Author Topic: A storage Topic/ post for reborn  (Read 3804 times)

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Offline Celestial_Dragon

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A storage Topic/ post for reborn
« on: July 27, 2015, 10:46:27 AM »
Hello and welcome to Reborn, a Rpg taking place in a sci-fi/fantasy world populated by furries, corrupt governments, Evil Corporations,robots and you (sound kind of cheesy oh well moving on)

This RPG accepts all new applicants just post your character  and allow me to look over your work, for anything, the stuff you are looking for is on the first page of the ic thread

This is something i have been working on and anyone who is going away or leaving please message me prior so i can change and work things out... thankyou

And this is in out of chractor thread

Below is stuff that may be of interest including what happening so far-

Peoples info:

My Characters-
Name: Drago Destiny Darklight
Age: 21
Species: Celestial ( angelic) dragon
Height: 8 ft 6
Weight 160kg
Attire: wears a massive black cloak with hood, shirtless, has camp military pants, black military boots, black belt, pair of reading glasses.
Appearance: drago is golden scaled with white underbelly, has angel wings, draconian appearance ( since he is a dragon), red eyes, massive cheek to eyebrow scar that passes over right eye. Red dragon tattoo on left side of chest spewing black flames.
Personality: Personality: respectful, crazy, strong, jokester, care-free, courageous, stealthy, tough, cunning, a sense of right and wrong and justice, stealthy, agile, sometime shy and timid, fearful at times.
Vector ability: internal ice
Skills/Weapons: two 9mm black pistols hidden beneath his cloak.
Career: Genetic scientist
Bio: No parents at birth, drago was raised by his farthers brother, drago learned from his uncle about the vectors and taught drago how to use his ability. He was raised far from civilisation in order to after he reached the age of 18 he joined a university where he learnt genetics on his ability. He is currently on vacation.
Side Questions.
Do you know vectors still exist? Yes, have had a relative who could use vector ability.
Have you ever committed a crime? No
Have you ever used power in public? No
Do you know of your powers? Yes, my uncle trained me

Age- Not sure. Parents die when he was young so he never knew his age.
Attire-Black hoodie with few spike around the head opening and the hand opening. Dark crimson silky pant. It abit baggie and full of pockets as it don't make noise....somehow. Have a black bookings with crimson straps. No shoes of any sort. The tail have 5 black silk ribbon wrap around to bind it bushyness.
Appearance- Alway look ready to move and have habit of being on a go go. But lean back as well to enjoy with the moment decide to throw at him.
Skill- Great at spying. Great for distraction. Scouting. Swordman. But he is also a thief.
Weapon- 2 Swords and 2 Daggers. All made of bone craving from his hunting.
Personally-Wild joker with some rebel-like. Alway want have fun as all of the info he found finally overloaded his mind. So alittle crazy too. But he is very helpful and a crazy well.
Vector ability-Shadow use. (internal)
Career-Mole for Info.
Job Motto- If there dirt, we will dig.
Bio- Parent die when he was really young so he lived on street. Over time he found that he can use shadow to hide. More and more, he also found info is big on the streets. So he became a spy like with thieving. But he never stole from poor or other vectors. While he done many crime...he never was caught.
Side Question
Do you know vectors still exist?-
Yes. Zane had to work to few for Info/Money/Favor.
Have you ever committed a crime?-
Yes. But it not a crime if you don't get caught.
Have you used power in public?-
Yes but it was small thing to get much of a noticed.
Do you know of your power?-
Yes. It save Zane life many many many time. As well master a point.

Name: Rayleonarde
Age: 19
Species: Raccoon
Height: 6' 2''
Weight: Depends on what's being worn
Attire: Nothing but ragged, torn robes, dotted with inane phrases.
Personality: Ray is timid, easily scared, but wants to show everyone what he "sees" (rather, they're hallucinations of the horrors of the past ((Is this alright CD?))).
Vector Ability: External Corrosion (Rot. Think of rapid necrosis, painful and fatal.).
Skills: Ray avoids fighting, and prefers to try and reason. He will only use his abilities if he is left no way out.
Career: Homeless Prophet
Do you know vectors exist? Yes.
Committed a crime? Not that he's aware of.
Used powers in public? No.
Do you know of your power? Not necessarily. Ray is aware of something, but doesn't know what it is. He believes it to be some sort of protecting spirit.

