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Author Topic: Dawn Of The Riders  (Read 1106 times)

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Offline Sareen

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Dawn Of The Riders
« on: April 16, 2010, 10:25:33 PM »
This is just a random story I wrote for school coursework, its not very good, I had a time limit of 2 hours to write it

Unwelcome Visit

It was cold; the clouds had started to gather in the sky as I sat watching the last shred of light disappear. My eyes widened to the sound of a loud rumbling but they quickly lowered as it started to rain, I got up and zipped my jacket up before shoving my hands into my pockets as deep as they would go. Figures....The day I wear a jacket with no hood was the day I needed one. I sighed heavily as I started to walk home, kicking a small stone that was in front of me as I kept my head low, all I could think about was ‘‘when I was going to get home?, would anyone miss me?’’ you see... I had run away from home after the death of my father’s best friend, I couldn’t deal with having to see my dad trying to drink himself to death, it hurt more when he was my only relative. I’ve been away from home and living on the streets for about 3 weeks now, don’t ask how I survived on such little food and water but I did, I brushed my now wet hair out of my eyes and tucked it behind my ears, I never liked the my length hair, it always got in my way.

The rain started to fall heavier, to help shield myself I zipped my jacket up all the way and stuck the collar up; I flicked my hair over the collar so it wasn’t tucked in. I looked around and saw fog started to set in, this started to feel like a bad time to be out alone, my pace quickened as I tried to find somewhere I could stay till this pasted. I was soaked to the bone and shivering before I found somewhere to go, an old inn lay in a small town that I didn’t remember passing when I came by a few weeks back, it couldn’t be new, I mean they can even build a house in a month, let alone a whole village in three weeks. It started to hale, I would have to worry about this another time, I ran towards the inn and pushed open the heavy oak door, with a loud screech I felt all eyes dart toward me.

I kept my head low and tried to ignore the gazes, I started to feel paranoid now, I raised my head and those who were staring at me suddenly turned back to their own business. ‘I’m Dead ...’ Asking the rather odd looking person behind the bar if I could stay the night I felt a burning feel on my chest, I winced in pain and pulled out my necklace, ‘It’s ... Glowing?’ there was a dim glow coming from the stone attached, it had never done this before, I kept gazing at it until a tap on my back made me jump back to reality, I shook my head and turned round to see a heavy built angry looking guy who was nearly twice the size of me, I jumped a little bit which I guess offended him and he gave me a rather deep snarl, I turned back to the person behind the bar who still seemed to look...Un-human. I got my key and headed up the stone stairs before getting to my floor, I scanned the doors till I found the room with my keys symbol on, I still thought it was kind of strange to have symbols instead of numbers on a key tag.

Unlocking my door I heard a gasp and then the sound of running footsteps followed by a slam, but no one was in my room and there was no other doors leading out of the room, this made me wary of wanting to stay here, This tavern wasn’t normal, it was almost like it was from some badly done thriller. All night I felt an eerie presence in the room, but was scared me the most was when I felt warm breath on my cheek, but when I looked there was nothing there, was whatever was with me so quick that it could hide before I got the chance to see? Or maybe I was just coming down with a fever that made me hallucinate, but I didn’t feel warm or sick, maybe it was just stress.  I was just about to fall asleep when I heard footsteps stop outside my door, I sat up and rubbed my eyes and just propped myself up, Blinking in daze I just sat and listened, expecting something to happen.
The voices outside my door seem to be rather mumbled and very screechy; I spun my legs out of bed and crept over to the door, placing my ear against it I could hear slightly better. It sounded like they were planning something, I listen intently at the two beings on the other side of the oak door, a good few minutes passed before they parted, I’d more or less given up listening so I lost what it was about, but the bits I did hear didn’t sound good. I Staggered back to the bed and flopped on it, falling asleep soon after my head touched the pillow, though the brief moment I was awake, I felt someone was there watching me.

