Author Topic: Red Seas (OOC)  (Read 12747 times)

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Offline Shadis

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  • Wolf 7133 or Shadis, take your pick
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  • Species: Umbral Wolf
  • Coloring: Black fur with dark purple runes on my body and face
  • Height: Six Feet, three Inches
  • Weight: 200 Ibs.
  • Build: Strong, but not muscular
  • Currently: I'm beautiful!!!!! :'D
Red Seas (OOC)
« on: December 30, 2011, 07:50:19 AM »
     "You know the legends. You've heard the Tales. You know all their is to know about the Ancient Blood Mage known only as The Bloodied. Tales of him would be told around campfires and on those long airship voyages. How blood bent at his whim. How he could control your body with little more than a thought, or rip people apart with the wave of his paw. They did a great job of frightening little children and the supersitious sailors who've had a bit to much to drink, but surely not you. You know these tales are little more than tales. You don't believe such rubbish. And so you scoffed at the stories and laughed at the frightened children. None of it ever mattered to you.
     This all changed, however, when you are hired by a mysterious relic hunter. He wants you and a few others to travel deep into the island of Hema in search of an ancient temple. Within this temple, you hope to find your hireror's prize, an ancient Book called The Blood Letting which is suppost to contain the last traces of the ancient art of blood magic. The Relic hunter would not say why he wants the book, just simply that you get it back to him. The gold he offered as payment was well worth the trip. So you foolishly accepted the job, unaware of the evil that the ancient ruins of Hema contains. Our story begins with you and your fellow treasure hunters on an airship as you slowly fly towards your destination, Hema island."
This is an action/adventure RP that will be Co-led with Kayato and I. The setting consist of several large islands all near each other. Tall, rocky cliffs on each side of every island impose any sort of contact with the rocky, monster infested sea below. Instead, the inhabitants have turned to the sky as their main mode of transportation. Several steampunkish air ships have been constructed and air travel has become a major factor in life in the area. Despite how the introduction may have seemed, air ship travel, combat, and exploration is a MAJOR part of this roleplay. defeating The Bloodied is the key goal of this Role Play, but Air ship travel will be the bulk of the Role Play, as much island hopping will be taking place. the Era is a more middle ages fantasy, with some technilogical improvements much as guns, airships, and other steam punk tech.
If you wish to join, Bio must include:
Weapons: [Max of two for mages, four for non mages.]
Magic: [Optinal, only one school of magic is allowed per person. However, any school of magic is allowed, except for blood magic, as it is an extinct art]
Skills: (Things your good at)
Shortcomings: (Things you cannot do or are bad at. At least one is required)
Brief Story: (Optinal)
A few basic rules:
1. No God moding
2. No power killing, Make fights last abit
3. No flawless characters, you can be skillfull, but coming out untouched/ unharmed from every fight, never being tricked, Never loosing a fight, ect. These all get old fast. Try to be more realistic
4. No devine blessings or immortality.
5. No killing off Characters you don't own, unless an arrangment has been made via PM
6. Romance is allowed, but keep it PG-13 and tasteful.
7. No controlling other characters, unless given permission by that Character's owner.
8. Guns allowed, but only to the extent of muskets and such. Like Pirate times
Basically the standard RP rules apply. Other than that, have fun and steer the RP any way you want!  :)


Post Merge: December 30, 2011, 08:03:17 AM

Natually I will be in this  ;)
Name: Shadis
Species: Umbra Wolf
Age: Physically 22. Actual age: Ageless (Immortal to age, so Im very old  X3 )
Appearence: About the same as my avitar and Bio. Black fur with blood red runes. Trench coat with matching runes. Loose Black pants, Black boots. six feet, 3 inches tall.
Weapons: two Daedric shortswords from the game, Oblivion.
Magic: Umbramancy (Shadow Magic)
Skills: Knowledgeable from all his years living. decent swordsmenship. Good focus when it comes to magic.
Shortcomings: Suffers from a horrible lack of common sense and is prone to do foolish things. Also refuses to use guns as they are a "sign of weakness" as he would say.
Brief Story: No, he usually keeps his extensive past to himself
Other: Actually believes in The Bloodied, as he has fought with him before. No one believes him though.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2011, 08:07:07 AM by Wolf 7133 »
  • Avatar by: ArcaneDragoness