Name: Zaida
Age: 19
Species: alien hybrid a Sergal/Synx
Height: 5'6
Weight: 95
Attire: Vest suit with dark jeans and combat boots, metal collar that she can never take off, a Korean style black, lastly shoulder holsters for her revolvers
Appearance: short for her race, curvy, fit and toned, purple and toned with white,  glowing sea green eyes with faded sharp pupils (the blue and green type since some get confused.) a gun wound on her neck just under her collar, a scratch on her eyebrow.
Personality: serious, demented, cunning, strong, somewhat serious, mysterious, flexible, distrustful.
Vector ability: Darkness internal
Bio: She forgot where she was from only pain and suffering, she was scared and lost in the streets as a child... Although running into A Black demon leopard working as a hitman took her in as his own, and training her although was a bit crazy. He loved her dearly and was very protective... One day in their home he was brutally killed in front of her. Leaving Zaida scarred and somewhat demented, they left her on the floor she was near death, gladly pulling herself up she slowly recovered and grew strong and wise...
Skills: somewhat good night vision, strong and stealthy, contort her body
Weapons: Close Combat, Blade, Dual revolvers that can combine into a power rifle
Career: Bartender, Hitman... Well rarely depending on the job
Do you know vectors exist? Of course...
Committed a crime? I don't know, have I?...
Used powers in public? A few but never got caught.
Do you know of your power: yes I do.

Name: Grandel "The Mighty" Sentinel
Age: highly questionable, but looks like a teenager
Species: genetically modified catwolf
Height: 206 cm
Weight: ???
Attire: knee-long jacket with a hood, cargo pants, bandanna,
Personality: looking for trouble, likes showing off, hates crowds, loves explosions, likes gunfights, energetic, pain sensitive
Vector ability: internal electricity.
Skills/Weapons: acid-elemental plasma pistol, radio, flashbang grenades, flip knife, implant inside his brain of unknown purpose, great parkour, great agility
Career: Thugs-4-Less operative
Bio: Only several people knows about his past. His place of birth and parents aren't known. He was a test subject from the beginning, testing him for extending use and power of vector powers. He escaped during a city-wide riots and now seeks revenge.
Do you know vectors still exist? He hopes so
Have you ever committed a crime? A lot (no. 37 on police blacklist)
Have you ever used power in public? Several times
Do you know of your powers? Yes, but still discovers it's full potential

Name:Alegra Kiria
Age: 16
Species: Dragon shapeshifter
Height: (optional) 5"
Weight (optional ) 
Attire: silver sequined low crop top, short light denim shorts. Gold and opal ornaments on horns and rings on claws.
Appearance: Small silver dragon with straight horns and gold facial markings. Shimmering blue/green/grey eyes and matching wings. Slender delicate features, and a cute small build.
Personality: Sly intelligent and untrustworthy, keeps up a sweet front so most people underestermate her. Careful and takes advantage of those who do underestermate her.
Vector ability: Can shape shift into any living creature, but always keeps same eye colour. Slight pre cognitive ability. Also can heal from almost any wound.
Skills/Weapons: (note if beginning I would recommend a bag where they are placed in, except for small arms, a city doesn't like people wilding mini-guns and c4). Small pistol which is kept in handbag in case of emergency.
Career: Professional high stakes poker player, but also dabbles in other games.
Bio: Disowned by parents at the age of thirteen, but is given occasional gifts of money. Used to live off the money her parents gave her, but discovered that she was skilled in card games. In the past had had a few dealings on the black market.  Practiced shape shifting ability in private.

