of the time the person before you posted. If you cannot make a post on time because you are too busy or will be gone, then ask to be skipped along with your reason why. If skipping becomes a problem with you (maybe a month of being skipped), I may ask you to leave as you are not contributing at all. You may not be skipped for any other reason, unless your character positively, absolutely has not changed in state at all. You can always contribute somehow, even if you just write that your character picks his nose and waits for someone to say something XD

* There is a strict three line limit. No padding. Dialogue counts as a line, but a post cannot be all dialogue. There must be a tag or an action with it.

* No godmodding or powerplaying.

* No wings, dragons and avians included. Wings are allowed only for monsters.

* No teleportation magic, invisibility, transformation magic, all powerful magic, or in general magic that I can see as being annoying. An exception might be transformation for a monster, invisibility suits for Neo-Tech military operations, or chameleon magic that makes one partially invisible.

*My character is the only chars allowed to be either invincible or immortal for a reason, either way you look at it, however, I may let you have an otherworldly char with a very long life span or difficult to harm body if that char is otherwise balanced out.

* You must be fully accepted to play.
* I will limit how many people can have an otherworldly character and if you play an otherworld character you MUST also play a second real universe character.

* PM me all complaints and questions or post them here.

We will start and make a posting order after those who voted have joined.

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: May 20, 2011, 07:04:34 PM by Katie W. »

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Re: Atreju (OOC)
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2011, 07:30:36 PM »
Will post my character sheet up tomorrow  :P
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100% chocolate-wafer feline!

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Re: Atreju (OOC)
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2011, 09:20:17 PM »
I left out things for these two on purpose. :3 They is special, and have reasons for being what they are that I want to hold back until later in the story when circumstances may revel them and they may choose to join a faction. XP But doesn’t mean you guys get away with leaving parts out.


Name: Moonchild
Gender: Female
Age: Six and a half
Species: Squirrel/Pomeranian Dog mix cub

Ref Pictures (if you have any):

Skin/Coloring: Snow white fur
Markings/Tattoos/Secondary Colors: Almost transparent blue marks in fur, top of ears. Blue inside of mouth and paw pads.

Eye Color: Blue
Eye style: Big and round
Hair Color: White
Hair Style: Is a lot longer than in pic, to her calves.

Build: A real lithe fluffball. Light and quick footed, agile.
Weight: Malnourished for a child.
Height: A few inches taller than the average six year old.

Clothing: Green hospital gown, medical identification bracelets.
Accessories: A stuffed pink sheep called Bob.

Mode of Transportation: on foot

Life Story

Personality: Scared constantly like a rabbit but when with her friend Atreyu is calmer and sweeter. Shy and nervous, scared even more around adults, holds a secret hateful venom towards adults that she wishes to exercise. Knows how to beg and lie.

Bio: Moon was raised in a very wealthy family in Dee. Her mother, a pomeranian, was a model for a clothing line, her father, a squirrel, an established Nazi officer. They liked to enter their little daughter in child beauty pageants in hope she would not only become beautiful and well known like her mother, but marry like her mother. But Moon didn’t like the beauty pageants…the other girls were mean to her, and the parents and judges were very strict, forcing poor Moon to sit for hours while they did her hair or makeup and getting very angry with her if she messed up her routine on stage. She didn’t like to fake the model smiles or wear the Lolita dresses. Eventually, Moon’s dislike of the child beauty pageant profession led to outbursts, temper tantrums and even psychological break downs. Her parents couldn’t stand that her daughter was acting like, god forbid, ‘a wild child.’ After one of Moon’s more violent outbursts at age 4 led to her stealing a knife and stabbing her teddy bear into shreds, her parents knew something was wrong with her. Instead of getting her mental help, they sought a way to get rid of her, not wanting a child with a mental illness (brought on by their abuse) to ruin their ‘pure’ reputation in Nazi society.

They found relief in the government itself. They asked Moon’s doctor to come to the house and examine her for mental illness, but after he concurred that she was no longer fit to be in the family, they decided to give their ‘disabled’ child to a better cause. Through her doctor, her parents learned that she was perfect to give up (for money) to a special government project, that not even the scientists themselves knew the name of. Moon was sent away from home to a secret laboratory north of Faye and given a new home in the form of a cell, new clothes in the form of hospital gowns, and new school in the form of daily scientific procedures to produce the ‘Aryan of Legend.’ Along other white and blonde haired, blue eyed children, she endured all these painful tests…unfortunately the other children, her friends, died as an end result.

