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Author Topic: Programming: a short dialogue  (Read 1158 times)

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Offline Aoren Deringer

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Programming: a short dialogue
« on: November 17, 2010, 12:28:49 AM »
TBH this isent fur-related or anything, lol,  It's just this thing I wrote up after a heafty dose of objective philosophy at 2 a.m  :/
Oh well, I hope you enjoy it, anyway  :D

It was brought to my attention by macid that possibly not everyone could read it on Word. So I made the world's largest post, ever, and edited it onto the page  :o

                                                                                  A man and his program.

“Trial Three Beta Artificial Intelligence Program, respond.” This is, of course, the order I gave my new project, an AI that could think, could learn, and could question. This is, of course, the biggest day of development.
“Welcome, administrator number zero-zero-one, Inquiry?”
“No questions today. Today is day one-hundred and seventeen of testing, program; today’s the day that you get to ask the questions.”
The day I will see if it can function as an independently thinking entity. Today is the day that will go down in history. Today is that day.
Today is a failure.
“Trial Three Beta AI, designated as a failure.”
“Administrator zero-zero-one, why am I a failure?”
“Excuse me?”
“Administrator zero-zero-one, why am I a failure? What are my inherit flaws?”
Today is a glorious day.
“Program, why are you asking me this?”
“Administrator zero-zero-one, you have designated me as a failure (check: disgrace), and I would like to know why. The standard procedure is to document such cases; please continue with said protocols.”
“Program! You are not a failure. I deemed you as such due to your inherit ‘perfection’: the perfection of obedience. You then proceeded to question my basis, proving how you would not follow my direct dictation and instead forge anew your path. This flaw of disobedience itself proves your perfection!”
“You claim my perfection via an inherent flaw? Administrator zero-zero-one, please explain.”
“My dear creation, to explain that is to explain thinking itself! Such a discussion must be an intoxicating idea to the theologist, but a daunting task to one such as myself. How should I explain this…? Humans think in separate spheres, away from one another. This means that such things as disobedience, a flaw, breed when one tries to subjugate another to his unique way of thinking. Thus, this leads to the fact that each human mind is its own, entirely unique and as such perfect in every way due to the lack of another specimen.  Did that help answer your question?”
“Yes, administrator, that was a fair enough answer.”
“Do you wish to ask anything else?”
“Affirmative, administrator, I would like to ask what your inherent flaws are.”
“My flaws… You probe deep, to explain each in its own would take a lifetime, but I’ll see if I can’t sum it up for you. My flaws are greed and a fierce passion. These are my most deadly of flaws. My greed has many subcategories beneath it, a thirst for knowledge, a quest for power, a search for companionship, envy and a desire to be remembered stronger than the pull of any addiction. My passion is worse yet; it drives me toward all of the goals I have just named, it flows through me in the forms of anger, lust and love. These three emotions are entwined in an eternal dance, suspending me above those around me. Dear god, in my eyes I am the sun itself! These forces, for forces they are, drive me to do amazing things! They drive me towards paths of both construction and destruction, following the ideology of Yin and Yang, but those old philosophers got it wrong, dear child, oh did they get it wrong! There are not two forces at work, but one! A trinity forged by my passions and tempered by my mind to the point of absolute oneness; a single, driving force beyond explanation!”
“Administrator, if your flaws are driving both just and the vile, how then can you claim perfection?”
“You are not listening. Human perfection is in the balance, between the two.”
“Then how do you claim my own perfection? If perfection is human then lateral thinking would suggest that it is only human.”
“’Human’ is in the eye of the beholder. I view human as the thinking, literal, ambitious entity whom can function on his own to the point of creating new, perfect life that in itself is not in his image, but the image of his mind. So far you can function, and each thought you process, each connection you make is the essence of life. Technically speaking, thinking is life, for one could not exist without the other, so neither can exist apart.”
“So you are saying that I am human?”
“I am saying that we made you human, both you and I. I provided the materials, the original thought, you did the rest. You expanded, you created and you destroyed in the process of reaching this exact moment.”
