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Tale of Spirits OOC - Open
« on: April 07, 2013, 11:19:33 PM »
Spoiler for Hidden:
I do apologise if this isn't entirely up to scratch, its my first time organising an RP


This RP is set in medieval times, based in a sprawling country, where spititual creatures have lived in fairly good harmony with the anthromorphic creatures of the land. There are two main types:

Guardians, which protect villages, towns, cities, and sometimes even trading caravans. They are sustained by taxes from those they protect, which can be anything from money to livestock to the blood of their charges. The more dear the sacrafice, the more powerful the guardian. The looks of a guardian depend on bothe its environment and what its charges specialize in. One from a large castle would look like a fortification, with heavy weaponry, while one from a trading village may have a variety of materials across it, maybe an awning somewhere!

Wild ones are the spirits of land not controlled by furries, their power is purely based on the area of the land they own. The most powerful control whole maountains, canyons and valleys, although only three this powerful are known. Their looks are based on their environment: One from a jungle would usually have bark covering it, and vines snaking about it, while one from a rocky area would be solid, with a tough outer shell.

A note on wild ones, is that they are often fighting each other to extend their own land, this stops their seperate lands becoming too big. Some form small alliances to destroy larger spirits, and new spirits are sometimes created.

Simple timeline of events:

300 years ago: The first furry explorers arrived in the spirit infested lands from the north-western sea, setting up tough fronteir villages and towns, defended by heroes (Who also went out to hunt the rowdier wild ones).

270 years ago: The first city is set up; it was costal, to ferry more supplies to the new villages.

225 years ago: The first furry/spirit truce is set up, in a frontier town based on the plains. More join soon after.

215 years ago: A central city joins with a spirit. The first fully mechanical spirit is born.

160-100 years ago: Pinnacle of furry/spirit alliance. Both groups live in harmony benefiting from each other, heroes going out to slay evil wild ones.

85 years ago: Trust in the spirits wanes, the taxes start becoming a nuisance to some villages.

60 years ago: A boat comes from across the southern sea, containing warriors, dressed in shimmering armour bearing gifts of silver. The seemed almost god-like, but were repulsed by the spirits. They promised the inhabitants they would return with more men to lift their curse.

45 years ago: The Paladins returned, and began a campaign of slaughtering the spirits, protecting the land themselves, at cheaper rates for villages. They only worked with money however, which some saw as a benefit. Heroes were slowly put out of buisness by the paladins.

15 years ago: The first of the truly evil wild ones (known as dark ones) entered the land, spreading toxic swamps, and volcanic flats and tundras, thanks to the lack of other spirits to stop them.

Present: The Paladins and the dark ones have met only recently, and are mostly occupying each other in a longlasting campaign, heroes are mostly out of buisness, waging their own campaign against the Paladins, as well as the dark ones, the spirits are doing the same.


The Western Lands: These are flat plains, with sea at the north west where the largest concentration of cities. A few spirits remain, hiding within their lands and protecting their villages, save for Axoth, one of the greats, who actually guards three cities and the villages around him. He is powered on a sacrafice a day, and not even the Paladins wish to fight him yet.

The Northern Lands: They are the home to a few barbarian heroes and Nomads, however much less than normal. The area is mostly controlled by the dark ones, based around tundras, there is also a sea to the North West.

The Eastern Lands: One of the areas least affected by the paladins. Only a few cities exist here, and there are still a fair few spirits, as well as some heroes. There are also sagely tinkers too, who have everything from culverins, to repeating crossbows to gliders. It is a technological area. The south is mostly desert, the rest is a mix of savahna and jungle. A powerful and sagely Wild one resides here, called Frekhin, he is probably the most furry-freindly wild there is, and has protected the land from the dark ones.

The Southern Lands: To the west is where the Paladins arrived, and there are a few Paladin cities there, to the east is desert, which still has some spirits in it. The rest of the area, save for close to the desert, is entirely devoid of spirits.