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Offline Kaya

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  • Species: dragon with feathered wings
  • Coloring: Green eyes, purple and blue hair to her mid back purple and blue scales on her body
  • Height: 5' 10''
  • Weight: 120lbs
  • Build: alletically built
  • Currently: Nursing a cracked spine and busted right hip
Re: Red Seas (OOC)
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2011, 04:18:57 PM »
 Naturally I am in this as well. :) hehe you go gamemaster buddy. :)

Name: Scarlet

Species: Mouse

Age:: phsycally 22

Discription: (my height and a little heaver 5'7'', and 125lbs) long silver hair, white mouse, bluegold eyes. Wears mainly cloaks and tighter clothing. She seams defencless, but can and will kill anyone that she deams a nucnce.

Wepons: two. Knives and poisons/polguices

Magic: Necromncy (ddnt see that one comming did you ;) )

Skills: exclent necromancer, deception, manulipation.

Downfalls: is emtionally attached to The Bloodied, and will do ANYTHING if she feels it will benifit TheBlooded

Story: is loyal to The Blooded, and only The Blooded. She helped him rise to power and was sealed with him in the temple.


Name: Kaya

Species: Umbra Wolf

Age: 22

Discription/apearence: a little taller than Scarlet, has black fur purple runes (female version of Wolf's profile picture.. XD with purple runes) dark clothing formfitting.

Wepons: two pyrmoancy and her long sord

Magic: Pyromancy

Skills: insanely good at pyromancy, mildly good with decption.

Downfalls: can't express much emotion, so prone to violent outbursts

Story. Seince a young age she has been desplaying her afinity for pyromancy. Shhe accidentally set her own house ablaze and ended up killing her family, thus she sealed her emotions away.

« Last Edit: January 01, 2012, 11:59:23 PM by Kayato »
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you can always return to the land of goodness. the road is paved with many challenges, but the most rewarding paths are not always the easiest.

Offline Aldrea945

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  • Species: Tiger/raven mix
  • Coloring: Gold and black fur seguing into black feathers
  • Height: 5 foot.
  • Weight: 220 pounds of fur and feathers
  • Build: Strong, lean, and agile. Built more for hunting or long range battle than heavy weapons or close range.
  • Currently: I shall live again! (Maybe.)
Re: Red Seas (OOC)
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2011, 04:37:23 PM »
Name: Danny
Species: Tiger anthro
Age: 15
Clothes/Appearence: A rather powerful, but still lean, girl.  She has long, curly hair and gold eyes.  Her fur is predominately white with black stripes, hiding her easily in the winter among the trees.  She usually wears a halter/collar top, shorts or pants, high boots, and gloves.  A ribbon is tied on her tail.
Weapons: A bow and quiver, battle claws.  (Gauntlets with knives jutting out from the tips of the fingers and arched over the knuckles.  Each palm has two sharp knives aranged in an X shape)  She doesn't use the latter much, but is proficiant in them when she does.
Magic: Small bits of healer's magic.
Skills: Hunting, fighting, most problem solving
Shortcomings: She can be too short fused and doesn't always think her connections with others through.  Easily manipulated.
Brief Story: Danny is a ranger/explorer, with a strange disposition in her morals.  She's not afraid to kill, so long as it's not completely senseless.  She also loves to fight.  Although she's quick to become friends with others, it's rather easy to to use her emotions to pervert that connection.  She does not guard her emotional wellbeing well.  She can be naive toward people, even though she is very knowledgable toward nature.  She's rather cheerful most times.
Other: N/A
« Last Edit: January 05, 2012, 03:44:51 PM by Aldrea945 »
  • Avatar by: Kayato! <3 <3
I have an angry teddy bear with a flamethrower and a bad temper.

He's not as cute as Lucifer said he'd be, but at least the chainsaw is hidden.

