Author Topic: Broke, lonely, and loosing my grip  (Read 295 times)

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Broke, lonely, and loosing my grip
« on: November 27, 2011, 03:04:50 AM »
It's hard to know where to begin. I've never had much money, no one in my immediate family does (they've all got health problems that drain the bank). I haven't been able to find any regular employment, and my future is currently hinging on an SSI trial in January. I'm getting by on food assistance from the state and what ever I scrounge up doing odd jobs here and there while I'm living with my dad (who's got a tumor, glaucoma, and chronic depression).

It wouldn't be so bad if I weren't so lonely. I've no partner to run with, share my dreams with, to hold on cold nights like this, or to help guide me through dark times. Though desparite I may be to find the right girl, I lack the social tools for the search.

All my close friends whom I've always hung out with live an hour or more away. Can't afford to go anywhere to socialize. My computer's motherboard is dieing.

The only thing that has kept me sane is my love of music... of metal. This brings me to another quandery. I'm a guitarist without a band, and I'm hundreds of miles from anyone with so much as a grain of dedication.

...I think I'll be fine, though. Just not willing to bet money on it yet.
This thread needs more fire.

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Re: Broke, lonely, and loosing my grip
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2011, 09:50:36 AM »
Ouch man... I know what it's like to be broke but I've gotta say that I dont have it half as bad as you. Not much advice I can put down either. Maybe you should chane it and play somethng a tad more mellow at a local place, if nothing else it's decent tips and maybe a min. wage job.
And I cannot help but add that I share your love of metal... May be a different type (I'm a technical melodic/symphonic man).
But hang in there, mate. Nobody stays alone forever and the well's gotta wet up eventually.
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