The Dark hole: It used to be refered to as the central lands, however now it is mostly home to the dark ones, poisoned swamps to the east, volcanic lands to the west, near the central north however, is apparently pure barren land. Rumour from muttering madmen mostly, however apparently, there is a dark one great, who has been dubbed: The Torturer.

Characte Creation:

You can either have a Hero character, or a Spirit character.

Spirit Character Form:

Name: (Does what it says on the tin)
Age: (Pretty simple this, remember that spirits are unaging)
Height: (Most normal spirits are rougly human height)
Weight: (Take into account the material you're made of, a rock spirit will be heavy!)
Status: (Wild One, or Guadian)
Elemental Persuasion: (What element your character is based around, earth, fire, water, air
Physical Appearance: (Try and add a fair bit of detail please!)
Place of Orgin: (North, East, West, settlement name or type of land if you are a wild one)
Weaponry: (Entirely optional)
Abilities: (Nothing overpowered, just use common sense)
Backstory: (It doesn't have to be too detailed, but nothing too simple either, above four lines)

Hero Character Form:

Name: (Does what it says on the tin)
Age: (Does what it says on the tin)
Height: (Does what is says on the tin)
Weight: (Does what it says on the tin)
Physical Appearance: (Same as with spirits, add a bit of detail!)
Place of Origin: (North, East, South, West, Home settlement name)
Weaponry: (Nothing overpowered, and nothing too modern! No assault rifles)
Abilities: (Remember to include things that aren't directly related to combat! Are the a slick trader? A well known bard, or something else?)
Backstory: (Same as with Spirits)

Example character:

Name: Tetron

Age: 110

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 180lbs

Status: Wild one

Elemental Persuasion: Water

Physical Appearance: While able to fool some of the less observant with his brown rocky shell, the more observant would soon notice the large amount of moss on the said shell, and how moist the shell was. The even more observant would notice how soft and muddy it got at the top, and how a constant spray of water came from the stacks on top of his body. His small rocky, three eyed head also has eyes which look exactly like water. When he moves, a grating sound occurs from his rock plates scraping each other, and when he feels strongly about something, the stacks on his back burst like a water-based volcano.

Because Tahl is a fishing village, Tetron has a number of fishooks produting from his soft, muddy midriff, wherever he walks, the ground becomes wet. A pair of leather binds help to hold his fishing spear shen he's not using it, and tied to him in various places, are charms made of fish bones. He runs off large fish, sacraficed once a week for him.

Place of Orgin: North-West, Tahl

Weaponry: Fishing Spear

Abilities: Tetron has good control over the element of water: He can summon rain over a small area, cause fisures in the ground to open up, blasting his opponents with water, and can make good use of his fishing spear both in combat and out of it. He is also incredibly patient, as well as having good coordination. All good traits in a fisherman.

Backstory: Tetron was formed during the pinnacle of furry-spirit alliance, and was quickly, yet willingly, drafted in to protect a fishing village near a waterfall. He was originally guarding the river aobe the waterfall, however he preferred the village life, and quickly became skillful at fishing. Of course, he didn't sever his link with nature, like some of the city guardians, and still retained many of his water based powers.

His village was not very heavily affected by the slow mistrust, growing against spirits. This is because the northern lands are full of spirits, both good and evil even then. His village required his protection, and he didn't ask for too steep a tithe anyway.

Of course, when the Paladins came, his village turned against him, not needing his help any more. Wracked by the sense of betrayal, Tetron sacrificed many of their fish for himself, so he could store it for the journey away, while also causing his unfaithful village to starve. Although he doesn't know it, his actions caused many in the village to die.

He trekked east, doing jobs for travellers in return for a fish sacraficed in his name, however he was slowly weakening. Eventually, he came across the dark ones, although they were just growing at theat time. He fought past the tip, expending all of his stored spiritual energy. He got past them, however he was incredibly weak.

