Author Topic: Earthquake Warriors RPG (Benny Jackdaw's Fatfur RP)  (Read 3583 times)

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Earthquake Warriors RPG (Benny Jackdaw's Fatfur RP)
« on: June 06, 2017, 10:41:01 AM »
One quick disclaimer: This game is completely clean and kid-friendly, however keep in mind that it is a fatfur themed RPG, so this may not be for everyone. There should be nothing too gross however.

Hey there, Benny Jackdaw here and, you know, I'm a bit hesitant in showing off my RPG here, what with it being a fatfur RPG and whatnot, but now that it's running on official hardware, I believe I at least have the ability to do so, so here it goes.

Synopsis: For the longest time, fatfurs have been ridiculed by other creatures. Many have counted them out for their slowness and physical proportions. Lately, however, a group of daring fatfurs known as the Earthquake Warriors have tried to gain the respect they seek through good deeds and heroism. Training every day and eating a high-fat/high-protein diet, these creatures have become incredibly strong, and their mighty bellies are so thick that they can resist even bullets. ...But on the other side of the fence, a group known as the Earthquake Assassins have tried to gain respect in a different way: through force. In addition, crime is common as well with a highly ridiculed scientist Wolfman Garr, AKA Peggy Bob on the lose. He has been developing powerful weapons that can damage even the mighty Earthquake Warriors. When crime is abundant, the Earthquake Warriors are there to rise up to the challenge.

Included in this game is a linear, straightforward RPG with a few quirks. One is the Hostage system where you will go into battle with friendlies present on the enemy's board. Avoid damaging these friendlies for a bonus. In addition, the Gordo Grande system is a mechanic where a character can use a shard to become a bigger, even fatter but also more powerful version of themselves, best used as a last resort, but can also be used to make yourself seem tough. Play through to find even more mechanics, such as the Hugger battles and such. Overall, this is meant to be a fun Fatfur RPG rather than a fetishy one, incorporating some of my favorite tropes including having really strong bellies and being good huggers.

Spoiler for "Images":

First and foremost, I'm trying to focus on gameplay rather than graphics, so they're kind of meager, but I hope they at least get the point across.

Game Link:

Credits: This game contains two fancharacters based off the fat rat from Dragon Quest and Blue Dragon respectively. Credit to SquareEnix for Dragon Quest, Mistwalker for Blue Dragon and Akira Toryama for the art style used in both games.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2017, 10:04:37 AM by BennyJackdaw »

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Re: Earthquake Warriors RPG (Benny Jackdaw's Fatfur RP)
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2017, 04:46:38 PM »
This sounds rather interesting. I think I said it before, but the story is rather interesting.
The artwork style seems pretty clearcut, and you have some interesting game mechanics going on, from what I can see :)

I'm guessing with that download link to your game, that it is a completed game you're showing us?
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Re: Earthquake Warriors RPG (Benny Jackdaw's Fatfur RP)
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2017, 05:23:21 PM »
This sounds rather interesting. I think I said it before, but the story is rather interesting.
The artwork style seems pretty clearcut, and you have some interesting game mechanics going on, from what I can see :)

I'm guessing with that download link to your game, that it is a completed game you're showing us?

Ehhhhhh... no. I had no idea it was supposed to be a completed game, but as of now it's merely a demo.

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Re: Earthquake Warriors RPG (Benny Jackdaw's Fatfur RP)
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2017, 05:48:13 PM »
Demo sounds good too!
May I ask as a curious dragon that I am, do you have an idea how long approx. the demo lasts?
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Re: Earthquake Warriors RPG (Benny Jackdaw's Fatfur RP)
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2017, 09:18:14 PM »
Demo sounds good too!
May I ask as a curious dragon that I am, do you have an idea how long approx. the demo lasts?

Depends. Just going straight to beat up Thrump doesn't take long, but you can also farm for special items and Hugger abilities, as well as fight other villains. Doing everything the demo has to offer takes, say, maybe a little under an hour. I'm not entirely certain.

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Re: Earthquake Warriors RPG (Benny Jackdaw's Fatfur RP)
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2017, 05:53:50 PM »
I tried out of curiosity, but it crashed in the second battle screen. :/

EDIT: Yeah, it consistently crashes with a null reference. Can be caused by typos/disorganization in code, so just proofread I guess.

EDIT 2: Apparently game over causes a crash too.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2017, 06:03:29 PM by George »

Offline BennyJackdaw

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Re: Earthquake Warriors RPG (Benny Jackdaw\'s Fatfur RP)
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2017, 06:56:33 PM »
I tried out of curiosity, but it crashed in the second battle screen. :/

EDIT: Yeah, it consistently crashes with a null reference. Can be caused by typos/disorganization in code, so just proofread I guess.

EDIT 2: Apparently game over causes a crash too.

...That is very odd. I've not had that happen to me. I'll have to look into it.

Edit: Ah! I see the problem. The official version of RPG Maker 2003 has different filenames than the bootlegged version and the program's still trying to read the bootleg names instead of the official names. I'll fix that when I can.

Post Merge: June 08, 2017, 10:46:20 AM

Here's a new link. I went through and found that the filenames were different on the official version, so I had to go through and fix them. I think I got all of them now. It should work this time.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2017, 10:46:20 AM by BennyJackdaw, Reason: Merged DoublePost »


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