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Job interviews... *irritated sigh*
« on: September 09, 2009, 07:58:08 PM »
Okay, so today I had a job interview for a seasonal job at L.L. Bean (if you want to know what it is, look it up because I'm not in the mood to explain). Now...I set up this interview around three weeks ago, so having to wait so long for this thing did not help me feel better about the result. But anyway...I left an hour before the interview to make sure that I had time to get to the town and find the employment office, and I ended up there 25-30 minutes early.
I was the first one there for the particular interview time (1:45; there's more than one interviewer) and I ended up being the last to go in because my interviewer was a little behind. So I go in and she asks me around 10 questions (maybe more, I don't know) during which she had to leave for a minute to talk to a coworker, then she's quietly looking through things on the computer for whatever reason (probably so she could say the next part, thinking, "So what do I say for this result?"). So then she says, "Well, I have more qualified candidates for this I'm not going to offer you a job at this time. I'm sorry. Good luck with your search."
So with all this, it was a complete waste of time in my opinion. I waited three weeks just to hear a "no"...not worth it. I mean, come on, they should just have those stupid questions that they ask in the application so they can just see your answers on there...because seriously, it's a waste of the applicant's and the interviewer's time if they have to come in just to answer questions for no job offer.
In my opinion, people should only be contacted about a job if the place is almost completely sure that they're going to hire the person. But that's just me.
And that's the end of the rant. Sorry if I sounded completely stupid, but it's difficult to compute what I want to say when I'm ticked off.
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Re: Job interviews... *irritated sigh*
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2009, 12:56:22 AM »
I remember my last job interview for a government job. I was so nervous I spent 2 or 3 hours pacing back and fourth in my room practicing what to say before I left. I remember walking into the office, and meeting my (current) boss who's first words were: "Hi Mark, you're already hired." That that point, I was a little skeptical and thought she was joking. We still had the interview which was a breeze since she didn't really ask me about my resume (since she didn't have it on hand *dodged that bullet*) but only asked me what I would do in the event of (fill in the blank). It was really straight forward too. A month later I was called in for a meeting with my coworkers. I get $12 an hour to stand around at arenas and make sure people don't fall and crack their skulls open which, on occasion, happened but that's beside the point. Honestly, it's the best job anyone can get w/ a fantastic wage. If I were you Vee, I'd try to get a job with your town or community. Government jobs are easy to get (at least were I live), they're always looking for people for anything. I have a friend who reads gas meters on houses for $13.50 an hour. He writes down a number and leaves for the next house. Simple.

I would avoid department and clothing stores along with fancy restaurants. They tend to be real picky. Grocery stores, fast food places, town jobs, job at the mall, something like these all have really flexible bosses who don't really care who does it as long as it gets done and tend to ALWAYS have open positions.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2009, 01:01:38 AM by Spike Vicious »
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Re: Job interviews... *irritated sigh*
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2009, 01:05:05 AM »
I should work for CMP (Central Maine Power)! They're meter readers. (That's just too fun to say.)
I would love a simple government job. Issue is how to find them really.
Today after getting turned down I started looking at job sites again and contacted a place called Bath-Brunswick Veterinary (another word I can't remember right now), Inc. because they had a job as a Kennel Assistant posted (which is working in their kennel, instead of the vet office thankfully). Hopefully they'll email me back if the position is still open and they want an application/resume.
But I will look for government/town jobs as well. They might actually work better for me.

If you haven't noticed, I'm in a better mood now than I was earlier. Thank you mood swings. lol.
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Re: Job interviews... *irritated sigh*
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2009, 01:20:26 AM »
Yeah, you get over job interviews pretty fast. I've been to six and only got 2 jobs out of it. XD
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Re: Job interviews... *irritated sigh*
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2009, 01:43:38 AM »
Yeah, it's just irritating when you wait then go in for nothing. It's kind of like a , "Why did I even bother?" moment.
I basically just tell myself that the people are morons and that helps me laugh and get over it. (Though most aren't actually morons, it just helps to say it.)
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Re: Job interviews... *irritated sigh*
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2009, 02:07:27 AM »
Meh, I don't get too bummed out someone alway's needs an employee. It's their loss after all. But the greatest feeling of all during work is your first paycheque and knowing that no matter what happens you're still getting paid. It's amazing then you can buy anything you want without begging your parents to lend you cash for something they say is stupid. :D One of the jobs I had over the summer was to clean out the houses of people who died or abandoned the place. It was cool since I got paid to do something I normally do for free and against my will. I also got a free stereo, golf clubs, TV, and a  sealed carton of Dumo cigarettes (back when I smoked and found it in the kitchen I almost had a heart attack) while working. I made between $80 to $150 a day on top of what loot I kept since it all went to the dump. The moving business is'a boomin.
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Re: Job interviews... *irritated sigh*
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2009, 02:41:01 AM »
I can't find a job. I need experience for most of the jobs that are around here. How am I suppose to gain experience if there's no place to gain experience?