Jolting awake in a cold sweat after having a nightmare, I saw that I had been tucked into bed ‘I didn’t fall asleep like this... I was half on half off’, There was something in my room, but I didn’t know what it was, though whatever it was didn’t seem to be a threat...Yet.  I got out of bed and went over to sink and poured some water from the jug beside it in, I splashed my eyes with some water before rubbing a handful of water on my face, with a damp face I rested my hands on the edge of the sink and just looked down at the water, when I came to my senses I stood straight and dried my face off with the small cloth folded by the sink. I stretched and clicked my wrists before groggily walking over to my door, finding out it was locked, I looked around and saw nothing that could help, so I went and to the window and saw the surroundings were different somehow.

About an hour passed before something unusual happened. I heard my door click and it opened, but no-one was there and it had opened to quietly for someone to have pushed it, The feeling of being watched came back before my necklace started to burn and glow again, I held it off of my skin by the string so I didn’t get burnt as this time it burnt allot more.  I could see that parts of the stone where being pressed out in an odd shape, this worried me as stones weren’t meant to do that. When the stone had stopped glowing I left my room and went to the bar to get something to eat, I order some food and when it was placed in front of me I was disgusted at what it was, there was rotting meat, maggots and some unidentifiable purple and yellow thing, the smell was unbearable but in politeness I picked up the strange utensil that looked like a fork and began to eat, this seem to make the locals less edgy of me.

When I finished my meal I felt sick ... No Surprise there. I didn’t show that I felt ill, I thought now that I have the local’s dagger-ish gazes off of me I felt slightly more relaxed, but I still couldn’t grasp the fact something wasn’t right about the locals or this tavern.  I got up and a grey mist descended over my eyes ‘whoa...Got up to fast’ I shook my head a little and scrunched my eyes tight, when I opened them the mistiness had gone,  I looked around and saw that it was gloomy looking outside, guessing the rain had started again. Going over to the window I saw there was no rain, but there was another building, this time it looked like a rather beaten down old stone church, It amazed me as to how much these things could get done in few hours.

Wondering back up to the front desk I asked if I could stay another few nights till I regained strength, the being behind the counter nodded so I handed over the necessary amount of coins needed. I didn’t really know what to do with myself I mean, The outside seems gloomy and foggy and if the beings in here don’t seem very normal then I hate to see what is out there. I decided to just go back to my room and have another wash, just help myself feel a little calmer, I sat on my bed when I was done and I heard a voice whisper in my ear, it was soft, gently and in another language, the voice didn’t scare or worry me this time though, it felt comforting and it hadn’t harmed me yet.

Few minutes passed and I realised that this voice and presences must be some spirit who was trapped and needed my help so it could pass through to the other side. I rummaged through my pockets until I found a pen, I went back into what I guess was the lobby to grab a couple sheets of parchment, since I started to feel a little bit thirsty, I made my way back to the bar and got a drink, this wasn’t any better looking than the food, it looked more like a dog had sneezed in the cup, but strangely...It tasted sweet, like a juicy apple or a rip strawberry, Heh Maybe I Could Get Used To This. When I was done I went back to my room and closed the door behind me, I left the pen and paper on the space next to the sink before climbing into bed, After the sleep I had last night I think I deserved a nap.

As I slept, I had flashbacks of my mother, she was so beautiful and she always knew what to do and what to say, I dreamt I was a little kid again, me, mum, dad and Zida, were at the park having a family picnic like we always did in summer, Me and Zida were playing Frisbee. Zida used to be my only friend, she may have had 4 legs, fur and a tail, but she was playful and she was so dopey, she would always give you the sweetest looks when she wanted something, unfortunately she passed away days after my 7th birthday. The memories flicked to my first day of school how excited I was and how long it took my mother to get me ready, When I got to school I was there for three hours before I was called to the principle, my father was she had been crying. Looking round the room I saw my mother wasn’t with him, I worried dad took my hand and lead me out of school, I was confused and scared, not a word was uttered on the way, minutes later we arrived at the hospital.

