Author Topic: Could I be Otherkin?  (Read 2050 times)

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Could I be Otherkin?
« on: February 04, 2014, 05:13:22 AM »
I feel like my soul is non-human, but don't have an idea on what it is. I don't feel like I fit in with normal society. I often get this feeling that I could be a 'fairy', but I also might feel like a different kintype, though rare. I have a deep feeling I'm not human spiritually, though. I am a spiritual person, and like that either Therians or Otherkin (or both?) tend to be spiritual people.

I have doubts about myself, so that's why I don't want to jump into the Otherkin community, and then find out I'm not actually 'kin.

I also hope to find my place so I can fit in, but that seems hardly likely. This is another reason I'm considering the Otherkin community.

Also, if you have questions, just ask. I can answer those pretty well.
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Re: Could I be Otherkin?
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2014, 08:51:26 PM »
Maybe you are. I identify as such, even though I've never been visited or had dreams--well I've actually had a few where I'm my fursona instead of myself, but the dream goes on as normal. It kinda goes like this:

13-18, those are the ages where you're supposed to have visions and stuff. I've never had anything substantial, yet I still identify as such. There are otherkin community, or at least one, on the internet, but most of them seem like mature adults, and the science behind it seems very sketchy at this point.

My advice is talk to people who know about this if you're really interested, and not just research it.

I had very little exposure to this kinda stuff when I was growing up, so I guess I'm a late-bloomer, not that it bothers me much.

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Re: Could I be Otherkin?
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2014, 08:55:04 AM »
You're worrying too much about community and classification, you were doing the same thing about being a furry. It's always tempting to try and classify yourself but when you take it too far you think "well now that I'm X, I have to act like X right?" which is wrong.

  You sound like otherkin yes. Does that mean you have to hang out with other otherkins? No. Does that mean you need to act like an Otherkin? No. Does that mean you even have to call yourself an otherkin? No. You do whatever you want, a classification isn't a law, don't change your behavior just because you might come under a certain classification. Same thing with a furry, you're a furry if you say you're a furry, that's all there really is too it.
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Re: Could I be Otherkin?
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2014, 07:54:33 PM »
I don't think any of us are capable of telling you whether or not you're otherkin, let alone what type. From what I understand people who are comfortable with their otherkin identity have done quite a bit of soul-searching and there are a variety of opinions out there on why it happens and just how it works.

Not fitting in... could mean a variety of things. Many people feel they don't fit in.
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Re: Could I be Otherkin?
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2014, 01:45:37 AM »
I don't think any of us are capable of telling you whether or not you're otherkin, let alone what type. From what I understand people who are comfortable with their otherkin identity have done quite a bit of soul-searching and there are a variety of opinions out there on why it happens and just how it works.

Not fitting in... could mean a variety of things. Many people feel they don't fit in.
I kind of want to interact and talk with otherkin to see if it's right for me.

I'm not sure if there are places that otherkin frequent where I could talk to them. There are Otherkin communities, but I want to take it slowly.
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Re: Could I be Otherkin?
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2014, 12:02:23 PM »
Feel free to talk to me if you wish... but in all likelihood I'm not going to help you with any classifications... but I could perhaps shed some light on possible reasons for being here on earth as a human while knowing within you aren't really one of them.

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Re: Could I be Otherkin?
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2014, 05:48:25 PM »
I'm a little late on the response train.  >.> But I have a lot of info on the kin communities, since I spend a lot of time in them, so I thought I'd ramble on with an answer of my own anyway.  :P

If you feel that you're soul isn't human, and it's a feeling you've had for a long time that you can't get rid of, you're most likely on the right track by looking into Otherkin.

Have you looked into the mythology and lore of fairies? Perhaps delving into their world, stories and customs would help you see if there's anything there that's familiar to you. The more you search, the more clues you'll find.

Also, getting onto Otherkin forums would probably help you figuring thing out. If you find people who can give you the information you need, then that's great! If you decide that you're probably not Otherkin after all, you can just move on to something else. No harm done.  ^_^ That's what self exploration is all about.

I don't know if you're still looking into all this, but if you are, you can pm me if you'd like. I'd love to talk to you more.  ^_^
*hops away*


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