Offline Cifero Windtail

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  • Species: Crat Feline-crow mix. (Just found out.... I HAVE FRACKING WINGS!!) (SO freaked out!!)
  • Coloring: Grey with dark grey stripes, Black hair, light blue scleras and blue corneas,
  • Height: 5' 10&quot;
  • Weight: 89 lbs. and then about 50 more (about 139 lbs.); he's fit, but he's not muscular. Has a bit of an outie.
  • Build: Lithe but wiry; a little soft around the middle, but it's hardly noticeable; he's actually got a rather feminine form.
  • Reference: [link]
  • Currently: Holding out for a hero... but always having to save myself.
Re: Red Seas (OOC)
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2011, 07:45:26 PM »
Name: Joseph Windstrike
Clothes/Appearence: wears clothes similar to Matthew from "Golden Sun: Dark Dawn", but looks like me and has my body structure and also has wings; additionally, he has an odd pair of gloves that can project random useful stuff
Weapons: sabre, returning dagger, longbow, throwing knives of all sorts
Magic: The dagger is magical, for it always comes back, but otherwise, nothing else.
Skills: Shurikenjitsu, fencing, archery, reading, stealth
Shortcomings: Cannot not be stealthy and often accidently sneaks up on people and scares the hell out of them.
Brief Story: A random street urchin, Joseph joined the group because he likes adventure.
  • Avatar by: I have three or four great ones: one by Sabah and a few by Lovableoutcast/Kishi... and also this one, drawn by Kayato/ Kaya... thanks guys. ^_^
  • Signature art by: I just want to tell you, the reference is a link to my other fursona.  Also:
(I love my sister)
Don't mess with Grammaton Clerics. THEY WILL END YOU.

Offline Shadis

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  • Wolf 7133 or Shadis, take your pick
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  • Species: Umbral Wolf
  • Coloring: Black fur with dark purple runes on my body and face
  • Height: Six Feet, three Inches
  • Weight: 200 Ibs.
  • Build: Strong, but not muscular
  • Currently: I'm beautiful!!!!! :'D
Re: Red Seas (OOC)
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2011, 11:55:41 PM »
Awesome Guys, great Characters! I suppose I should post The Bloodied's Bio now...
Name: The Bloodied
Species: Jackel (Like an Anubite from Eyptian Mythology)
Age: Ancient. Even older that Shadis
Apperence: Black fur with a red hue, due to all the blood he's dealt with. He also wears a very bloodstained robe that looks kind of like this: (Minus the fake, plastic Axe  X3 )
Weapons: His blood Magic, and a Daedric Dagger which looks like this:
Magic: Blood magic (The only one who can use this)
Skills: A master Blood Mage. Immortal, since he is undead thanks to Scarlet.
Shortcomings: Very few. He never speaks unless he is using a spell, which is always in an ancient, forgotten language. Since he is undead, he doesn;t have much in the way of emotion. IF a litch could love, Scarlet would probably be his mate.
Story: Was once a powerful Blood mage that attempted to kill everyone in existance, for reasons unknown. He was defeated by Shadis (Who rememebers only small fractions of this) and a few others. He was, however, never killed as he was far too powerful. Instead, Shadis and friends had to seal him and his Necromancer assistant inside of an ancient temple. That was thousands of years ago. Now the ledgens are all but forgotten. Until now.
Other: Scarlet is his Necromancer assistant. She loved him all those years ago, and managed to revive him with her dark arts. While his emotions are long since dead, he still seems to notice Scarlet more that any other living being. She however, still loves him. And, despite being undead, his body is still compleatly intact and hasnt rotted at all. Blood still flows in his veins, which is not a good thing for everyone else. 
  • Avatar by: ArcaneDragoness

We fight, we recruit, we are the anthropomorphic army. FDF forever!
Wolf 7133: Supernatural Division Leader

