Well, this is a bit of something i wanna do for fun/ a little experiment.
First off, the experiment part: I want to see how many people like my art and stuff, to see if i should start doing comissions. like. for money. Theres only room for improvement
^--also about that, id need to know, how would I get paid for doing that
The second experiment is to see if I can make group pics with everyone doing diff. things.
The Fun part: I want to make a group pic cause they're so fun to do!
THE INFO: Okay after careful debate I decided to make the setting of this a 1950's diner
I know I know it's cheesy! Anyways I'm going to draw, then ink, then color it, then have my darling cousin photograph it for me
Anyways if yall are interested, shoot me a regular PM on here, or (preferably because i can view these on my phone easier) a Facebook PM, telling me what you want your character to be wearing, what you want them to be doing, and provide a reference for your character. Specifics on the colors would be nice too ^-^ Remember its the 1950's so get in character! Finally I'd like to know if your character is an extreme of either tallness or smallness because I don't want to screw up on size :O
Also if too many people want to be in, I'll end up doing a second pic, probably with a rave setting. Im not sure how much room I'll have for the picture until I decide on angles and stuff, and see whats going on with people. Okay, so, fire away!