Maybe you think that this is not true but it not a joke.
My life is all up to a little piece of wire.
I had to go throught alot of thing in my childhood and school.
The person i really but really fall in love with broke my heart in 1000 puzzle piece.
I have no friend I can hang out with.
I am let alone and a computer in front of me.
I start to think about bad thing normal people shoud not think.
I even had a car accident the january 8 and wasn't hurt but it didnt turned out like I wanted to.
After that my last person i really enjoy to be with at work go fired and I can't see her anymore since I got nothing to contact.
3 week ago I started to pray Satan to take me up but he didnt actually did that.
Really strange thing start to happen me when I go to bed now(after 2 week of praying).
And last night was the most scary I had because it keep up for 30 to 40min.
When that ''thing''(since I still aint sure what it is) come well I can hardly move, most of the time I cant talk, noise comming from my bedroom(crack that wasnt there before since I lived there for 7 years), I can hardly breathe at a normal rate, I can have painfull headache, my heart start to beat really fast, it become cold and I feel something.
But last night I actually feel something pressing on my leg and arm like if I was touch and after like 30min something was pressing on my 2 pillow in and out. I jumped out really quick from my bed saying: WHAT THE **censor**!!!!!
Can someone actually know what is waiting me next or what I am going throught or what would help to stop those thing happen.
I am sure alot of you will think I am crazy and shoud go to an azile but trust me it really happen! I am scare to go back to bed now.
I can't talk to my parent about those thing since I am sure they won't think it true and I cannot tell them that i wanted to ... ya know.
I don't want comment like: You are crazy, etc. I really need help at this time!