Ehhh, I tried reading Homestuck, twice, didn't think it was all that special.
My friends are obsessed with it, so I thought I'd give it a shot. Read the first twenty pages or so and just ended up bored.
They still harked on me for not reading it, saying "You didn't give it a chance" or "You didn't even get to the good part!", so I tried to give it another go, and I read. And read. And read. Then I got to the part with the trolls, and I thought "Well, I have a fetish for things with horns, maybe it'll get better now" and read some more.
But, there was no point in time where I felt like I genuinely wanted to keep reading on my own. I had to force myself through the whole comic, hoping for it to get interesting or funny, but it just never did.
So, the first time I read it I felt indifferent, the second time I read it I went from indifference to hatred for wasting all my time.
I just don't get how something like that could get such a massive fanbase, while other, decent, well made web-comics get swept away with the trash.
I know it caters to a specific crowd and there's people that connect with the trolls so much that they have to make their own little fan-trolls and such, but I don't see how it can get so much hype.
Then it affects art communities as well, since people make Homestuck fan-art the top rated drawings, while better artwork gets thrown aside for not being Homestuck fan-art. I've been seeing it happen on at least three art sites.
Just frustrating if you ask me.
But hey, that's all just my opinion. I don't hate people for liking the comic, I just hate the comic itself. Nothing personal.
Carry on.