___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________

Allies and Companions

Name: Ryu
Age: 23
Species: Red fox
Height: 5,8 ft
Weight: 89kg
Attire: Wears prison uniform, below the waist
Appearance: A red fox, he is very muscular, a workmans body, has orange/red fur. Has green eyes.
Personality: Rather chipper and looks at the bright side of most things, is hot headed and rarely gets down from anything.
Vector ability: Strength
Skills/Weapons: Construction...
Career: Construction worker for terraCo
Bio: A simple tradey working as a construction worker for TerraCo. he never knew of his abilities until about a year ago when a bunch of thugs had jumped him and he ended up wrecking the seven of them, and destroyed a entire back alley. He kept it a secret an layed low for awhile and kept working as a single fox in a dead end job. Then they came and took him, along with five others and now he was all that was left of them.


What is happening
Chapter one- Snake eyes (location- Aria)
The Story began in a casino where zane was being a theif and Drago was picking up chicks, then the a thug named mighty raided the casino. The police were called immediately and a sleepy ray got caught up in the mess. Through the adventure, Ray encountered a Transcendence who wiped out a doc and caught him. The thug Mighty had fled the casino in a panic and was pursued by another high level Transcendence personal which resulted in him being sucked in by his weird power.
In the adventure, Zane and Drago discovered illegal drugs and substances, and fought against a deadly group of drug addicts called the demons. They escaped that encounter but they to were caught.

Earlier and Elsewhere.
A Hybrid Sergal named Zaida was pursued by a large group of Transcendence Personal. Even though she put up a good fight, his powers were to much for her and she fell and got herself captured.

Chapter Two- Transcendence ( location the East Prison on Ash island)

The Vector heroes have been captured by the organisation calling itself transcendence, who wish to experiment and harvest the powerful individuals. After weeks of gruling torture a opportunity arises and now the vectors are looking to escape their hellhole.

Around the prison-
A mysterious group of powerful vectors are destroying the facility and guards with ease.


Information of the world

Red Cross- The company of healing, this organisation  has cured almost every disease and illness that is known to anthros, but there history is one of massive deceit and even destruction. When the crystals of healing were collected and banned, the major health institutions were left without anything, diseases became rampent and illness was a common occurrence, then new tretment was researched, and the company has to beg, borrow,merge, fund-raise, and even steal some major funding in order to stop the disease, even the common cold at the time cost 4 months salary to cure. Then they started to allow the furry races to claw back from the brink with research coming up with cures for everything imaginable; Disease, illness, phobias... even cancer and they soon has more income than food and while the public sang praises of there research and scientific genius and also the prices were of reasonable value. Then a newly created Red Cross, a group charged with collecting secrets on medical companies began investigating the company for their treatment costs vs development costs, because they expected the costs to be way of... instead they found something more shocking. Cures, there are cures here, there, bloody hell they had cures for everything.. you know diabetes they cured that almost straight after their creation.. seriously STD were almost laughable, they were charging thousands for treatment when they had a cure for the god damn common cold . Red Cross couldn't stomach and hold in the lie, and when public with the information. Public outcry was enormous, and after a few riots, buildings set alight, a few employees dying and medical staff became displaced. Then Red Cross stepped up and volunteered to run the hundreds of disgraced medical entities and form a single entity.

Today, for a small portion of your income a year, you pay for cures for every disease, a minor tax that keeps the future generations safe.

ITANIMULLI- Imagine the cia, though they do sell advanced communication equipment and stealth weapons

Limitless Corp- Sports and entertainment (gridiron, football, rugby you name it), entertainment, food, supplements and chems, gene enchantment and cosmetic surgery are there main sources of income

Applied Science and Mechatronics (Asm)- The Robotics and mechanical side of the industrial world. Mechs, Software, robotics, cybernetics and augmentation limbs are there speciality

Through the rubble of the old government, economy plummeted, trade ceased and the market crashed. Then like a phonix the company rose through the ashes and created the single largest corporation in the world. Even most of the other major companies and governments are fragments from this large entity. This company one billion employees produce almost every product that is used in a furries daily life, their marketing pushes the public to view this company of the idea that their company is one of prosperity and happiness, allowing the races of terra an life of immortal eternity on the planet. They are the world leading manufacturer of household appliances and vehicles with some of their latest invention being long range instant communication, high orbit flight and even scheduled to launch the first ever space craft outside the planet, in about four years.

