Well it's definitely looking better than the average, and the idea of making it very fairy tale is great. I like that, but I think the actual execution is lacking something.
I mean that intro was about seven pages long, when it could have been done in two or three, preferably less since the important thing is the main character. As for the look, this is more personal opinion, but i think considering how fairy tale you want it to be, I think it needs to be less contained, less strict and robotic. The panels could be more free and open and malleable than they are. Not everything needs to be a square. Also some of the individual panels are a bit clustered and confusing. Sometimes it's hard to tell what's important and what to focus on.
You and your artist should check out this site
http://dresdencodak.tumblr.com/it could really help, what right now is an above average webcomic. It could be brilliant, you just need to tighten up your execution.
But yeah, I like it and will be keeping tabs on it