Author Topic: Fursuit!  (Read 1131 times)

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Offline VrRaven

  • Vibrating Furby
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  • Posts: 15
  • Gender: Male
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  • Species: wolf
  • Coloring: head/back/tail black gradually getting lighter until a tuft of fur on his chest is whitish
  • Height: 6'8"
  • Weight: 204
  • Build: medium muscular and thin
  • Currently: sleepy
« on: November 06, 2012, 05:45:24 PM »
I just got word from my Fursuit maker that my payment was received and I will begin to get updates the end of December. Fursuit construction will probably start sometime around late February or sometime in march. (my estimate judging by her website) Unfortunately I cannot share pics until I have the suit in hand so that I do not void her ToS, however as soon as I do have it I will share most enthusiastically!  ^_^   


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