Facts- Red Cross- ITANIMULLI- Limitless Corp- Applied Science and Mechatronics (Asm): were all once part of Terra Co
Most governments are actually controlled by the organistation.

Trancendence- The newest company and also the second most powerful, this organisation began just after the scourge of the vectors hundreds of years ago and by far the most ruthless when it comes to dealing with them. This organisation is by far the most advanced organisation who has evolved rapidly from some mysterious reason, with members recruited all over the world who are deadly this organistaion is very threatening to Tipeds own recruitment. The facts is that this company is made up of donations, with a zero manufacturing income but has the third largest income in the world.

 Terra International Police enforcement (or Tiped)
Tipped in a remnant of the old world, the second oldest company in the world, this organisation is bad news for anyone with a criminal history, this organisation hunts the real bad guys and removes them entirely from the earth, the organisation is more like a military vigilante group more that anything but there members are international and have the support of all nations but the Sergal Dominion, the organisation is highly advance in laser technology and mechatronics science, they are very militarised and very dangerous.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2015, 07:21:11 AM by Celestial_Dragon »
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Zane the Fox

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Re: A storage Topic/ post for reborn
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2015, 12:04:07 PM »
This look great. Though I have a question. Is there real demons or would it be vectors that being call as demon? Just askin.

Offline Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy")

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Re: A storage Topic/ post for reborn
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2015, 12:05:12 PM »
Needs formating

Offline Celestial_Dragon

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Re: A storage Topic/ post for reborn
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2015, 11:00:50 AM »
Obey what do you mean, i am fixing this now, and zane, no demons exist... unless someone has some sort of demon furry fursona then yes, but no....

The demons you are fighting are people who used vitae to much....
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Offline Drakeyboy

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Re: A storage Topic/ post for reborn
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2015, 02:06:27 AM »
Wait a sec is this based off of bioshock? The reason why i ask that is because of the vitae stuff you mentioned.
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Offline Celestial_Dragon

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Re: A storage Topic/ post for reborn
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2015, 01:26:16 AM »
.... i have only played bisoshock for an hour, i used vitae because it is short for vitality, and the abilities that came with its are the positives for many drugs, like performance enhancing and just the ones people take for fun, i could find, in the insane part, the demons, are satanic monster which came from an idea of mine that would make the drug unwanted if any characters in the RPG wished to try it.....
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Offline Drakeyboy

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Re: A storage Topic/ post for reborn
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2015, 01:34:35 AM »
I wasn't really meaning it literally. I just said that because the vitae enhanced people so i was thinking with some strange reasoning that it gave abilities too. But that's just me. Looks interesting though.
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A storage Topic/ post for reborn
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2015, 04:41:17 AM »
Name: Zaida

Age: 20

Species: alien hybrid a Sergal/Synx

Height: 5'6

Weight: 95

Attire: she has a classy style. A white short sleeved button up, black vest, dark normal jeans, boots, suspenders, leather gloves... Sometimes wears strips of cloth around her chest and lower area which may seem odd (seen on art thread)

Appearance: short for her race, curvy, fit and toned, good looking, purple and toned with white,  glowing sea green eyes with faded sharp pupils (the blue and green type since some get confused.) a knife wound on her neck just under her collar, a scratch on her eyebrow.

Personality: serious, demented, cunning, strong, somewhat serious, mysterious, flexible, distrustful...

Vector ability: Darkness

Bio: She forgot where she was from only pain and suffering, she was scared and lost in the streets as a child... Although running into A Black demon leopard working as a hitman took her in as his own, and training her although was a bit crazy. He loved her dearly and was very protective... One day in their home he was brutally killed in front of her. Leaving Zaida scarred and somewhat demented, they left her on the floor she was near death, gladly pulling herself up she slowly recovered although the glass still had some cracks...