Only she was left alive and this led the Nazi scientists to believe that she was indeed what they were looking for. In the end, she was all that and more. Newly gifted with the power of invulnerability, proved by many attempts at killing her, the scientists began to question if they had in fact produced the first artificial immortal……such a thing would be invaluable for all kind! Not knowing just what they did that made her what she was, they tried to figure out how to isolate the artificial immortality gene inside her, but continued to fail, not turning up anything.

Meanwhile, Moon grew lonelier and lonelier, to the point if she wasn’t mentally unstable before, she surely was now. With no more sense of love or right or wrong, Moon was confused when another blue eyed, light furred child by the name of Atreyu showed up in the neighboring cell. Turns out he was not a part of the project, but a pick up with no other place to be, a rat of the street newly a lab rat. They put him alongside her as a shared subject, to see if they could do anything with her genes to him that would make a difference. Slowly Moon and Atreyu became friends in the short times they had together.

Together, they made a plan to escape.


Name: Atreyu
Gender: Male
Age: 11
Species: Lion cub


Ref Pic:

Skin/Coloring: Dun yellow
Markings/Tattoos/Secondary Colors: off white

Eye Color: Deep blue
Eye style: serious, kind-looking
Hair Color: light blonde
Hair Style: messy, choppy, unkempt

Build: Light and lithe, very developed leg muscles from running, arm muscles from training
Weight: slightly lighter than average from starvation
Height: a bit shorter than the average 11 year old

Clothing: green hospital scrubs, medical identification bracelets
Accessories: N/A

Mode of Transportation: on foot

Life Story

Personality: Speaks his mind right away, known for pranks, tricks, and general fun to be around. Kind and very devoted to friends, but can get snappy not meaning to.

Bio: Atreyu was also not wanted by his parents, merchants who simply didn’t have the time and gave him up to the nearest Nazi military academy at age 7--- the Farview Academy for Boys. For years he was trained be a Nazi soldier, but secretly the boy resented his tutors for how cruel and unthinking they were….Yet he became one of the top boys in the academy, the track and field champion, and a handgun pro, hailed by teachers and peers alike.

During a training run, one of Atreyu’s best friends was killed by an instructor as an example of weapon failure and buried in an unmarked grave. From that point on, Atreyu made a mission of making his instructors miserable by telling them off on their mistakes, playing pranks and causing disruptions that always got him sent to the principal’s office. By the time he was around ten, Atreyu had had enough of the Nazi teachers. Along with his ‘team’ of friends, he rallied the boys together and overthrew the school, tying up the instructors and setting the buildings on fire while they watched.

Of course, the  boys had to surrender when the military itself showed up, and Atreyu was separated and incarcerated as the leader and sent his own way….through a series of mix ups and people to lazy to do anything, the boy prisoner ended up at a laboratory north of Faye, a spare test subject for a project involving an unusual little girl. He wants to help her escape.


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Re: Atreju (OOC)
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2011, 09:42:03 PM »
Yay it's here. Question, how many characters are we limited to?
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Re: Atreju (OOC)
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2011, 11:15:47 PM »
three  i suppose

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Re: Atreju (OOC)
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2011, 11:18:38 PM »
And you say no angels? I may use more than one...But I already have someone I want to use. :3

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Re: Atreju (OOC)
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2011, 02:29:27 AM »
Name: Viola Amour
Gender: female
Age: 19
Species: snow leopard

Appearance: lovely but not stunning
Ref Pictures (if you have any): see profile picture

Skin/Coloring: silver and white fur
Markings/Tattoos/Secondary Colors: triple moon tattoo on her stomach, tribal tattoo's on her shoulders and down her back

Eye Color: jade-emerald green
Eye style: almond
Hair Color: black as onyx
Hair Style: medium length with cute bangs

Build: athletic, slender, flexible, agile
Weight: 125 lb
Height: 5'10

Clothing: black tight leather pants, combat boots, matching corset like top, gauntlets
Accessories: silver studded belt, silver stud earrings

Mode of Transportation: anything she can get her hands on, mainly on foot

Weapons: two hand guns, five combat knives
How they are carried: the hand guns at her hips on her belt, two big knives on her hips, one strapped to her thigh, and one in each boot holder

