Hey there. Always nice to meed new people and an introduction about my life is always nice so you can get to know me better. The wolf fursona is my favorite, you can check out my back story for this wolf on DA (a link is on my profile.)
Alright time to start off by how I found this, hobby. I started off by making some art on DA. I mainly made some fan characters of Okami and Pokemon. I stumbled onto a group known as Anti-Wolf (no they don't hate wolves) and left a comment on what the group was about. Another therian/furry found me on the spot I guess warning me about the group. I had a chat with him and he described to me what a therian was. After some searching on the internet and some retracing to my childhood I was a therian as well. I would love to go deeper but that's getting off topic so just look it up if your confused what I'm talking about.
Now then I'm also a YouTube ranter (some of you may already know me.) I decided to shortly do a wolfaboo rant discovering this belief. In case you don't know what a wolfaboo is, it's basically a person with no life, obsesses over wolves, ironically ignorant of wolves (from watching too much T.V.), think humans are evil, and umm... I think you get the idea

My rant got the attention of some furries who subscribed to my channel. One of them suggested I commentate on a Young Turks video. I did some research of what a furry actually is before I touched the bias documentary. After doing the commentary I found exactly what I was doing on DA was being a furry. I became more and more interested in the fandom then decided to do a furry hater rant. I even got some furry hatters to agree with my logic so I'm definitely making progress.
I got more hobbies as a furry, wanting to do even more. I even had thoughts of making a fur suit

. But I don't have the money right now

(currently looking for a job.) That's bassicly me right now. Some of my interests includes gaming, art, video making. But I'm basically just a very open minded person who just loves to draw. I really hate ignorance (reason I'm on YouTube) but I tend to be very friendly. I always hope for others to visit my gallery because I love to share my work. I hope you've enjoyed my story exploring the internet.
If you want to know more about my fursona, I made quite a back story on DA
http://ebesu-the-wolf.deviantart.com/journal/40969203/#comments you can comment there as well if you want.