Author Topic: Help People Find Visual Novels  (Read 7017 times)

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Offline NotAFurryJustCurious

Help People Find Visual Novels
« on: March 10, 2019, 01:27:04 PM »
Hey guys, I need some help with finding a specific visual novel from YouTube.
I was like 8 when I watched it, sadly I don’t know the title or any names.
It was about a bunch of anthro animals with special powers (like telekinesis) having to escape a “government facility”. A lot of things happen but I like vaguely recall the end.
The gang has like a final fight with some other special powered animals and they find out the second secret facility they entered contained actual humans. “The Jackal Family” told the humans a long time ago, that they wouldn’t be able to survive on the surface, the mutated (?) humanoid creatures could. The thing is the humans COuLD survive outside, the Jackals just kept faking the test results so the surface would be a anthro zone only.
Please help me with finding this, I would owe you my life! XD


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