Limitations/Details: Close Quarter Combat....Amazonian Military style

Magic: lightning/energy
Class: Barbarian
Calling: puberty
List and describe all spells: summons lightning, can touch a body to shock them severely or to kill them
Limitations: only during an electrical storm/ or a powerful electrical outlet or machine *which is hard to find without getting caught*
Breaks: several hours to recuperate


What faction does he/she belong to?: Alone

How does he/she feel about the SSNP, or Sentential Nazi Party?: dislikes them, does not associates with them

How does he/she feel about the RA, or Rebel Alliance?: She agree's with most of their wants and terms

How does he/she feel about the border war? she wants it to stop, she wants peace

The following section is only for independents....chars that do not belong to a particular group and are primarily on their own.

How did this character come to work alone? by the lost of her sister

How do they operate on their own? That is, do they have enemies? Or are they generally tolerated in all territories? many SSNP enemies, a couple of the RA dislike her

Given the opportunity, would this character join a group that suited them? RA

This following part is for chars who are members of a military or armed force only.

What Type of soldier is he or she? ]
Where does he/she serve?

State his or her rank or job.

Life Story

Personality: eerily calm, wickedly clever, alert, understanding and secretly compassionate

Bio: born into a good family, Viola lost her family except her baby sister when she was ten then right after was sold into slavery , several years later when Viola was seventeen and her baby sister Grace was sixteen, her sister was taken away to be a slave to one of the powerful leaders of the SSNP, for she was much more appealing than Viola, several months later she found out her baby sister was constantly used and then killed by her master when he got bored. Viola swore that she will kill him, as vengeance not only for her family but her sister. she has trained hard to reach this point to get close to him, so she can assassinate not only that leader but all of them, cold, bloody, and suffering deaths like her sister and family suffered.

her father was a RA spy, for several years was not caught, until he was killed along with most of the family. Viola has a soft spot for young children but is still close to stone hearten when it comes to the followers of the SSNP.  she was trained by a 'amazonian' wolf woman named Har'na who taught her the ways of fighting and became a Amazonian herself and is a spiritual warrior of the Triple Goddess

(it doesnt have to be amazonian...make something up)
« Last Edit: May 08, 2011, 04:23:04 PM by Emrelda TripleMoon »
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I am not making any more RP's. I may join one but right now, I have no patients to create RP's anymore.

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Re: Atreju (OOC)
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2011, 06:10:07 AM »
Name: Doctor Macid Krastinov
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Species: Canadian Lynx

Appearance: ???
Ref Pictures (if you have any):

Skin/Coloring: see ref picture
Markings/Tattoos/Secondary Colors: Triangle on forehead, Scar going across his face from left eye down to the bottom right of his face.

Eye Color: Royal Purple
Eye style:see ref
Hair Color:see ref
Hair Style:see ref

Build: Thin and Lanky to extremely buff.
Weight: 155 lbs to 415 lbs
Height: 5'8" to 7'5"

Clothing: Tattered SSNP Lab coat and glasses.
Accessories: A ring hooked onto a chain he wears around his neck at all times.

Mode of Transportation: by foot, can jump long distances when on Essence


Weapons: none/ uses fists
How they are carried: n/a

Limitations/Details: barely able to fight when normal, can rip apart solid steel at strongest. Extremely sensitive to sound.

Magic: Absorption magic.

Class: Barbarian
Calling: Magic symbols on his hands allow absorption of life essence from victim to him.
List and describe all spells: Absorb life essence. Can absorb the life essence of any individual and add their power to his own, causing extreme growth in muscle mass for a short period of time. usually 5 minutes per entire body on average. Can absorb more essence to extend the time.

Limitations: Must have constant physical contact with the target to absorb life
Breaks: Once enough life essence from people has been absorbed, the user can begin absorbing life from the planet as well, leaving a dead patch in their wake.


What faction does he/she belong to?: SSNP
How does he/she feel about the SSNP, or Sentential Nazi Party?: is strongly against, but remains loyal due to the labratorys they give him for his illness.

How does he/she feel about the RA, or Rebel Alliance?: Admires their courage, but feels they can never win against the SSNP as they aren't strong enough.

How does he/she feel about the border war? is not concerned

The following section is only for independents....chars that do not belong to a particular group and are primarily on their own.

How did this character come to work alone?