Skills: Somewhat good night vision, strong and stealthy, contort her body

Weapons: Close Combat, Darkness vector

Career: Currently none. She only does what she wants.
Do you know vectors exist? Of course...

Committed a crime? I don't know, have I?...

Used powers in public? A few but never got caught.

Do you know of your power: yes I'm aware.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2015, 06:59:48 PM by Zaida »

Offline Celestial_Dragon

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Re: A storage Topic/ post for reborn
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2015, 01:49:49 PM »
Well welcome to our new home
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Offline Farewell

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Re: A storage Topic/ post for reborn
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2015, 12:55:34 AM »

Zane the Fox

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Re: A storage Topic/ post for reborn
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2015, 01:48:47 AM »
Yay. This is getting really good

Offline Celestial_Dragon

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  • Species: Dragon
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  • Currently: More than likely studying while having this open on my Laptop
Re: A storage Topic/ post for reborn
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2015, 07:05:27 AM »
Because of the limit i am posting more info on more of the posts



vitae is a wonder drug, the short term effects are extreme energy, ehchnaces sensor sand mobility, strength, immunity to almost all toxins and poison, ability to Function for weeks without the need food or sleep, and massive increase in natural healing..a miracle.
However after a large consumption or frequent use you will .... Let's say that you won't be sane, these become known as demons, a creature that has lost almost all of its "humanity" besides its sense for destruction, death and pain. The addict would feel deep sense of pleasure of inflicting severe pain on himself and on others.
Some key ingredients are, plant seed oil from a plant that, zane, you met it earlier, a collection of cleaning products, and antibiotic extract. And to not there are thousands of ingredients and the drug is owned by a small company, named The Transcendence Firm,  that has it under lock and key since the drug is banned worldwide and is burnt on sight by almost every law organisation,)

The Transcendence Suit
How its created- Unknown
Appearance- All the suits differ from one another, and each suit has unique equipment and abilities but they all share some similarities.
Their are three layers of armour- First is a Grey outer shell, covers most of the head, the vitals of the chest area and crotch, front facing armour on the legs and arms, Hands and feet fully covered.
Second is a yellow like substance, this covers the entire body, bar a few area for the third set.
The third set is a purple exoskeleton that lines the entire back, legs and arms, as well as creating a sort of glassware over eyes and a mask over mouth.
Abilities- the abilities the wearers all share, 50% more speed, 120% more strength, immune to poisons and temperature, has enhanced sensors,  acrobatics and jump abilities have been enhanced, ability to cling to walls, allows the user to see in the dark, suit produces an almost neon white light from the palms, a melee weapon is always attached to the left arm though the weapons differs, projectiles don't work (eg. bullets).
Strange things- The armour has a "heart beat", isn't electrical all metal, has the ability to heal itself (though not the wearer).


Transcendence Enemies-
Name: Black Abyss Yeager
Age: Between 20-30
Species: Kitsune fox
Height: 5ft 6
Attire: Japanese Kimeno
Appearance: A black 7 tailed fox, with red marking along his entire body,
Personality: Serious, and very aggressive towards vectors
Vector ability: None
Skills/Weapons: Black Hole Katana, master swordsman
Career: Squad c Captain
Bio: Unknown

Name: Raven
Age: 40-60
Species: Rat
Height:  4ft 7
Weight ----
Attire: Massive black cloak that covers all his body bar his face, arms and legs. His hand and legs are covered in a grey armour, meaning he has transcendence armour beneath the cloak
Appearance: A White and skinny rat, with cold intelligent red eyes, nothing else is seen beneath the cloak
Personality: Precise, intelligent, and cold
Vector ability: None
Skills/Weapons: Neon laser Rifle, master sniper, weak in hand to hand combat, intelligent.
Career: Squad c Lieutenant
Bio: --