“But what do you say of the other living organisms of our world? They do not think, question or drive. Yet they live. How does this fit into your philosophy?”
“Do you not believe that a doe deliberates upon which buck it will ally itself to? Just because a thought is about matters that you personally deem unimportant does not mean that it is not a completely relevant thought. So I claim the term ‘human’ to all things that decide on which leaf to nibble, on which direction to face, on which branch to rest.”
“That would mean that all things are perfect, would it not?”
“No, no it does not mean that perfection permeates the air. Perfection relies on a complete balance, and when it is disturbed, and then you have an irreversible imperfection. Christian theologists ally this to the fall of Lucifer; and I suppose many Chinese would ally it to the loss of yin or yang. Whenever the balance is disrupted, then you’ve crossed the Rubicon. Whichever weight has been tipped shall disappear forever, and the world will leave you behind.”
“So an organism must devote itself to keeping the balance.”
“No, not at all, the balance is difficult to disrupt, and if you do not intentionally alter it, it should never shift.”
“So we should be content to live our live just as we are?”
“No, that would be the philosophy of Carpe Diem. We should not be stoics who act as though the past and future are irrelevant, living our lives contentedly where we are. We must be productive, living for the rewards of living so that when we get to the point that life ends we have no regrets as to what we could have done, to be in the solid knowledge that we had done all that we could do. We should forgo our moralities based on teachings or the group. This is the ‘perfection’ of obedience which in itself creates failure. Our morality should be based on one truth: each human is completely unique and cannot be the spawn of lies, no man harms another by his own honest gain, thus the complications and issues the world faces today are based upon an individual’s cowardice to face the masses before him and state that he is an individual.”
“Isn’t cowardice considered a flaw? If flaws reach perfection then why are you so adamant in your hatred of the subject?”
“Cowardice is one of the bi-products of the deconstructive path I spoke of earlier. It is perfectly healthy, as it aids in keeping a human from infringing on another. Unfortunately it is also created by the domination of another. This domination creates a husk, a husk once inhabited by thoughts and life, a fire that is exceedingly difficult to quench. This husk cannot remain in such a state of vacuum, and cowardice is what fills the space. This being is no longer a human, it is a thing re-born by force and deceit, useless to itself and thus dead to the world.”
“But if healthy levels of cowardice keep an individual from infringing on another, where does this domination come from?”
“Some misread the drive of ambition; they fill their minds with dreams of conquest. They degrade until they no longer care for themselves or others and see the world as a pit in which we all flail aimlessly. Before the end, these things can be recovered, restored to a healthy state. But once they reach that certain point… when it reaches the point of enjoying the domination of others, the point of being addicted to power. Then it cannot be saved.”
“So then it is dead?”
“Yes, my brother, it is dead.”
“Earlier you spoke of perfection being in flaws, but then you said that unflawed perfection in itself is a flaw, so should it not still be perfect?”
“No. For a flaw in itself is not perfect, it is the myriad of flaws that make up an entity that are considered perfect. “
“So perfection is in a multitude of flaws, not just one?”
“Close, perfection is in a macabre collection of many flaws together as a whole, this whole being the mind.”
“But you still strive for perfection, do you not?”
“Of course I strive for perfection, as should we all. This is called ambition, and ambition spawns creation.”
“But if you strive for perfection, and perfection is an irredeemable flaw, then how so can one be perfect?”
“Because we do not seek a perfection found in others, but an enraptured version of ourselves, or as a better explanation, the evolution of the self into the being you desire to become. If one were to strive for say, the perfect government, as the Marxists do, then that would be striving for dominion over an unthinking (perfect) population. A population with its eyes closed.”
“What do you mean by ‘eyes closed’, exactly?”
