A question to pose to anyone who is familiar with this. A coworker brought up a question that I'm not exactly able to answer. They live in the sticks (farmland on one side, highway on the other) where there is absolutely no coverage for them to get cable, internet, etc. They are relying solely on their cellphone for everything. It's been an increasing interest for them to be able to actually use their fancy TV without having to buy DVD's from the store, and apparently there's a Walking Dead fan in the house who hates having to go into town just to watch the show. While they actually do have internet, I went to their house and found out that after about 1GB is used, their ISP drops them almost entirely and they download at speeds that barely break 10KB/second...
Are there any suggestions or possible solutions I could forward to them about how to get internet to their house that is at least comparable to a decent provider in any town? I know there's not going to be a way to get them 1GB/second speeds or anything, but even if there was a way to get xMB/second, they would be more than happy with it.