Offline Alison Marie

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  • Species: husky/skunk/wolf
  • Coloring: white, neon blue
  • Height: 5'7
  • Weight: 115-120
  • Build: skinny and tall good runner
Re: Red Seas (OOC)
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2011, 02:11:02 AM »
Name: sigma
Species: wolf skunk hybrid
Age: 14
Clothes/Appearence: light blue collar, wears black windpants, with a dark gary teeshirt, and a black and grey hoody, white fur, with neon blue behind ears, back of tail, end of muzzle, neon blue highlights in hair, long hair, slightly feminine features.
Weapons:two bladed tonfas, one pistol, and large hunting knife
Magic: none
Skills: reading, writing, running
Shortcomings: poor eye sight, no math, paranoid
Brief Story: (Optinal)
Other: fear of objects bigger than himself
« Last Edit: January 01, 2012, 11:51:25 PM by tallice »
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Offline Kaya

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  • Species: dragon with feathered wings
  • Coloring: Green eyes, purple and blue hair to her mid back purple and blue scales on her body
  • Height: 5' 10''
  • Weight: 120lbs
  • Build: alletically built
  • Currently: Nursing a cracked spine and busted right hip
Re: Red Seas (OOC)
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2011, 04:57:45 AM »
ummm cif.. seince you dont use magic um where did the magic dagger come from.... O_O
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you can always return to the land of goodness. the road is paved with many challenges, but the most rewarding paths are not always the easiest.

Offline Shadis

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  • Wolf 7133 or Shadis, take your pick
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  • Species: Umbral Wolf
  • Coloring: Black fur with dark purple runes on my body and face
  • Height: Six Feet, three Inches
  • Weight: 200 Ibs.
  • Build: Strong, but not muscular
  • Currently: I'm beautiful!!!!! :'D
Re: Red Seas (OOC)
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2011, 07:22:54 AM »
Cifero, their are two things I wanted to bring to you attention bud. First is, if you have the boomerang knife, then you are not allowed to take control of it with your concesness like in the Voyage. It can be used as a knife and it can be thrown, but that is the extent of it's abilities. Also, your magical gloves that can create things would count as a weapon. So im afraid you are over the limit on weapons and will have to remove one. That is all.
  • Avatar by: ArcaneDragoness

We fight, we recruit, we are the anthropomorphic army. FDF forever!
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Offline Aldrea945

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  • Species: Tiger/raven mix
  • Coloring: Gold and black fur seguing into black feathers
  • Height: 5 foot.
  • Weight: 220 pounds of fur and feathers
  • Build: Strong, lean, and agile. Built more for hunting or long range battle than heavy weapons or close range.
  • Currently: I shall live again! (Maybe.)
Re: Red Seas (OOC)
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2012, 03:39:45 PM »
Would you allow me to add a possible dabbling in small amounts of magic?  I'm still really new to using magic and really don't want to screw up...
(When I saw the Roleplay up by the way, I squeed like crazy.  :3 )
  • Avatar by: Kayato! <3 <3
I have an angry teddy bear with a flamethrower and a bad temper.

He's not as cute as Lucifer said he'd be, but at least the chainsaw is hidden.

Offline Shadis

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  • Wolf 7133 or Shadis, take your pick
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  • Species: Umbral Wolf
  • Coloring: Black fur with dark purple runes on my body and face
  • Height: Six Feet, three Inches
  • Weight: 200 Ibs.
  • Build: Strong, but not muscular
  • Currently: I'm beautiful!!!!! :'D
Re: Red Seas (OOC)
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2012, 10:06:48 PM »
Considering you only gave yourself two weapons and non mages are allowed up to four, yes you may. But only one school of magic. Limiting mages to one school helps cut down on over powered players. We havn't any healers, and we may want one. Just a suggestion, it's your call what magic you use.
  • Avatar by: ArcaneDragoness

We fight, we recruit, we are the anthropomorphic army. FDF forever!
Wolf 7133: Supernatural Division Leader

Offline Aldrea945

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  • Species: Tiger/raven mix
  • Coloring: Gold and black fur seguing into black feathers
  • Height: 5 foot.
  • Weight: 220 pounds of fur and feathers
  • Build: Strong, lean, and agile. Built more for hunting or long range battle than heavy weapons or close range.
  • Currently: I shall live again! (Maybe.)
Re: Red Seas (OOC)
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2012, 10:43:13 PM »
Oooh.  Alright.  :)  (How do you know what I love to have?  :3)
  • Avatar by: Kayato! <3 <3
I have an angry teddy bear with a flamethrower and a bad temper.