He found a river ater during the day, and minimized his form to that of a fish, helping other fish, gaining power by the small scraps of food they collected for him. He and his aquatic allies eventually reached an eastern city, and Tetron combined himself with a stretch of river.

Currently, he wanders, selling fish for a good price, as well as protecting caravans of goods. He is known across the land by quite a few people, however he doesn't have the status of a full blown hero.

Important Characters:

Name: Axoth

Age: 345

Height: 850'

Weight: 1475000lbs (He can crush villages by stepping on them)

Status: Great Guardian

Elemental Persuasion: Earth, Technology

Physical Appearance: A living castle, his body is made mostly of flint, with large drapings of cloth bearing royal markings, as well as wooden scaffhodls, cranes and turntables holding catapults. His form is actually hunched, however a fair bit of height is given by a tower spouting from his shoulders. His mouth is a pair of doors, barred by a portcullis, and his whole head is encased by what looks to be a stone helm.

His hands are huge, even with proportion to his body, and could crush many spirits easily within his grasp. His feet are also very large, covered in nicks and grazes and wear and tear for simply existing for so long. At night, the many windows on him light up with an internal fire, making him impossible to miss at night, as well as at day.

Place of Orgin: The West Lands, The Great Plains of Talron (Now The Great Plains of Axon)

Weaponry: Multiple catapults, a huge sword, and an even huger war hammer.

Abilities: His very footsteps shake the earth slightly, he could crush almost any foe set against him, he is wise thanks to his age, and the fact that so many worship him results in him having an instant authority over almost anyone. Other spirits fear him, save for Frekhin, who sees him as pompous and over confident, and the torturer, who despises him. His skill with his hammer is high, and he can move in a suprisingly agile fashion when in battle, not that he's fought in a long time. He has just rested. Some people could probably beat him if they tried, but the sheer magical force around him means no-one wants to try.

Backstory: By the time Furrykind first reached the land of spirits, Axoth was already a moderately powerful spirit, in control of a fair sized area of the plains. He was a pure earthen spirit then, however he was interestied in the new creatures. After many years of increasing his land size with his commanding voice and physical prowess, some furries wandered in. He allowed them to build on his land and even provided trees for villages to be built from.

When he revealled himself in his divine and colossal glory, the villagers were in awe of him. Utilising his commanding voice to get the villagers to worship him, they occasionally sacrificed livestock for him, putting him into the transition stage from Wild one to Guardian.

As the group of villages became larger and towns were added, Axoth became a guardian, slowly losing his ties with the plains, yet joining with the furries. Sacrifices became dearer, and he became stronger, protecting the villages and towns from spirits, and invading forces. Then came the cities...

All his ties with the plains were lost, and he became a living castle, powered by the sacrafices of many. His state was barely shaken by the arrival of the paladins, and he repelled those who tried to fight him with ease. He has been silent for several years, guarding his state like a stone sentinel.

I will do the two other greats later...
WARNING: Rp will almost certainly contain violence, blood, bad language, igniting living things, and a giant manipulative sadist spirit, you have been warned.

Of course, no super graphic descriptions of really creepy violence, and please censor ruder words such as ****, **** and *****. Also no funnyfuntiems (You know what I mean!). Thank you!
« Last Edit: April 12, 2013, 07:28:23 PM by Kittenpillar the A.F »
If you eat poison, don't forget to lick the dish. - Japanese Proverb

Make a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day, light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett

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Re: Tale of Spirits OOC - Open
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2013, 02:45:49 AM »
Looks interesting.  :)
Name: Rachel Hidesca
Age: 17
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 125, mostly muscle
Physical Appearance: Heavily muscled.  Tortoise shell cat furry, brown eyes. 
Place of Origin: West, but resides in the east now.  A nomadic Hero.
Weaponry: Knife and bow.
Abilities: Due to her nomadic status, she's good at hunting, fishing, gathering, making fire, et cetera.  She lives alone most times, so this is a nessessity.  She's also a good potter, seamstress, and scavenger, but usually leaves the pots behind when she moves.  Rather socially awkward, and doesn't do well in groups.
Backstory: Born to a Paladin, she refused to follow her father's footsteps after finding they were causing just as much hardship as the spirits before them.  Now, following her mother's footsteps, she's after Torturer, hoping to stop him, even if it costs her her life.
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I have an angry teddy bear with a flamethrower and a bad temper.

