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Author Topic: Can you feel this song?  (Read 1377 times)

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Offline Moongaze

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Can you feel this song?
« on: April 15, 2010, 05:53:44 PM »
Music has the power to evoke emotions.  I'm sure we all have songs on our playlists that are so passionately written/performed that the emotion literally jumps out and changes you immediately.

Here's how this works...  Pick a song that you evokes a strong emotion (happiness, anger, sadness, etc...).  If your a poster give a brief commentary on what you think about the song and how you feel about the emotional value and impact it has.

Please...  For the sake of keeping things simple post ONE song at a time.

If there are multiple variations (studio > live > reprise) you may go ahead and post the variations.

If you are a reader/listener and you see multiple variations give an extended moment to allow one or two people to comment on the emotional value of the song.  Or you can can comment yourself.  Vice-versa, whatever, hehe.

Ok.  I'm starting with Agalloch - Bloodbirds  > studio version  > live version

This song...  I have a difficulty describing...  It maintains multiple atmospheres and continues to build up until all the fury is unleashed at the climax...  It makes me feel...  Destroyed after listening.  Like, I'm walking outside and existence is no more.  It's a surreal and unique feeling...


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