So nothing special honestly, not a lot of friends, no one but me and my mate truly. Lately this hasn't been bothering me, but it creeps up…
So I did a play recently, kind of made friends with the other cast members (I forced my self to be social, which wasn't as bad after a couple teeth) and it was all good. But I remember the second day of the play (as in when we put it on) I stood their in the middle of the stage, gazing out at everyone. All the cast members talking, laughing, with their friends, and their I stood. Alone, out of view, out casted. I don't know why it hurt me so much but it did. I just felt like breaking down, that night me and my mate went to my house, I just felt trapped in a void of aloness, I want to indulge in it, for I felt that as I could have.
Tomorrow we have an actors banquet/get together but..., I'm "scared" (not sure that's the right word, but its the only one I have). It will be only the actors (stage people possibly), but it will be some from the first semester play, I don't want to go. I feel as if I'm going to out casted, left out in. The rain. It hurts so much at times I want to cry, I use to hurt my self to numb it but I don't find "joy" from that anymore.
((Note: I only feel this way randomly at times, I been more "out going" lately so things are some what getting better, but I still hurt. Without my mate, I don't know where I would be))