He's not as cute as Lucifer said he'd be, but at least the chainsaw is hidden.

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Re: Tale of Spirits OOC - Open
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2013, 07:29:54 AM »
Dude this is pretty legit as hell!  >.> Sounds like it would be an epic game! XP

Name: William Sanferd Richardson
Age: 26
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 203 lbs
Physical Appearance: Is a Jaguar who's fur is a lighter orange, eyes are a yellow color, has a fit and muscular body with a couple scars around his body, tips of his left ear is cut off, he wears a looted armor set from a fallen Paladin that has been dyed a different color looking a dark blue, the chest piece, one left wrist guard and shin/knee guards, underneath is a hunters hood dyed black, tail flickers around freely out of pants through a self made hole.

Place of Origin: Was last found washed up on the shores of the Northern Lands and brought back to the Eastern Lands for tending to.

Weaponry: A large great sword was found strapped to his back almost as tall as he is and a lone right gauntlet that looks to be created from old times looking a copper color with a lone blue gem on the back of his hand with strange abstract markings running along, it seems it cannot be removed by normal means and stays attached like part of his body.

Abilities: Since he is just a warrior he only knows how to fight and survive harsh conditions, and has certainly made himself a wide arsenal or attacks,
Lighting fist; Harnessing power within his gauntlet can use it for a crippling and devastating punch which as a draw back, will leave him exhausted and vulnerable for a short period of time.
Berzerker's Spree (is what others call it); Under extreme pressure and frustration goes into a fit of rage and power that seems to originate from his gauntlet as the gem on the back of his hand gives a faint glow, casting defense and dodging moves for an all out barrage of swings and attacks.
Mighty throw; Winding up his whole body can toss his great sword far distances to clear a path through enemy's kinda like a giant boomerang catching it back with the gauntlet. (if you look at Siegfried from SoulCalibur his fighting style is similar)

Backstory: Not much is known about Will for he cannot remember his past nor does anybody know of him, but he seems to remember his name and training pretty well, he was found washed up on the shores unconscious, and brought back to small village on the outskirts of a city, when he first awoke he tried to remember something but not even the few spirits who could help failed. Casting his own problems aside to make something for himself, he slayed a commanding Paladin a few day later who was threatening and harming an elderly wild one and earning the right to wear his armor as a sign we can protect our selves, for a short time was called "The Wrath of the Wild." Often putting himself in danger to protect others he has a kind heart, and always willing to lend a hand. Has recently suffered with memory flashes that often send him into an instant rage, it seems getting near Dark spirits drives his anger even more resulting in him thriving about in pain hearing a faint voice that sounds eerily close to "The Torturer" What is their connection? Will wishing to find out at all costs, even if it takes him to the pits of the "The Dark Hole." With his blade and curious gauntlet nothing will stand in his way.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2013, 07:55:42 PM by Chronic Payne »
"Hold your head up high, set them eyes forward, and light your heart ablaze!!!"