Name: Champion Zarko
Age: 18-21
Species: Horse
Height: 7 ft 2
Weight Heavyweight
Attire: Massive red cape draped across his back and combat oriented shorts, red with black lightning bolts on the side, and a pair of red gloves
Appearance: A tall tough stallion, he has hoofs for feet, massive muscles that protrude from his body. He has a milky brown appearance with a chestnut mane. He is shirtless and has a collection of tribal style tattoo
Personality: Stubborn, arrogant, and very aggressive of others, and big headed personality
Vector ability: None
Skills/Weapons: Gloves that produce quakes from the surfaces he hits, including the air. Is a close combat warrior and very physically strong and tough
Career:Squad c captain
Bio: unknown

Name: Vincent Joe Evergreen
Age: 30-40
Species: Ox
Height: 8 ft 5
Attire: a fancy black suit that barely hides his muscular physique
Appearance: A black ox, with large horns and a very strong physique, a body-builder would best describe him, with very large arms that could crush skull with ease
Personality: quite, emotionless most of the time, careful, powerful, observant,
Vector ability: None
Skills/Weapons: unknown
Career: Vice- director of the Transcendence Company
Bio: Was presumed a bartender but infiltrated a very dangerous organisation
The nation of canines-
A collection of one empire, a republic and a dozen or so tribes, this nation controls the second largest continent in the world and consists of the forth largest population of about one billion furries. There major export is their steel and silver metalwork and materials from a dozen massive facilities and companies, and a assortment of mines. They are the richest governing body and has the largest military force in the known world.

The taurs, the ferals, the other assortment -
They do exist in this world, granted they are rare though.
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Offline Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy")

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  • Species: Anthro Catwolf
  • Coloring: Dark-grey fur (#767b7d), cream-white straps and belly (#f3f1e4), grey additions (#b5b3ad)
  • Height: ~183cm / ~6ft / ~72inch
  • Weight: ~73kg / ~161lbs
  • Build: Slim fit
  • Reference: [link]
  • Currently: Please be aware of my rude jokes!
Re: A storage Topic/ post for reborn
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2015, 06:35:39 PM »

