Guys, I'm trying to move out RIGHT THE HELL NOW! My dad offered to let me live with him in Arizona. Altho he does think I'm a bit of a loony for being a fur, He does tend to respect me about it and I don't get any crap from him. Even though my mother hates my lifestyle choice, she's trying to "convert" me back to "normal." normal is a setting on a friggin washing machine. On top of that, my grandfather is a stubborn bastard and is insisting that I stay here because they don't want to lose their "precious little baby boy." Blegh. Nobody here gets that I'm ready to look after myself and I can't do that If my mother doesn't even let me cook Ramen when she's not home. Yeah, on top of being antifurry, she never listens to me and treats me like I know absolutely NOTHING about ANYTHING.
"Mom, can I borrow your laptop?"
"Nooo your gunna screw it up."
"Mom, I fixed that for you three times this month because YOU screwed it up."
I deal with that type of [removed] every day, but my father, heh, he can hardly look after himself. Thats exactly the kind of parenting I need in this stage of my life. the lax "whatever" will help me force myself into Making y own choices and ultimately becoming well off and successful at which point I can rub it in my families face, as you say. I'd be the first of my generation in that family to become successful. I don' want to live a poor life with a big family. I wanna be single, well paid, and left alone. I've really been trying to get her to let me go, but It eems like I'll never get out of this wasteoid town.. *cries*