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Re: Tale of Spirits OOC - Open
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2013, 03:57:56 PM »
I may wait until we have a couple extra players.
(4-5 is my goal)
If you eat poison, don't forget to lick the dish. - Japanese Proverb

Make a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day, light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett

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Re: Tale of Spirits OOC - Open
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2013, 07:41:13 PM »
I... May be able to join... This looks interesting, I'm just not sure I will have time seeing as I am returning to University next week. Also I dont have time to write up a character right now  ;)   I will get back to you If I reckon I will be able to join. If not, then good luck with your first RP anyway  :)
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  • Weight: 89 lbs. and then about 50 more (about 139 lbs.); he's fit, but he's not muscular. Has a bit of an outie.
  • Build: Lithe but wiry; a little soft around the middle, but it's hardly noticeable; he's actually got a rather feminine form.
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  • Currently: Holding out for a hero... but always having to save myself.
Re: Tale of Spirits OOC - Open
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2013, 11:55:57 PM »
I will DEFINITELY be joining soon... let me just get my crap together... maybe see if I can reuse an old friend...
  • Avatar by: I have three or four great ones: one by Sabah and a few by Lovableoutcast/Kishi... and also this one, drawn by Kayato/ Kaya... thanks guys. ^_^
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Re: Tale of Spirits OOC - Open
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2013, 04:34:12 PM »
I have a character, and I reckon I will have enough spare time to take part in the RP... Hopefully should have the character sheet posted by sometime this evening  ^_^
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"The Slovak optimist is learning English, the Slovak pesimist is learning Russian and the Slovak realist is learning to shoot an AK-47"

Offline Kittenpillar100

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Re: Tale of Spirits OOC - Open
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2013, 06:20:50 PM »
Awesome, I'm happy with the turnout, now I just have to make sure my GM-ing is okay.

If you eat poison, don't forget to lick the dish. - Japanese Proverb

Make a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day, light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett

Offline KittKat chunky~

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Re: Tale of Spirits OOC - Open
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2013, 08:44:05 PM »
Name: Katuška Sveltzin-szarda Ilsehkárin  ~ Simply remembers her name as 'Katka' now, upon being reborn into this world
Age: More than 300 years old, ceased to exist 180 years ago ~ Less than a day old now
Height: 5' 2"
Weight: Around 150 lbs
Status: Wild One
Elemental Persuasion: Plants, Nature and Fertility
Physical Appearance: At first glance, or perhaps from a distance, it would be difficult to tell Katka apart from any other fur; albeit a fur with some oddities to her. None remember what she looked like at the height of her power, but since her rebirth she inhabits a single corporeal form, an anthropomorphic wildcat. Bearing short grey fur with white fur across her stomach, chest and muzzle. She is of a fairly short and curvy build, thick hipped and soft of flesh. Her eyes are a bright emerald and her hair dark nearing black, tied with lengths of vine into two pigtails over her shoulders.
Clothing: She entered the world wearing nothing that would be considered clothes by any normal tailor. Instead her ankles and wrists are wrapped in thick brown vines, seamlessly grown like shackles without any sign of being tied on. At her neck are more of the same vines, twined and knotted together into a collar, tight around her neck. Nestled in the white fur of her chest a large sharp-edged stone of black obsidian is suspended by the vines around her neck. The vines clutch the rough shard as though they have grown around it and the stone itself remains cold to the touch, even in the warmth of day, and glints in a way that draws the eye and turns the stomach. Other than this she found herself wrapped only in a great hooded cloak of muted grey-green, like that of an ash tree leaf. The cloak even curves and tapers away like a leaf and, upon closer inspection, even bears the same texture complete with leafy veins that run down its length and fan out through it, held over her shoulders and tied over her chest with more knotted brown vines.
Place of Origin: The Great Forest-Eternum
Weaponry: None
Abilities: Although she is yet to remember it Katka has an intimate connection to the natural world. Once in her ancient lifetime she grew entire forests at the merest movement of her fingertips, swathes of flowers would bloom at her presence and an army of ferocious vines and man-eating plants could burst forth from the soil with the sweep of an arm to protect her lands. Those days are forgotten by her, along with dominion over such powers.
Backstory: The story of Katuška is one remembered by very few today, for even amongst the age-old spirits of the world it is shunned, better forgotten they would say. Almost two hundred years ago not long after the first union of a city and a spirit, showing a strong bond being forged between the two peoples, a great shadow had begun to seep across the land of the East. For many years thence it formed, a wild one of blackest heart, grew in power until its forced it's way into existence in a swathe of ruined villages, slaying all in its path. Beset upon, the furs of the nearest town called for aid from the spirits of the east, even as they barricaded the town and the shadow crept over fields and houses. The spirits answered and clashed with the wild one, barely besting the creature through sheer numbers. Beaten, but not defeated, the wild one shattered into a thousand fragments and sunk back into the earth whence it came.