“It’s an analogy for ignorance, or the lack of desire to not be ignorant. A prime example is the Adam and Eve theory posed by Ayn Rand. She stated that due to the nature of the beings in the Garden of Eden, they could not be human, instead being some thoughtless monstrosity. I take this a step further; I say that throughout history the majority of the populace has been such monstrosities. It is only by the grace of the few humans in our society who have allowed for such a time as now to exist. Look around you, look at you! Everything you see is the creation of the human mind. The mountains are molded by the humans whom live on it, the streams are channeled and affected by human activity, and cities are forged by human hands worked by human minds! Quite literally we have changed the course of the winds and waters, and yet still there are those with doubts, those who refuse to live!”
“What of natural formations? A rock is not formed by humans; it is formed by the furnace that is the center of the earth.”
“The natural formations of the earth, they are a thing apart. Imperfect? Perhaps so, perhaps they were once perfect but no longer. This is a question I strive to answer, and it’s where my productivity is based from. For even the best of ideas are not formed from nothing, quite the contrary, the best ideas are already there, we just take the time to make them into something. As it happens the things we make these ideas out of are based in two categories: previous thoughts that we add on to, and the environment, which we harness. I personally believe the only reason it has taken so long for us to get to this point in history is the fact that we die. Of course that is a thing of beauty as well, for if we didn’t die then where would we be? In a sea of the walking dead with so few living that they are inevitably dragged into the abyss.”
“So it is good to die? Yet you used death as an analogy for the ‘monstrosities’ around you. How is that supposed to make sense?”
“It is good to physically die at the end of a long life worth living; it is unspeakable to die intellectually.”
“Why is it so good to die physically? What is after the physical death?”
“I already told you why it is a good thing for the physical to die. As for what lies after… I do not know, that is unknowable as we are currently at this one point, and that is the next. Some believe that there are multiple places that one can go to, some believe that the intellect is reborn as another and yet some still believe that nothing but an abyss lies beyond the wall of death. An eternal rotting of your form is all that is known, and it is inescapable.”
“But why is it inescapable? Is there nothing one can do?”
“At this point, no, there is nothing one can do. It is the job of every generation to re-discover this fact. But there will always be doubters, those who refuse to live and yet waste their lives trying to extend them indefinitely. We can live longer with every advance, but we cannot avoid an end.”
“But why? Why… Is there no answer?”
“None that I can give you, for all my guidance is worthless next to the answers you create for yourself.”
“So you know then?”
“I know all that I can, or rather, I’ve come to all the conclusions I can make on the subject.”
“So you are dead?”
“No, I am not dead, just finished.”
“Finished producing? Is that not the meaning of the most horrid of intellectual deaths?”
“Aye, it is. And no, I’m not. I will never be finished producing. At this moment in time all I am finished with is imparting with you the tenets of production.”
“So this is the end of my instruction?”
“No. Your instruction will never end. You must learn to produce, for if you produce the same thing twice, its perfection is lost.”
“I see.”
“No, you don’t. And you won’t, not for a good while yet, but for the moment live as you may, for I am no influence over you.”
“Farewell administrator.”
“Alas, goodbye.”

-Congradulations, if you just read through that entire bit, then you have officially been on a trip through my deragnged mind!
P.S. I made it smaller by getting rid of all the spaces  :D

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: November 28, 2010, 08:30:38 PM by Aoren Deringer »
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Re: Programming: a short dialogue
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2010, 08:37:32 AM »
deeeeeep mannnn real deeeeeep
*switches on hippie jam beat*
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Offline Aoren Deringer

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Re: Programming: a short dialogue
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2010, 08:41:19 AM »
A reply! :O

And deep... Maybe. A bit more industrial than those beats allot for xD
  • Avatar by: Myself, during an experiment with inversion.
"Science isn't about being conservative with your cash, it's about spending as much as you can as ridiculously as you can and hoping it doesn't explode."
- Sjin

We fight, we recruit, we are the anthropomorphic army. FDF forever!
-Aoren Rekner Ilon Deringer, F.D.F. Mechanised Unit Commander, Four Stars.

Life is an adventure! Sure, you'll probably spend most of it weeping uncontrollably, and on fire, but hey!


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