So this board is not very active and I know we talked about this a bit in the Genetic Engineering thread so I thought I would make a thread about the computerization that is happening in the world; the advantages, disadvantages and everything in between.
Computers are things we all know, because well if you didn't know what a computer or the internet was you wouldn't be on this website. The use of computers and the internet has made the seemingly impossible, possible. With the power of Google we have all the humanities perspectives, opinions, history, thoughts, sciences, religious beliefs, political opinions and knowledge in general at our finger tips in utmost detail. We are able to enter a realm where distance has become insignificant, where a quarter of a second to load 200,000 letters is considered to slow. A world where we can create our own universes, where we can share information ideally with each other and everyone. A world where our physical selves are getting less and less prevalent, where we are starting to unleash the potential of technology. Some people may believe that we have reached the point, but we are oh so far away from what we can achieve.
Emerging technologies under theoretical ideas may seem like science fiction, but these are all too real. With the coming advances of quantum computing, a computer chip the size of a mere 250 atoms would have the potential to process more information a second then a classical computer the size of the entire observable universe. With intense study and
current applications of Brain-User interfaces, we are able to control a mouse cursor with our mind, create artificial eyes and are able to control artificial limbs that aren't connected to our body, as these are technologies we have today, there is no telling what we can achieve with the future. There's also the coming technology that is so exquisitely featured in the Anime Ghost in a Shell, of the coming technological advances that could allow us to connect to the internet and other people's minds through our own. These all seem impressive and they are
all too real.
So the question and discussion of this thread is about the consequences of these emerging technologies, the consequences of what life becomes in the ever growing sea of information. The questions that can be asked is when to stop? How do we separate life from an Artificial Intelligence or can we even? What if the classifications becomes so fuzzy that we can no longer explain what life is?
I want to know, what do you think will be the Consequences of Computerization, do you think the ideal computer age would be good or bad and why?
For example, an issue I could come up with is whether we should get rid of the notion of internal life altogether. For if the technology becomes available, could we detach from our physical bodies and become one with the internet? Converting our thoughts into light signals and be able to migrate from a brain to a computer. Then able to move from computer to computer, through the internet, for all eternity, immortal and capable of almost limitless potential. The problems with this concept is the idea of the individual, which is lost. The concept is, if you can move to the internet from your own body your old brain would be destroyed or kept alive. If your old brain was kept alive and you still were you, you'd essentially only be copying a clone to the internet, it would not really be you on the web, but instead an exact replica of your thoughts. So, if you wanted to really be considered that yourself onto the internet, your old self would be destroyed. Although the same principle applies, although you are destroyed and the clone lives on in the system, the classifications of such an action would dictate that there was no clone and that you simply moved from your brain to the internet. Explained that, you would not know that you died (because your dead), the clone would not know he was reborn and simple believe he was moved and society wouldn't know that you were cloned either, but instead that you simply moved. So for classification to dictate that you moved from a computer to the internet the old brain would have to be destroyed, if you didn't destroy the old brain it would still have the same effect except that everyone would be aware that you aren't actually on the internet and it was only your clone that was on the internet. But yeah that's just an example of what could be discussed here.