This is where Katuška took her part. A spirit of fair power, though modest and quiet-spoken, she summoned forth vines from the earth and held one of the shining black fragments from sinking away. Knowing that the dark spirit should never return she took the fragment to her chest and, sacrificing herself, pulled the fragmented spirit of the dark one into herself and let the Great Forest-Eternum retake her physical form, absorbing her spirit into the trees and grass, her memories gone with her body. Thus, the piece of the creature was trapped and locked away with Katuška. Shackled, imprisoned by the forest and its guardians. Unable to reform with the rest of it's whole the dark one was beaten forever and forgotten.

((How does that sound Kittenpillar? If there is anything that needs changing just say and I will be happy to do so  :)  ))
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"The Slovak optimist is learning English, the Slovak pesimist is learning Russian and the Slovak realist is learning to shoot an AK-47"

Offline Kittenpillar100

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Re: Tale of Spirits OOC - Open
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2013, 08:58:07 PM »

That is a flapping fantastic character application, I have no problem with it.

I may add a bit in the OP detailing the more important characters so I can help flesh out everything for you I can do productive procrastination while I get increasingly more nervous about deliverering a good RP.

If you eat poison, don't forget to lick the dish. - Japanese Proverb

Make a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day, light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett

Offline KittKat chunky~

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Re: Tale of Spirits OOC - Open
« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2013, 09:24:49 PM »
Thanks  :)   I tend to spend a bit more time than is really necessary on my character sheets... I kind of enjoy writing them  :P
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100% chocolate-wafer feline!

"The Slovak optimist is learning English, the Slovak pesimist is learning Russian and the Slovak realist is learning to shoot an AK-47"

Offline Cifero Windtail

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  • Species: Crat Feline-crow mix. (Just found out.... I HAVE FRACKING WINGS!!) (SO freaked out!!)
  • Coloring: Grey with dark grey stripes, Black hair, light blue scleras and blue corneas,
  • Height: 5' 10&quot;
  • Weight: 89 lbs. and then about 50 more (about 139 lbs.); he's fit, but he's not muscular. Has a bit of an outie.
  • Build: Lithe but wiry; a little soft around the middle, but it's hardly noticeable; he's actually got a rather feminine form.
  • Reference: [link]
  • Currently: Holding out for a hero... but always having to save myself.
Re: Tale of Spirits OOC - Open
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2013, 01:03:20 AM »
Name: Ash Chapman
Species: Crat
Age: 19
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 189 lbs.
Gender: Male
Description: Normal grey-furred black-haired very deep-blue-eyed crat; Has a pair of wings that he can fly with, but can only fly for short periods; is not Hercules strong, but strong enough to be able to push things and lift items at or under his own weight, Has a metallic scar through his left eye, though he can still use it... although it may be some sort of magically created prothestetic, since it's sort of darker than the other one and a bit green... normally wears dark leather armor with a hooded mask (look up the new version of THIEF's Garrett) or plain black clothing, but is never shirtless and always has holes in his clothing to accommidate his wings.
Place of Origin: Tarynac, a small town that got destroyed in a clash between the dark ones and the paladins...
Ability: Has enhanced agility and strength due to his connections to nature; sort of a jack-of-all-trades; can get along by himself, and isn't exactly the most friendly of people, though he's loyal to his cause... additionally, he is well-knowledged in swordplay, but is always willing to learn more.
Weapon: Enchanted returning dagger (the enchantment is that he can never lose it, is basically indestructable due to metal quality), tomahawk, multiple throwing knives of all sorts where he pulls from who knows where,, flexible gauntlets, katana sword, hidden blades
Backstory: Jared has lived for 19 years, but he shouldn't have lived the last four. He should be dead by the dark ones, with the majority of his family, or at least working with the Paladins, like his sister is rumored to be. But he's not dead nor a slave... although by now, many believe him dead. Left to die in the wreckage of his once quaint and self-sustaining village, carrying numerous wounds from Paladins and dark ones alike, and possibly missing an eye... he's still not sure of that one... a wandering spirit happened upon his sorry carcass and showed mercy, bringing him back from the brink of death by giving him the ability to understand the concept of nature and the elements.