My eyes widened and screamed for my mum as I broke from my father’s grip, he shouted my name but I was running up the hospital hall looking at every bed...Then I saw her. She looked so peaceful and completely different, her skin was pale, her red cheeks had faded, her hair wasn’t glossy like normal, I pulled a chair to the bed and climbed up onto it, placing my hands on her arm...Her skin was cold, I felt the heat draining from her body, My eyes started to stream with tears as I felt a hand on my shoulder, It was dad. I still remember his words ‘She’s very sick...The doctors don’t think she’ll make it...’ Why? Why was this happening? I knew mum was sick but, she said it was nothing, that night me and dad slept by mums side, praying she’ll get better. But she never, when me and dad woke up cuddled up in a chair, mum was gone, a nurse came in and told us that she had passed away a few hours ago. Suddenly a picture of my mother face, covered in blood and badly damaged flashed and faded.

I shot up in my bed when I heard the sound of a blood curling scream come from outside my window, a young woman was being attacked by what looked like a three eyed mongrel, I looked around and saw an old wooden chair in the corner of my room, I picked it up and threw it against the wall, causing it to smash, I grabbed one of the legs and ran as fast as I could downstairs, I ran out in the light fog and to where I saw the girl and the beast, The was gone but the women laid badly hurt on the floor. ‘I can’t just leave her...’ I looked around and saw no-one in sight, walking over to her with caution I knelt beside her and she seemed unresponsive so I picked her up and took her back up to my room. Laying her on the bed I got some fresh clean water and a cloth and began to clean her wounds, the teeth marks seemed very unnatural, the canines sunk into the skin allot deeper and all teeth seemed to be pointed. As I was cleaning the woman from blood I saw some strange blue liquid on her shirt.

When I was don’t cleaning I started to rip strips of cloth from my shirt to bandage the cuts, but as I was doing so I hear a soft groan noise which caused me to look up, the females eyes were twitching, I stood up and looked at her, I went to tap her in the shoulder until she jolted up panting which caused me to jump backwards and nearly spilt the water I placed on the side. “W-Were I? ...WH-Who are you?” her voice was gentle and her eyes were crystal blue, I snapped back to reality as I felt a sharp sting on my cheek, “PERVERT!”, Hand on my cheek after being slapped and a confused look plastered on my face, “WHAT! I Am No—“Wait... I think I knew why she said this; I had to rip her trousers to be able to get to one of her wounds, like a gentleman I apologised and explained. We got talking and ended up going to get some dinner, somehow she seemed to know what was edible so she picked and as always I was the one who had to pay.

About an hour later two plates were slid down the bar to us, I didn’t know what was on my plate all I know is that it had eyes and they were staring at me, I looked at the girl I saved and she was just chowing down, personally I don’t see how you can eat anything that gives you the puppy face...even if it was dead, That just made it creepier. She must have seen I wasn’t to amused with the strange blue googly eyed thing in front of me as she poked me with her fork “It’s not deadly, it’s only a Gukar” Did she know I wasn’t from around here? I don’t think she did, I didn’t want to deal with a lecture so I picked up the utensils and cut a bit off, I held it near my mouth and my mouth started to water as I got a strong smell of freshly cooked meat, I placed the chunk in my mouth and chewed, the flavour was incredible I had NEVER tasted anything like it, I couldn’t even describe the taste.
“My names Kalirai if you’re wondering” she said as she dapped her mouth with a cloth, her plate only had some smears of yellow sauce and the bones from the Gukar left. I nodded and smiled to show I was listening, though I still got a punch in the arm, “Well? What about you? Are you going to tell me yours?” Oh yeah, Manors I nearly forgot about them, I swallowed my mouthful first and told her, “My names Talis, strange I Know” she seemed to like it, she gave me a smile and what made me think was when part of her hair moved on its own, I thought I would joke around “What you got under their animal ears?  Ha-ha” but what shocked me was her answer “Yeah I Do, what about it?” all I could do was feel bad my head lowered as I spoke in a saddened tone, “N-Nothing wrong with that...I-I Just didn’t know...I’m Sorry”.