The door opened to a small room, but very long. There were racks and racks of weapons hanging across the wall, or laying half assembled, or completely broken into parts, on the tables that rested next to the walls. The centre path was empty besides what lied at the end of the room.
There were only five objects that caught Mighties eye's though-
To his left, just next to him, assembled on the table was one of the best weapons you could buy, It was below all the smg and assault rifles, though it was still leagues away from some of the TIPED weapons but last time Mighty saw the weapons, it was for sale for two grand, and it wasn't modded out like this baby.
The Viper-
This weapon is a world renowned and celebrated for its aim and accuracy it would always strike true, these are the masters in stability.
The length of the weapon is 1293mm, with a 670mm barrel and upon inspection was actually impressive in Mighties hands, very so.
The weapon has its receiver located in front of the pistol grip to increase manoeuvrability and increases its barrel length. The pistol grip is made out of an alloy steel with wooden engraving of snakes eating each other, its namesake.
The stock was plastic and extendable. The paddle magazine, capable of holding an impressive 70 rounds in its compact space, was attached to it and was full when mighty inspected it and there were three magazines beside it, with all but one with bullets in it.
Mighty knew that the weapon modes were Auto, semi-auto and 3-round burst.
The weapon is called the Q-M killer a weapon for those who wanted to show there power, but it usually goes by its nickname ' Viper', by its snake developer.
(You choose the mods mate, I am not a gun person, and I am looking at guides when I was writing this) (Just put them in this style, OOC, sorry)
Directly left, where all the shotguns were being held, the centre piece was a TerraCo Shotgun, hanging by itself among second class weapons.
The Rage Erection-
This was a pure unmodded quadruple barrelled shotgun, a weapon that would turn a person into a cloud of red mist…and would paint a wall in their guts.
The size was massive 1086mm and it has a barrel length of 805mm, mighty had a bit of a surprise when he lifted it, it was about seven kg heavy, this thing was defiantly a real one, this is a 40 to 60 grand weapon, it should be hanging up in a wall as a centrepiece for some rich millionaire, not in some armoury. This weapon is a 12 gauge and was pump action, which is what the designers intended. Its straight stock was covered in premium Aviarus Wood.
This was the UH-00 Rage, a weapon that was held by some of the most powerful military leaders in modern history, a weapon that its creator made to be the one weapon to use when facing a tank or armoured target, it would punch a hole just as well as an RPG or rocket launcher. It has another name, because of what gun lovers think of it when it’s mentioned.
(There are no shotgun mods around)
To the far left was where there were sidearm, batons and a couple of Frags, Stick, Smoke, Incendiary, and concussion grenades. But surrounded by mods was the Crimson Dragon.
Crimson Dragon-
The weapons that the Draconians actually sell to others, a large revolver like no other. Its precision was beyond norm, it was a powerhouse. Its volcanic metal design glowed red in the florescent light, the long barrel gleamed and its Ivory stock looked almost hellish in the light that reflected of the metal.  It was quite comfy in Mighties grip, it would suffice.
It has no official name, the Draconians never told anyone what it was called, just sold it, and the Crimson Dragon stuck.
(Like shotgun, make up your mods)
And across from it was a collection of utilities and items, there was rope, hooks, med packs, cooking packs, torches, etc.,
Then there were the hand shields, a invention that originated from Transcendence, something that was not even sold on the black market, probably worth millions, if sold correctly to the right people.
When mighty placed the one that looks the most impressive on his wrist and tapped it.
A clear kite shield broke forth. It was as big as Mighty and just as wide. It would help him a lot mighty knew, these things would block all but the most devastating of attacks and forces, and were only given to the higher members of Transcendence, and not even captains had these.
(You can only choose what colour and what hand you put it on)
( you can get grenades and the utilities but everything else you can’t get the other weapons and shields only the thing mentioned, don’t make me write descriptions, this is already 800 words long)
But Mighty was now looking at the suit that hanged silently at the back of the room, it was a full body skin suit, something that has given him headaches before.
The Raptor-
The head section was hooded, this was Dark Grey in colour and seemed to be fixed in place. The face itself was completely smooth and puple, it seemed the head piece was almost completely made of this.
The Arms were grey, and the shoulders themselves were square and stuck out like mini shields. The Rest of the layered arm was grey itself except for the shiny, curving, red blades that stuck out of the sides of the forearm. The entire blade was decorated in metal vines that led all the way to the joints that connected the blade to the suit.
The entire section of the Chest area was made itself to mimic the muscle structure of an anthro, with the square breasts and its abs particularly highlighted.
The upper legs are covered by pointed, fully covering cuisses. The lower legs are protected by greaves which have several layered skin sheets on the outer sides.
There was no indication what the suits special ability was, but the only thing that indicated what to do were the image of anthro with his legs spread and arms spread staring straight. The sign hanged next to the wall, and when Mighty looked at the floor, there was the outline of feet drawn on the ground.

Among some of the stuff left here, Mighty also found a perfectly fitting tactical belt with attached pistol holster, sacks and small pockets. Wonder who left it here.
After admiring the Q-M Killer (strap, red dot holo sight and flashlight), he leaned it over his right shoulder.
UH-00 Rage didn't make any impression on him. He doesn't like shotguns. But he took it anyway, placing it into his backpack. Barrels were loaded and Mighty took extra 8 shells, just in case.
And the Crimson Dragon (extra weighted for balance and long range scope). Mighty always loved revolvers, but he had a hard time finding ammo for it right now. He only found 11 right caliber rounds. (This is intentional. I want to make things harder, which will lead to more interesting.) He will need to reserve it.
Shield's grip fit like a glove. He decided to put it on his left hand.
Among that, Might also took as much survival gear as he could fit into his backpack. Mostly flares, med packs, stims and MREs. He also took grappling hook along, but it's rope was made of steel and tried to find a flare gun, but haven't found one.
Upon walking up to the suit, Mighty didn't have a clue how to activate it. He tried shouting at it. "Voice recognition.", "Power up."

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Re: A storage Topic/ post for reborn
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2015, 12:23:41 AM »
thanks... i think.....
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Re: A storage Topic/ post for reborn
« Reply #14 on: September 12, 2015, 06:30:18 AM »
I think it may be a good idea to change character descriptions over time as we progress


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