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The comments are more entertaining than the deviation itself. lol. Furry drama is the best.
I have one major object to this.Now, you are entitled to your opinions and are fully entitled to hate what you don't like. You are also entitled by freedom of speach and creative rights to place something like this on a public site.My objection comes from you lumping both 'Furry' artists and 'Anthromorphic' artists together.Anthromorphic cretures and those who draw them are not by defult 'Furrys'.Furrys are, by definition, someone who dresses in a fur-suit or parts there of and acts as an animal, often in sexual situations, or who find the idea of animals or part-animals sexually stimulating.Now, a Furry might find anthromorphs interesting in that particular way, but that does not make them or their artists Furrys.I am not 'against' Furrys, nor am I 'for' them, though I am sickened by the idea of any sort of sexual relation in the way of Furrys and I am quite firmly aware that I am a human and nothing more, but I do draw Anthromorphs, though not exclusively, simply because I am better at drawing animals than humans and am more inclined towards the fantasy/Sci-Fi genres of art.Please do not inclued plain Anthromorphs and their artists in your campain.I do however like your drawing from an artistic view. I like the sword design and the blood splatter is well done.Keep up with your drawing.
"Furrys are, by definition, someone who dresses in a fur-suit or parts there of and acts as an animal, often in sexual situations, or who find the idea of animals or part-animals sexually stimulating."A furry ,as a person, is a fan of anthropomorphic animal characters. Whether or not if that individual's fan obsession includes any amount of sexual overtones is irrelevant.You may place yourself in a neutral position reguarding them, however your ignorance on the matter places you in a darker light than you would likely want to see your self."Please do not inclued plain Anthromorphs and their artists in your campain."The artist's comments only mentioned furries in the context of anthropomorphic animal characters. What's the point of asking to exclude something that was never mentioned. I say go for it if you want. More power to you hippykiller1.
Actually, the artist's comments did not specify anthromorphs. That was done by other commenting artists and most of their definitions were mis-quoted also.If you look in the dictionary, the term "Furry" in this context, does specify the sexual nature. Now that may not completely hold true in real life, but I was basing my argument on dictionary deffinition.Maybe your ignorance is showing.
"Actually, the artist's comments did not specify anthromorphs."I thought I said that...These are the "Artist's comments" I was refering to. If it helps any." Artist's CommentsThese stupid animal things are everywhere. People draw them and put them on this site all to often. I say we take a stand against furries and kill them with everything we've got.As you can see displayed in this picture is an orc I created. His name is Ssej, his purpose in life is to mutilate furries. And he has the tail of one of the more popular form of furries. FOX FURRIES!Expect more of Ssej mutilating furries soon.DESTROY FURRIES! ""If you look in the dictionary, the term "Furry" in this context, does specify the sexual nature."I honestly don't know what dictionary you're reading that speaks of the context of the artist's comments on a submission at deviantart. The comments (the descriptive text entered by the artist below the submission) never mentionanything sexual. Furries are only refered to as stupid animal things that people draw. Perhaps get your mind out of the gutter or get a new dictionary. And don't take this so seriously. I hope you understand I meant you no offense.
Have you ever tried to even think about what you are saying/drawing? Killing 'furries' would be just like the holocaust and you would be creating even more panic by killing them. You don't even think for once that maybe, just maybe, we are nice? Have you stepped down from your hatred and actually talked with one of us? Even tried to get a better meaning of furries? There may be definitions everywhere, but none are the same thing. Does it not occur to you that YOU are the sexually explicit beings. Here is a quote from a chat with someone on a chat, "LOL i lyke prons i is gonna rape you LOL!!11". Practically none of us are talking about what we do sexually in public. Furries tend to keep to them selves about their sexual lives. We joke about sex, but we don't go around promoting ourselves for sex. What you don't seem to understand is that violence isn't the answer. Yes, I know that there are some furries who use violence more than most, but that is probably just because they are unsure about their personalities. Anyone can change their decision of being 'furry' at any time. Nobody can stop you. Just like an orc, we are different than humans. We have similar qualities to the human race. Have you ever looked at a monkey at your city zoo? Note that they have human-like qualities, just like a 'furry'. Don't judge somebody before you get to know them. I don't care if you were talked rudely by a 'furry', that still doesn't give you the right to kill them. Yes I do realize that behind the screen I am a human, but on-screen I become my dream me. It isn't like I go around making drawings of orcs getting killed by furries. I have no issue with orcs, but I do have an issue with racism. Even if the race is just online and not in real life.Please, think about what you are saying. Killing furries only brings more hate into this world of ours. What do you think that Disney's Robin Hood? Do you hate him? Or even the lost boys on Peter Pan. They dressed up in animal costumes didn't they? Furries generally go with what they believe their spirit animal is or their favorite animal. Native Americans dressed as animals, as well as named themselves after an animal most of the time. Don't just go judging somebody because of the way they look. Find out what their personalities are like.