Ok I couldn't figure out how to work the scar mime. So here we go.
1. I spent some of my teenage years in the midwest. One winter we went over to my neibhbor's house to slide down their driveway after a big winter storm. I thought it would be a good idea to try running up the icy concrete. It wasn't I fell on my face and got knocked stupid. My friend pulled me up and asked what happened. Apparently in my stupor I said that my eye fell out. It didn't, but she freaked out when I pulled my hand away from my eye and eyebrow and she couldn't see anything other than blood. Got fifteen stitches to close the wound. Still see it separating my eyebrow nearly twenty years later.
2. I have two short scars on my right hand just above my left index knuckle from trying to punch my brother. He moved and my fist went through one of the windows of the house. Our parents still think the neighbor's children hit it with a baseball.
3. ON the left side of my head, just above my ear I have three scars going from front to back. When I was a PFC I went to bed early cause dad was coming down for the long weekend. A guy from another platoon drank too much came in my room and started getting loud. HE didn't want to leave, and when I made him, he hit me with an unopened beer bottle. It broke, cut me I threw him off the second deck balcony. (he lived). Dad showed up and took me to the ER out in town so it didn't get reported to the OOD (Officer of the day).
4. Afghan of 02. We were preforming a raid on a strong hold, and an insurgent got a few lucky shots off. Two hits from his AK impacted my chest. One was stopped by my SAPI plate, one wasn't and tore through my left lung, and exited my back, stopping in my plate carrier.
5. Iraq 05. We were in Fallujah just after we finished the push rolling down route mobile when an insugent detonated an EFP. It tore through the armored door of my HMMWV, through my driver's ribcage and came to rest in my left lung. Some of the spalling hit my left arm, and the radio between myself and my driver. The battery exploded and caught my arm, part of my neck, and the left side of my chest on fire.
6. The Horn 09. I was doing FID in the horn of Africa training indigenous forces. And we were on their AK range. One of the IF slung his rifle across his back without putting it on safe, and the trigger got caught up in his canteen. First hit impacted my thigh, and the second two were stopped by my vest. When the projectile that hit my thigh entered the muscle it fragmented and clipped my femoral artery. Doc stopped it, but required five surgeries to graft from my other leg to fix the artery.
Oh yeah I also have a small pinhole in my back from when my brother shot me with a BB gun.