How do they operate on their own? That is, do they have enemies? Or are they generally tolerated in all territories?

Given the opportunity, would this character join a group that suited them?

This following part is for chars who are members of a military or armed force only.

What Type of soldier is he or she?

Where does he/she serve?

State his or her rank or job.

Life Story

Personality: cold and calculating, hardly shows emotion even in times of great duress. When on life essence, sadistic and cruel. A sociopath.

Bio: Macid was born into the well known Krastinov family, known for their expertise in absorption magic. At the age of 12 he was admitted into the Nil Institute of Science for his incredible genius and award winning presentation on Life Threatening Diseases. It was there that he met Maria, another Lynx that befriended him instantly. For 3 years they studied to try and find new cures to existing diseases to help the SSNP against the rebels. It wasn't until Macid reached 16 that his life took a turn for the worse. He was diagnosed with a fatal disease that eats away at the victim's body, until they're nothing but a pile of bones. Heir Carson wanted this disease to use against the rebels and promised Macid all the equipment and test subjects for whatever he needed to extract the virus for germ warfare. He was also promised the safety of Maria, as she had been taken by the SSNP for failure to recite the pledge correctly. Macid was aggravated that they would take try and use such a disease against people, but for the safety of his friend, he accepted. During one of the applications, a patient got loose and Macid accidentally absorbed the entire patient, causing him to grow extreme muscles and tear apart the laboratory. He blamed the outbreak on the patients for fear of what they would do if they found out he had such power. 5 years later he is without a functioning disease and has cost Heir Carson an entire lab and much more for nothing. He has 1 more year to extract the virus for warfare, or Maria will be executed.

Hows that? anything I need to change?
« Last Edit: May 06, 2011, 06:30:56 AM by Macid »

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Re: Atreju (OOC)
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2011, 12:32:43 PM »
question, if i create a tribe can i have minor controle over the members (non-player only) for short times but mainly controle my main charictor?
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Re: Atreju (OOC)
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2011, 01:29:45 PM »
I can reserve spot? And post sheet later?
if you ever want to see Lil Johny again...

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Re: Atreju (OOC)
« Reply #10 on: May 07, 2011, 01:08:10 AM »
Well here's my sheet, for the one I definitely want to use. Kinda debating on using another...Let me know if everything is cool or not.

Name: True/Nier
Gender: Male
Age: 15/??
Species: Weasel

Appearance: A typical white, brown and black furred weasel. A brownish black patch of fur over his eyes and black fur on his arms and legs. White furred belly, kinda dirty with brown. Brownish black back.
Ref Pictures (if you have any): Clicky

Skin/Coloring: Like a human white. Kinda peach/manilla. But it’s under his fur, so it’s not seen.
Markings/Tattoos/Secondary Colors: None.

Eye Color: Hazel
Eye style: Like a weasel? >>
Hair Color: No hair just fur.
Hair Style: N/A

Build: Thin, scrawny looking. Small. He’s a kid.
Weight: 155
Height: 5’3”

Clothing: White straight jacket
Accessories: Eye patch.

Mode of Transportation: Walking, if not in some for of mobile cage being transported.


Weapons: Knives. Lots of them.
How they are carried: Mouth, in his hands under his sleeve of the straight jacket and hidden seemingly everywhere on his body and clothes.

Limitations/Details: Being in a straight jacket can limit Nier drastically when fighting. Though he can fight whether it is fastened, restricting him from using his arms. It would primarily prohibit his ranged attacks, such as throwing his knives. In such a case he would wield the knife in his teeth and attack you using head movements and with a greater focus on his feet. (Which also he can use knives from.) True and Nier share a body, though only one side of him is out at a time. It is controlled via his eye patch. If the patch covers his left eye True is in control, whereas if his right eye were covered Nier would be in control.


Class: None
Calling: None
List and describe all spells: If anything it would be to spawn knives from virtually nothing, but none.

Limitations: None
Breaks: None


What faction does he/she belong to?: Neither, he’s a patient at the psychiatric hospital.

How does he/she feel about the SSNP, or Sentential Nazi Party?: True doesn’t like them and Nier could care less.

How does he/she feel about the RA, or Rebel Alliance?: Nier likes them, Nier again doesn’t care.

How does he/she feel about the border war? True is too young to do much and Nier wishes more people would be killed.
The following section is only for independents....chars that do not belong to a particular group and are primarily on their own.