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Re: Job interviews... *irritated sigh*
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2009, 02:47:24 AM »
I had to take a course in grade 10 that strictly focused on the aspects of careers and how to get them. They said that just because you have no experience doesn't mean they won't hire you. A lot of places offer training for new employees such as how to work a cash register, computer, stock shelves (if needed), butcher meat, ship packages, etc. A lot of corporate stores offer training. Major grocery stores, department stores, banks, etc. Ask around to see places for people your age to see how they got a job somewhere. If you have any friends with a job, it'd be a good idea to ask them or your parents. Browse the internet, newpapers, flyers, posters for any job openings that don't require experience. I find that small jobs are usually the best.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2009, 02:49:08 AM by Spike Vicious »
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Re: Job interviews... *irritated sigh*
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2009, 02:51:50 AM »
The problem with my area is that it used to be a heavy industrial area. Goodyear, clay products, coal mines, etc. But now it's all gone and all that's left is walmart, ma and pa shops, and fast food. everyone applies to the fast food places that there are usually no jobs left by the time hiring season is over.

"when life gives you lemons, make apple juice and have the whole world wonder how you did it."- unknown


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Re: Job interviews... *irritated sigh*
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2009, 03:02:19 AM »
Ugh, fast food jobs. I won't lie, they SUCK. A lot of my friends worked at McDonalds. They'd take a walmart position over a McJob anytime. I'd try the walmart but if they don't take you, try a small private business. Usually there's high demand for manual labour which is how I got my moving job. But hey, don't stop there. Start your own business if you can't join one. Offer cleaning, moving assistance, yard work, painting, or even window cleaning. A friend of mine started a small cotton cany stand at local fairs. He's 16 and rolling in thousands of dollars by the end of summer. If you got any experience in construction, then work on a site! Renovate someone's basment! Basic electrical skills? Help some old lady change out her circuts and wall outlets, install a new light in her living room for a few bucks. Did you ever help your parents or a neighbour around the house? The skills you pick up volunteering really makes an impact on yourself AS WELL AS your resume! Even if you've never had a job before, listing volunteer experience on a resume nearly triples your chances of getting hired. Do you know CPR? You could be a lifeguard, skate patrol guard, or even a hosptial hand.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2009, 03:04:04 AM by Spike Vicious »
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Re: Job interviews... *irritated sigh*
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2009, 03:27:50 AM »
Applyin for a part-time job has been the biggest pain...

A lot of the jobs I've been applying for, Best Buy, Radioshack, CVS, etc. all have these silly 100 question questionnaires that ask the exact same question in 30 different ways. If I had a dollar for every time I'd answered yes to "do you like being around people" in 1 questionairre, I'd have enough cash to buy God!

In fact, I had an interview (on the phone, of course) for Best Buy in which I was told that I was being interviewed to see if I would be interviewed to see if I would be interviewed to see if I could be considered as a part of their merchandising team. Is it just me, or is someone jerking me around?

The best one I think was when I applied at Lowe's and when I answered that I don't do drugs or drink, I got a message saying, "Your answers are incompatible with what we're looking for."

So anyway, I've been developing this awesome drug habit so I can get a job! Maybe I'll run for senate...
« Last Edit: September 10, 2009, 03:30:20 AM by artimus »

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Re: Job interviews... *irritated sigh*
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2009, 05:07:48 AM »
I can't find a job. I need experience for most of the jobs that are around here. How am I suppose to gain experience if there's no place to gain experience?

Exact same place I'm stuck in. :(
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Re: Job interviews... *irritated sigh*
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2009, 02:54:36 PM »
Yeah, that's the same situation I'm in too.
I've only ever worked for my dad. Not many places want to hire someone who has worked in trash removal and bottle redemption. >_>
But of course, I have certificate in photography and one in dog obedience training/instructing.
And I've started volunteering for an animal shelter.

Problem is, combining all that into one thing...
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Re: Job interviews... *irritated sigh*
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2009, 05:27:19 PM »
I haven't had many jobs worked under the table at UPS store. Packed Trunks and duffel bags at little rich kid summer camps. Actually had some girls watch us cause they've never seen someone pack a box before. (AKA seen people do hard work, and heavy lifting.) Next I worked at Jokers family fun and games. Not really sure where the fun is there? Sucks when you get yelled at by a customer because they didn't listen when you read off the rules. Or when they stick you in an area, you're not trained for, then get pissed at you when you ask a lot of questions. AHHH ***Auto-Censor*** jobs.

But I know what you mean. After my first year of college I went looking for a job sort of near my field of learning. Chose Staples copy center, I've had a whole class on that ***Auto-Censor***, and not just class room stuff. Like going out in to the press floor, learning and running a copy center there. I was a shoe in, I needed so little training. I took the interview ***Auto-Censor*** on a computer in the store. They never ONCE asked me about copy center work. Just about retail ***Auto-Censor***, and stupid questions. They ended up highering some guy who had tattoos covering his arms so much it was like a shirt.

After I finished school, my parents gave me 1 week of relaxation, then I had to apply for like 5 jobs a week till I got one. It sucks finding a job. I got the one I currently have because they lost a ton of people and there was need for replacements.

I'm not sure how far you'd be willing to treak, but I'd suggest looking in the Portland area or something. But DON'T APPLY TO ANY WALMART! They will eat your soul!

Watch the language. You set off the Auto-Censor four times.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2009, 06:35:04 PM by VeeSmith: His Wolfy, Reason: Foul language »

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Re: Job interviews... *irritated sigh*
« Reply #14 on: September 10, 2009, 06:38:07 PM »
Portland is as far as I'm willing to go actually. That's the longest commute that I can stand.
I did apply at Wal*Mart once but I think they didn't like my answers to their questionare on the application because I was never contacted for an interview or anything.
I guess I should've just applied to Dunkin' Donuts when they opened one in my town. >_<
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