I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. When I'm angry I prefer to be alone, But when I'm at school the more I try to be cool and be left alone PEOPLE ANNOY ME EVEN MORE!!
Many days I will be in biology class, trying to stay "zen" or whatever... I wanna just go through the school day calmly and without trouble... but unfortunately my teacher placed me at a desk right beside an energetic girl who would NEVER. SHUT. THE HECK. UP. And this girl thought she was friends with everyone. So she talked to me about random things I don't give a crap about, I replied as calmly as I can, and then politely asked her to be quieter because I am not in the mood to talk. Oh, guess what happens then?
And there I would nearly lose my cool, and at one point I shouted at her to shut up.
When I'm at school there's nothing I can do to stay calm, because when I try to everyone starts bothering me twice as much, and I feel like I'm going to explode with rage by the time the day is over!
But once I'm on the bus it can either be worse or it can help me calm down. There are even more loud annoying kids on there, but as long as they aren't loud enough to break through the sound of my iPod I can feel much better.
Although it may sound weird, heavy metal helps me get more calm. Most people (at least people who don't like it) say it makes them want to kick a puppy or something, but for me it lets me escape reality for a little bit. I almost feel like crying when I find out my iPod's battery is dead, because I have to go through an extra 45 minutes with idiots.
When at home I just turn up the music and draw or write. Even just being home while no one is there makes me feel much less stressed. I'd even take a walk down to the creek if I didn't have to cross an intersection to get there.
Thank dogs it's summer vacation, but I'm going to go through the same annoyances at school again in a couple months...
Edit: Wow, my heart rate went up a bit while writing about my experience.