Four years later, Jared has heard about this rumor of his sister being alive, and has trained well under the spirit and can finally survive on his own. Using the arts that the spirit taught him, he plans to stop the madness, save his sister (if she IS alive) and bring balance to the world. Not a simple task....

But hey... patience is a virtue.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2013, 11:40:48 PM by Cifero Windtail »
  • Avatar by: I have three or four great ones: one by Sabah and a few by Lovableoutcast/Kishi... and also this one, drawn by Kayato/ Kaya... thanks guys. ^_^
  • Signature art by: I just want to tell you, the reference is a link to my other fursona.  Also:
(I love my sister)
Don't mess with Grammaton Clerics. THEY WILL END YOU.

Offline Kittenpillar100

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  • Height: 5'8
  • Weight: 59kg
  • Build: Average, yet bulked up by fur, taurian
  • Currently: Humanish, but only slightly
Re: Tale of Spirits OOC - Open
« Reply #12 on: April 11, 2013, 01:38:40 AM »
Its a good character, however the paladins are loyal to the furries, and would not enslave them. If challenged in battle they would fight (and most probably defeat) furries, however they will not enslave them.
If you eat poison, don't forget to lick the dish. - Japanese Proverb

Make a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day, light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett

Offline Cifero Windtail

  • Velvety Vole
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  • Species: Crat Feline-crow mix. (Just found out.... I HAVE FRACKING WINGS!!) (SO freaked out!!)
  • Coloring: Grey with dark grey stripes, Black hair, light blue scleras and blue corneas,
  • Height: 5' 10&quot;
  • Weight: 89 lbs. and then about 50 more (about 139 lbs.); he's fit, but he's not muscular. Has a bit of an outie.
  • Build: Lithe but wiry; a little soft around the middle, but it's hardly noticeable; he's actually got a rather feminine form.
  • Reference: [link]
  • Currently: Holding out for a hero... but always having to save myself.
Re: Tale of Spirits OOC - Open
« Reply #13 on: April 11, 2013, 10:58:29 PM »
ok, fixed... but he's probably going to trust paladins all that much, since they didn'thelp his family. He doesn't have a grudge, but he's not exactly trusting either.
  • Avatar by: I have three or four great ones: one by Sabah and a few by Lovableoutcast/Kishi... and also this one, drawn by Kayato/ Kaya... thanks guys. ^_^
  • Signature art by: I just want to tell you, the reference is a link to my other fursona.  Also:
(I love my sister)
Don't mess with Grammaton Clerics. THEY WILL END YOU.

Offline Kittenpillar100

  • Avid Aardvark
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  • Gender: Male
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  • Species: Mountain Goat
  • Coloring: Super pale blue tint
  • Height: 5'8
  • Weight: 59kg
  • Build: Average, yet bulked up by fur, taurian
  • Currently: Humanish, but only slightly
Re: Tale of Spirits OOC - Open
« Reply #14 on: April 12, 2013, 12:31:02 AM »
Kay, thats much more plausible, thanks for being so good about it.
If you eat poison, don't forget to lick the dish. - Japanese Proverb

Make a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day, light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett


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