Author Topic: Rant: Urban Dictionary  (Read 362 times)

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Rant: Urban Dictionary
« on: August 30, 2013, 12:25:53 AM »
One day, I decided to tell a brony I'm a furry. You know how a brony can be occasionally, not most of the time, rejected by normal people, especially when he's the only one at that school? We were starting a misfit group in our school, and everyone got along very well. After he hears that I'm a furry, he gives me a "You're messed up on so many levels. o.O " look and says, "What? You're a furry?!" So now I'm thinking to myself " :? Did he just disown me?" I ask him why he's acting so surprised. Turns out he doesn't know what a furry is, he read a definition on the Urban Dictionary. I ask him what he read, and he told me the most ridiculous thing ever, "Well, it said furries are in their own fox-with-giant-genitals world and have sex in fursuits." "... XD " I lost it then, I lmfao'd. I finally explain to him that it's an anthromorphic fandom that started in the '80s, and now he gives me a "Dude, I really fahked up there! XD " look. It's hard to believe that some people are stupid enough to believe what the Urban Dictionary says!

If any of you have had an Urban Dictionary misunderstanding similar to this, feel free to post them. I'd love to hear those hilariously incorrect definitions! ;)
« Last Edit: August 30, 2013, 12:33:13 AM by MyPokemanz913 »


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