Author Topic: Just Some Venting About Some Jerk At My School  (Read 1179 times)

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Just Some Venting About Some Jerk At My School
« on: November 22, 2017, 08:15:24 AM »
A very long time ago I had vented about some people in my life who has caused a lot of trouble for me.
Just as I had solved these problems some more decided to come and slap me in the face.
I'm not going to discuss my dad here. That is the only unsolved problem at the moment and I don't know what to do about it, except for wait and move the **censor** out when I am of legal age.

I have moved over to a new friend group. The group consists of boys only. For privacy reasons, I am going to use fake names instead of real ones.
The friend group consists of Herschel, Alexander, Tom, Kevin and Benjamin.
We often hang together in the corner of the school, and talk about video games such as CS:GO or make Russian Slav memes.
It's great fun.
However, this one new guy called Vikky joined the friend group and ever since that day it's caused a lot of drama.

1) The very first incident that had occured when we were playing a truth or dare game. Vikky asked Kevin about who he liked.
Now, Vikky is literally notorious at our school for spreading rumors and generally being a d*ck, so Kevin refused to tell him.
Vikky harassed Kevin about it, I stepped in to try and make Vikky stop.
This ended badly.
Vikky went to verbally attacking me.
I did stuff that I wont go into detail, but I ended up in hospital that night.

This was quite a long time ago, in fact.

It all occured online.

Apparently I'm at the risk of being suspended, because Vikky played victim when he talked to the principal.

2) This second event was long term.
Alexander liked this girl called Caroline, and he specifically told everyone in the online group chat to NOT tell anyone else.
Everyone held their promises except, of course, Vikky.
Soon the whole grade knew and obviously, he was bullied for it.

They did like each other for a while until the girl stopped liking him last week. Alexander went full panic and was extremely sad and down, I tried to cheer him up a few times.

But oF COURSE, Vikky comes in and mocks him for it.
It's **censor** destructive.

3) This happened just this week.
Vikky had stuck signs all over the school that said extremely racist remarks. He was taken to the principal office and was going to get suspended bUT
He decided to play victim and went on about completely unrelated stuff to redirect the blame.
Most of these were not even true.

There is an ongoing joke about how Benjamin has a 'waifu'. Vikky literally decided to tell the principal about this, and made it sound serious. It somehow got to a point where he was talking about how Benjamin had child porn on his computer.

Vikky also decided to call the police on Benjamin today as well, I dont know why. They're going to his house today.

Furthermore, Vikky decided to tell the principal that Benjamin had 'stuck his ***** inside a barbecue sauce bottle and made a friend eat it' (Yes, I **censor** know, It's weird as shit and I dont know where it came from) .

When Benjamin had confronted Vikky, Vikky said that he was getting revenge for all the things he had done to him. Its really stupid.

Herschel suggested all going to the principal as a group and telling them about the bs that Vikky has done but we were afraid that Vikky would do something to us. for eg. he knows how to doxx people.

I am so done with this kid.

If you think I'm biased, I'm not.

In fact, I used to have feelings for Vikky and I was on his side for a while until I've experienced all this shit.

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Re: Just Some Venting About Some Jerk At My School
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2017, 09:10:23 AM »
Now do I read this correctly that he has beat you in the hospital? :\

And what is "DOXX"? I've heard of "DDOS" attacking, when it comes to computers. Is it his evil cousin for people who don't know what they're talking about to use for threathening high-schoolers?

Any wich way, it's clear that this person is trying to get you one by one. In Dutch, there's a word for that, but I don't know a translation for it, unfortunately.

Anyway, notice how he's only taking it up against one of you?

Now, this may be a little bit tricky to just comfortably believe but that's actually because he's scared [REDACTED] of taking it up against, I'd say, even two of you...

What's good for you to do, is to go to all of your friends, and see to convince them that this "Vikky" person is a problem, as that you should stay together, with the whole gang, at all times.

And yes, go to the principal. What he's doing (Spreading lies and false accusations about you, and calling the police on you, without reason) isn't  really in terms with your school's rules, if not actually illegal...

Eitherway, whatever you do. Do it together!

Take Herschel, Alexander, Tom, Kevin and Benjamin, and you, and make shure that all of you stay together, and instantly react if he tries to do anything to one of you!

He may have the nut go up against Tom, but trust me, once Kevin, and Benjamin start defending tom, and then Herschel and Alexander start defending Kevin and Benjamin, there's nothing the poor [REDACTED] can do about it...


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Re: Just Some Venting About Some Jerk At My School
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2017, 02:48:24 PM »
I indeed you and your friends need to talk to the principle about it. If you even have proof of what 'Vikky  said and/or did anywhere, that would help to show him.
You being beat into the hospital by him? I think you can mention that to the principle as well and maybe even provide proof of that, I'm sure the doctors have it written down somewhere or the principle can call in to ask about it.

Furthermore, besides talking to the principle I would suggest to ignore Vikky altogether. You and your friends. (It's best to ignore Vikky altogether so you all hopefully won't be bothered anymore by him, but even if it's just you, at least he won't bother you anymore.)
Vikky has so much power because a lot of people are giving him attention for his bad behaviour, so he'll keep doing it. It will take some time before he realises you are ignoring him and won't give him attention no matter what, he might even put up a 'fight' and try to lure you or your friends into responding. Don't respond otherwise it will never stop.
Once others see you and your friends don't give two shits about him or his lies, they might realise too how Vikky cannot be trusted based on what he says. And if others still listen to him? Then they're just being stupid and not worth your time and effort.

I do think he's going farther and farther with these bad actions, and if it goes any further even if you guys ignore him, contact the principle again and the police if the principle won't do anything about it.

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