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Outgrowing a character
« on: April 28, 2011, 04:35:37 AM »
While I usually don't make a lot of rant / advice threads, I felt like maybe I needed to discuss this with the right group of people; as in, it would make more sense to you all of all people.

I, for one, have a large collection of anthro characters. I have Rigor, whom, I assume most people know. She was my fursona / scalesona for a long long time. I mean, she still is to an extent. I just feel less connected to her than I used to. She initially started out as Nyx. Then Nyx turned into Rigor. Nyx and Rigor are the same character. The only thing is Nyx is the character before death, Rigor is the character after death. She also initiated the creation of other characters; Romei, Ankh, Art Cassidy, who are all "support" characters in Rigor's story.

Anyway, the point is, Rigor / Nyx is the basis of a lot with me, she is me. I've had her for over six years as me. And yet now, I feel so unconnected with her and I don't know why. I've had some bad things tagged to her. A long time relationship and friendship gone sour with her specifically tagged to these people (for those that know me, my actual persona is very important to me and I usually don't make art with her and other people's characters unless they mean a lot to me), people stealing her constantly, and people harassing me over her design because it is a similar concept (vaguely appearance wise) with another artist... I'm not particularly sure if these are causing me to feel less connected to her, or if I'm just outgrowing her altogether. To be honest, it somewhat upsets me because she was something solid for me for such a long time, but she has changed to where she doesn't feel like Rigor anymore. The only way I can describe it is it's like having to give away a toy you used to love as a child but can no longer use now because you've warped it into something else, and it doesn't quite function like it used to.

While it upsets me to an extent, I have to admit that I have another character, which, again, I'm sure you all know at least from my display pictures on here, who seems to be slowly but surely taking her place. His name is Lore. He's a chameleon plush-kind of voodoo doll looking thing. He seems to suit me like Rigor used to... I almost feel guilty for feeling that way about him. As if Rigor and I had something special and I'm cheating on her with Lore (It's funny, but it's how I feel! I swear! xD ) He was created in the same way that Rigor and Nyx was, there wasn't much thought, it just happened. When I made him, I made his design in under an hour, he felt right, but I didn't really intend on keeping or getting attached to him. He was more or less a scapegoat for art thieves. A joke. And yet, there's a magnetism about him that I can't shake and I have been getting attached to him despite what he was first made for.

There's so much that's me about him that I feel like I've captured with his design. He captures my gender neutrality (Hard to explain, but he's both genders, yet neither, I'd explain, but it would take forever), my neutrality with being considered "furry" (He's a doll, so is he technically furry? Maybe, maybe not. It's neutral.), the Halloween stuff I like along with my favorite color combinations, the animal I feel more connected with (chameleon), and the list goes on. I mean, Rigor has some of those things, too but their story and personality differ, and I wonder if its aspects of my personality that have changed... I also have this feeling that Lore is more "mine" or more "original" than Rigor in the sense that no one screams copy cat in my face, even if it wasn't the case to begin with when concerning Rigor.

People have suggested that maybe the reason why I feel unconnected towards Rigor because I've been stressed. They've also mentioned that maybe Lore might be me growing out of Rigor because he occurred so... "Naturally" without much thought. I'm not sure what it is. What does it sound like to you all? Has anyone every felt this way about their fursona(s)? What did you do about it?

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Re: Outgrowing a character
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2011, 05:06:02 AM »
Stress, among other things, clouds the mind. These clouds block certain ideas and thoughts from yourself. Im Afraid the only help I can offer is to relax and clear your mind of these clouds and look at this clearly. *hugs*

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Re: Outgrowing a character
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2011, 05:24:03 AM »
i can tottaly understand this...i had a neko character that was me for the longest time Catrina

i was that girl that made chracters for her mates and would do sappy couple art all the time...problem was i alwase used her, and eventualy..after drawing her with so many boyfriends i felt i was drifting from her..
and when i broke up with my latest Ex...i just couldnt have her at ALL then..cause he was actualy the one who helped me make her...she was who i used in LOTS of roleplaying with him and..uh..special RPing....
so i felt she brought to many painful feelings and i had to abandon her *feels bad about it*

so now i only use Kaprika to depict me...tho i am reluctant to draw her with anyone, cause i dont want the same thing to happen again

<-------this ish me :3  

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Re: Outgrowing a character
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2011, 05:28:18 AM »
It happens. People can change pretty drastically over a few years... I know I have, and there's a good chance you're experiencing it too. As much as I love my fursona, I still wonder if I'll outgrow her someday. Maybe, maybe not.

Just sounds to me like you do want to move on, but are afraid to. So I guess you have to really ask yourself why you're holding back. I think you should go for a change and see what happens, personally. As real as your characters may feel to you, they are your ideas in your head, and they'll always be there no matter what you wish to do with them. They're a part of your history and your feelings and your ideas. You can forget them, use them, love them, share them, or leave them behind in exchange for something new. But they're never really gone.

