i find that alot of people come here saying "how do i tell my friends" or "how do i come out to my parents"
or "oh what do i say?"
well i find that this being the modern age..its the age of SONGS...MOVIES..commercials, and being what it is. i think that documentaries are the best way to do it.
someimtes ill see some truely breathtaking videos and they REALY show our brightests colors. this is the place to post your favorite documentaries. (be sure to give us video links so we can see!)
post a video...write about it..tell us how it made you feel!
Furries: a documentary i liked this video because it really showed how we function not with society, but with eachother. how close and kind we are. its such an amazing family, the fandom is. and i think every word of it rang true