I rose my head to the sound of laughter, Kalirai was laughing at me her canine with were really sharp come to think of it, and I never realised who her nose was slightly animalist too, “I was joking, Tails” I just blinked, “Its Talis and what are you?” she examined me and tilted her head, “You seem trustworthy, follow me” she got up and head for the door, motioning me along, so I naturally followed, ‘Wait...She has a Tail Too! What else didn’t I see before?’ She took me back up to my room and locked the door behind us; she was going to kill me really wasn’t she? My mind started to play tricks on me and badly too, she sat down on my bed so I leant against the side with the sink on. She looked around before revealing some feline like ears, but inside of being on the top of her head they were in the same place as human ears. It still amazed me to see this with my own eyes, this stuff normally only happens in the movies, it amazed me more how she could hide her ears under her short dusty brown hair.

After a moment of silence Kalirai looked up from the floor, her eyes glistened and she spoke in a hushed tone “I know you didn’t ask me this but I know you’re probably going to... But my tribe is under threat from a rival tribe, the Caiveral, and to answer your question I’m a Nar’ria. We’ve become a main prey for them Cai’ris. Which leads me to why I’m here, I’m looking for a Legendary Rider, He’s been rumoured to be around these parts. But the probably is... if he isn’t one of our species he won’t be able to breathe the air of Someria. Unless he has his dragon” I blinked in disbelief “There’s DRAGONS?!” of course by this I was excited, ever since I was a kid I have always had a thing of dragons, I would often draw them and I had loads of models around my room back home too.

For a few hours me and Kalirai just sat and talked about how her tribe was suffering the attacks of multiple Caiveral clans. They were greatly outnumbered and had no way of contacting their own tribes to come to their aid. She was scared she was going to lose her family and friends, than we got talking about my mother and how she had died of an illness 16 years ago and how my father had become an abusive alcoholic. We finished talking and we just sat in silence for awhile before one of us realised that it was dark outside “It’s getting dark. Where are you going to stay?” I looked at Kalirai and saw she was in thought, “Well you have 2 beds...Would it be possible if I stayed here? I can’t return to my tribe with no dragon rider...I would have failed my promise...”  I nodded and stretched “Sure, pick a bed then we can go get dinner if you like?” a smug grin spread on her face “I’ll have this bed and was that a date Invite?” she giggled.

My eyed widened and I shook my head “N-no! I was just wondering if you wanted to get food, it’s been awhile since we last eat” I was panicking, I mean yeah, Kalirai was cute but I barely knew her, but my worry soon turned to confusion as Kalirai began to laugh “What’s so funny?” she tried to calm her laugh but instead she spoke between “I was only –he he- Joking Tally, Jeez don’t look so scared –he he-“ I just nervously chuckled, I must look like an idea by now. Kalirai got off her bed and wiped her eye and smiled “Come on lets go get food, I know another dish you might like” she pranced off ahead as I embarrassedly followed with my head down low.

Kalirai lead me out of the tavern and down a small stony dirt lane, “Where are going? I thought we was going for food” I asked as I buried my hand deep in my pockets, Kalirai just pointed so I followed to where her finger was pointing and saw what seemed like a cafe, yet completely different, then again the whole surroundings were different. My mind was drowning in thought and worry, but I soon snapped out of it when it felt like I walked into a brick wall, but what sounded like a growl erupted and then I realised walls down growl, I looked up and jumped as I saw a orc? Where was I? I felt a sudden tug on my sleeve as Kalirai grabbed it and pulled me along with her, “Come, foods this way he-he”

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Re: Dawn Of The Riders
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2010, 12:51:43 AM »
2 hours? I could never write this much in two hours.

I'll read it when I have enough time to
"Parents always think kids are wasting their youth, and always have done [so] down through the millennia," says Tom Forsyth of RAD Game Tools. "'That Ug, always holding things. His front paws will develop in funny ways. Why can't he walk on all fours like normal proto-hominids?' And so, whatever the kids spend the most time doing, that's always what parents think is a waste of time, and what is corrupting their lives. It doesn't matter what that is. If all they did was homework, parents would be worrying that their kids aren't becoming well-rounded people. And, in fact, parents do this - enrolling math nerds in karate classes and the like. There is no way to win - parental paranoia ensures that kids are always doing the wrong thing."

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