He's not as cute as Lucifer said he'd be, but at least the chainsaw is hidden.

Offline Jay-Hyena

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  • Species: Spotted Hyena
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  • Height: 5'6"
  • Weight: 125 lbs
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Re: Red Seas (OOC)
« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2012, 10:50:18 PM »
Name: Izaya Inel
Species: Spotted Hyaena
Age: 25
Clothes/Appearence: Izaya is an anthropomorphic spotted hyaena with dark grey fur. He has black spots all over his body, as normal for his species. He has a head of lighter grey hair, nearly a silver colour. His hair, too, has black splotches. His eye colour is much like his hair, a light, pale grey colour. He wears a small white shirt made of weak cloth under a much more stronger jacket. The jacket is made of black leather, and though not the toughest of materials, it provides good mobility. His pants are a simple dark brown cloth with a couple of pouches for simple things such as smoke bombs. His sharp claws are his primary weapon, used to slit throats of the unsuspecting, while he sheaths twin daggers at his side for direct combat.
Weapons: Twin daggers, razor sharp claws and teeth.
Magic: Non-Mage. N/A
Skills: Stealthy kills and sneaking. Very strong and disciplined in combat, and is an experienced fighter.
Shortcomings: Cannot plan well, over-complicating his ideas where they often need no complications. Is a sociopath and suffers acrophobia.
Brief Story: As a young child, Izaya's father was a blacksmith, and was taught this trait up until he was 13, when his family was murdered mysteriously. He ran away from the town and found a mentor, who was a veteran in bounty hunting. He passed his skills onto Izaya to become a great bounty hunter. His mentor died, however, when Izaya was at the age of 20. After the death of his mentor, he moved on to find a home, but has not found one yet. He currently makes a living seeking random jobs for cash.

Other: Believes in the Bloodied as he's very superstitious, but thinks he is stronger than them anyways.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2012, 10:54:57 PM by Jay-Hyena »

Offline Shadis

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  • Species: Umbral Wolf
  • Coloring: Black fur with dark purple runes on my body and face
  • Height: Six Feet, three Inches
  • Weight: 200 Ibs.
  • Build: Strong, but not muscular
  • Currently: I'm beautiful!!!!! :'D
Re: Red Seas (OOC)
« Reply #12 on: January 01, 2012, 11:40:30 PM »
Looks great Jay, welcome to the roleplay!  :D
Oooh.  Alright.  :)  (How do you know what I love to have?  :3 )
What do you mean?  :?
  • Avatar by: ArcaneDragoness

We fight, we recruit, we are the anthropomorphic army. FDF forever!
Wolf 7133: Supernatural Division Leader

Offline Aldrea945

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  • Species: Tiger/raven mix
  • Coloring: Gold and black fur seguing into black feathers
  • Height: 5 foot.
  • Weight: 220 pounds of fur and feathers
  • Build: Strong, lean, and agile. Built more for hunting or long range battle than heavy weapons or close range.
  • Currently: I shall live again! (Maybe.)
Re: Red Seas (OOC)
« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2012, 12:00:39 AM »
When I RP in private with Kaya, I use healing magic.  How'd you know?  :P
  • Avatar by: Kayato! <3 <3
I have an angry teddy bear with a flamethrower and a bad temper.

He's not as cute as Lucifer said he'd be, but at least the chainsaw is hidden.

Offline Kaya

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  • Species: dragon with feathered wings
  • Coloring: Green eyes, purple and blue hair to her mid back purple and blue scales on her body
  • Height: 5' 10''
  • Weight: 120lbs
  • Build: alletically built
  • Currently: Nursing a cracked spine and busted right hip
Re: Red Seas (OOC)
« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2012, 12:04:17 AM »
I edited my ages and added storys wolf.
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you can always return to the land of goodness. the road is paved with many challenges, but the most rewarding paths are not always the easiest.


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