Author Topic: Splatoon!  (Read 900 times)

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Offline NamelessTraveler

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« on: October 23, 2015, 01:18:29 AM »

Man, do I love Splatoon!
This game is the only reason I have a Wii U right now, and I play it whenever I get a spare minute. xD
I've never really liked the whole shooter genre (Because usually they're 1st person, and I get motion sick, and all the violence isn't my type of thing) but I really like Splatoon a lot.

Its ink, so nobody really gets hurt, its in 3rd person, with the ability of changing motion controls (Which aren't so bad, and I really like using them because its easier to turn around) and the Inklings are absolutely adorable. :D

What weapon do you use? Any pet peeves in matches that get you steamed?
Personally, I use the Krak-On Roller (Because I like playing support) and I run a Shrimp Pink Polo, Red Hi-Horses, and Sporty Bobble Hat, so I can get on the offensive if I need to. :3 And the thing that gets me the most ticked (Other than sea-bagging) is team-mates jumping in front of me, going the same way I'm going! I'm like... Dudes! I LITERALLY got this covered! xD Divide & conquer guys.

But yeah, if anyone wants to play, just message me. My NNID is namelesstraveler, just like on here. :P


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