Author Topic: The Fire Within (novel) by Chris D'Lacey  (Read 1723 times)

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The Fire Within (novel) by Chris D'Lacey
« on: May 17, 2012, 03:30:37 PM »
I absolutely adore this series! I could probably gush about it forever, but I'll spare you all x3
The first book is child-friendly, but adult-friendly as well. I enjoyed the book so much that, purchasing and reading it at a book fair in Jr. High several years prior, I went and read it again, where I realized it was an entire series and continued to go through it.
It's about a young man by the name of David Rain who takes up tenancy with Elizibeth Pennykettle, a potter with a special talent, and her daughter, Lucy Pennykettle. The story starts out fairly normal, and a little bit confusing, but evolves into a sometimes dark, emotionally gripping, and sometimes amusing (to the point of actually laughing out loud) child's fantasy book involving dragons, time travel, the universe, inuits, bears and squirrels.
Yeah, sound confusing yet? I won't give too much detail, but I will say that from the first book being as silly and childish as it was, (albeit entertaining and still adult-friendly), it transforms into a much more mature, broader spectrum of things, such as the universe being born from the breath of a dragon and a different spin on the idea of God. (Here's a hint, all dragon's names start with G ;3)
It's really amazing, you gotta read this if you're into fantasy. I also wanted to mention that it can be very emotionally touching, and can get your mind reeling. I nearly cried near the end of the third book, Fire Star ;.;
 It's a very exciting book, and at points midway between Icefire and Fire Star it feels like you could be coming up on the end of the series, leaving you with that "Nooo! Don't be over yet!" feeling.
Tell me what you think! I'm on the fourth book now, The Fire Eternal. Here's a list of all the books, in left to right order, as well as links to their respective Wikipedia pages (I put it in a spoiler so you guys don't have to load the images every time):

Spoiler for Hidden:

« Last Edit: May 18, 2012, 12:10:34 AM by Eibhleann »
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