Don't fret over it. I'm sure Rigor would understand if you wanted to see other people. ;3
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Re: Outgrowing a character
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2011, 05:50:02 AM »
i agree with the others and i think you should relaxfor a little while and clear your mind like macid suggested, and if you decide to go with Lore than a way you could thing of it so you don't feel as bad towards Rigor is character evolution. like you said Nyx turned into Rigor, so this might just be Rigor turning into Lore. thats just what i think might be happening though. i hope things clear up for you though.
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Re: Outgrowing a character
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2011, 07:01:36 AM »
Well, there's not really much I can say that others haven't already. Regardless, I feel compelled to say this: try not to worry about it too much. Ultimately, it's a fictional character that you've created to define yourself. And as much as you may grow attached to it (which there's nothing wrong with), it's not going to hold anything against you if you come to a point where you feel you just need to move on. It only feels what emotions you give it through your imagination; if you let your imagination run wild to the extent that you're turning your own creations against yourself... because of yourself, you may just want to step back for a bit and breathe. Reality should always take precedence in a situation like this. If it's honestly got you feeling stressed, perhaps it's a good time to take a break for a bit and gather yourself.

I apologize if I come off as a bit insensitive; it's not at all my intention. I'm a bit of a realist, and I'm mostly in the "furdom" for a general love of animals (notably the furry ones) and an undeniable attraction to the more animalistic humans that furry art tends to create. I've never been one to truly "connect" with a particular animal or anything I've personally created depicting one, so in that sense I guess I can't truly understand the way you feel about this. Though I hope something I've said will be of at least some value to you in getting past this.

Best wishes, dude. :)
« Last Edit: April 28, 2011, 07:03:25 AM by KJOokami »
It's an insanity thing; you wouldn't understand.
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Re: Outgrowing a character
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2011, 02:06:45 PM »
Thanks all.
so now i only use Kaprika to depict me...tho i am reluctant to draw her with anyone, cause i dont want the same thing to happen again
I was / am like this about my more important characters.

It happens. People can change pretty drastically over a few years... I know I have, and there's a good chance you're experiencing it too. As much as I love my fursona, I still wonder if I'll outgrow her someday. Maybe, maybe not.
Don't fret over it. I'm sure Rigor would understand if you wanted to see other people. ;3
Well, the only way I can explain it is both characters have similar traits... They only vary in their outlooks concerning other people. Rigor was more angry / frustrated. Lore is more depressed / doesn't care (at their worst). It may come from the fact that within the past couple of years a lot of things have happened to me. I'm not entirely sure. I don't want to forget Rigor or not use her because I've been through so much with her, if that makes sense. She was my solid thing to come back to all the time. I might want to add that last part only made me giggle because it made me think of Rigor being one of those jealous types that would key my car over something like that. Lol.

i agree with the others and i think you should relaxfor a little while and clear your mind like macid suggested, and if you decide to go with Lore than a way you could thing of it so you don't feel as bad towards Rigor is character evolution. like you said Nyx turned into Rigor, so this might just be Rigor turning into Lore. thats just what i think might be happening though. i hope things clear up for you though.
Thanks. I'm beginning to think that maybe I feel bad because unlike the "evolution" with Nyx, Lore feels like a completely different entity altogether; unrelated to Nyx or Rigor in any way.

Well, there's not really much I can say that others haven't already. Regardless, I feel compelled to say this: try not to worry about it too much. Ultimately, it's a fictional character that you've created to define yourself. And as much as you may grow attached to it (which there's nothing wrong with), it's not going to hold anything against you if you come to a point where you feel you just need to move on. It only feels what emotions you give it through your imagination; if you let your imagination run wild to the extent that you're turning your own creations against yourself... because of yourself, you may just want to step back for a bit and breathe. Reality should always take precedence in a situation like this. If it's honestly got you feeling stressed, perhaps it's a good time to take a break for a bit and gather yourself.
Well, I'm typically one of the more non-furry furries if that makes any sense. I'm not stressed out completely over just my characters, though it does bother me to a degree. I meant that I've been stressed recently with life in general with things like my finals, my car breaking down, ect. ect. and I don't know if it's effecting my... "connectivity" with my characters. I have a pretty rambunctious imagination, but not so rambunctious that I confuse reality.

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Re: Outgrowing a character
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2011, 07:37:17 PM »
I've personally outgrown old fursona's, I used to be known in the furry community as a fursona completely different than the ones I favour now.

I see it as well...growing up. I do love and miss my old fursonas but...well...maybe it's different for me? I roleplayed a very hyper child-like character but she was very...2D...and I love to roleplay but reinventing her seemed too...well...wrong. You can't change a person so why should I be able to change her...maybe one day I'll reinvent her as an older version but for now she's a fond memory, I do still love her a lot but she's no longer who I am.

A fursona is an avatar, a representation, if you change as a person or find out more about yourself, you may find yourself wanting to change your fursona to something you'd like to be more or something that represents you more. =) Nothing wrong with that!

I also had a shy male character who I loved, I still do as he's a good male character but he still isn't as great as my current one. I found that it's so much better...for me RP as a fursona that's very much like me, as much as possible in fact =D
He's also been replaced and he was quite dear to me as he was first more 3D character but he's also too...2D...and RPing a 2D character is just boring =/ - Talk to us anonymously about any problems you have or simply any questions you have regarding issues not spoken of (E.g. Depression, sexuality, etc) and PASS IT ON! =D


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