Given the opportunity, would this character join a group that suited them? Yes, given the right circumstances. True would likely succumb to a more “Peaceful” invitation whereas Nier would go where there is killing involved.

This following part is for chars who are members of a military or armed force only.

What Type of soldier is he or she? N/A

Where does he/she serve? N/A

State his or her rank or job. N/A

Life Story
Personality: True is the nicest person you would ever encounter, he’s sweet, gentlemanly, kind hearted and caring. He would never hurt a fly/Nier has a crude humor and is down right psychotic. He’s manipulative, sadistic and outright evil. But he is also quite the gentleman.

 One day True came home to his family murdered. He in turn slaughtered the man who did it and lost his mind over the loss of his parents. When the police arrived on the scene they found True brooding over his murdered family covered in blood. Instinctively they accused him of the crime. He was declared mentally unstable and sent to a correctional facility somewhere to “get better”. He further lost his mind, not even being able to even bury his family, or even attend the funeral. His first week into the facility and he was sent to solitary confinement. He remained there for a whole year. Through that year he had developed a new friend, within his mind. It was another him, but a more evil him. He called himself Nier, that’s all he really knew about him. Other than the fact he was insane and very evil.

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Re: Atreju (OOC)
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2011, 10:19:19 PM »
@Srgntcuddles 1: You can have a wingless angel, from Ai, if you'd like.

@Emrelda: Nope, not accepted.  :$ Mean Katie is mean but please fix your magic section to include the details outline in the downloadable attachment of the first post. Also, she has way too many weapons goin' on. Cut down on some of them cause quite frankly I don't see how she sits down on her 'fast' motorcycle with all of that hanging off of her. Mary Sues fall on exactly the same line as powerplaying and she screams Mary Sue. I like her story, her looks are fine, but calling lightning and tellling when people lie autmoatically and martial arts and lovely and motorcycle and engineer at the same time....absolutely not. Please rebuild your character to be similar, but realistic and not as extreme. Again, not trying to be mean but I have to be strict because realistic character building requires it.

@Macid: He is fine. Glad you put limits on the crazy power or I would have turned into mean Katie again. Huh. This is so weird...the last time I did this RP I had all I have no soldiers XD

@Serpington: You may control a tribe you create, yes. I may take over for the tribe in major situations but for the rest, you may entirely control the tribe and decide what they do, but focus mostly on your main character. If you create a tribe, and serve in that tribe as a soldier then the soldier part of the sheet counts.

@Sain: You may reserve a spot, yes. I have other reserves as well, so might as well add another. The more players the better?

@Srgntcuddles 2: So where is this facility? How many knives? How does he hide all these knives from the hospital staff and where'd he get them? He seems good to go, an interesting character. Just curious.


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Re: Atreju (OOC)
« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2011, 10:31:42 PM »
im about to get my furry bum over to  a movie theater so i cant post today, just saying I will post in the future SOOOOOOO just telilng >,< (and now i have a bookmark to this on my phone so I can do this tomorrow)
I'm a devil, but I'm not bad most of the time. Okay I'm only bad some of the time. Okay maybe I'm bad all of the time. ;D

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Re: Atreju (OOC)
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2011, 10:39:40 PM »
Alright good to hear.

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Re: Atreju (OOC)
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2011, 10:46:11 PM »
I wanted my angel to have wings. I think I'll leave him out, I don't have much on him anyway. No offense.  >.>

As for where the facility is...I was planning on having it somewhere around Dee, in the Nazi controlled area. But closer to the border...I'm kinda debating. But I know I want it near the border. Maybe with a forest nearby.

As for the knives...In the 25-50 range. Though only when he's on his own, as it would be hard to conceal them all in the facility. As for hiding them from staff, he has a hard time. His keeper "Jerry" often strip searches him, removing the knives he can muster. Mostly scalpels and eating knives, be they plastic or silverware. Nier is very quick with his hands so he can steal knives he finds in the blink of an eye. Which is why his straight jacket is usually fastened. Every once in awhile Jerry will essentially walk him around. Though only with True "In command". But True has a fairly fragile mind and Nier sometimes manages to force True to snatch knives during the time Jerry walks around with him, he sometimes makes him say things he wouldn't as well as other minor things. (On his walks he's unfastened, because True isn't a huge threat)
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