So, I'm redwerecat. It's actually one of the names I go by, redwerecat, Red, etc. I just joined these forums, but i've been a forum user for a long time now. Uh...lesse...I've been a furry for god knows how long, probably seventh grade (when I discovered goldenwolf's artwork), so...nearly six years, If you count this year (school year) as passed.
Um, well, that makes me nearly 18, I guess.
About Well, I, fencing, anime, movies, video games...uh. Roleplaying, and stupid jokes.
My fursona is a cat-dragon hybrid, kinda a panther with dragon wings and horns.
I hate introductions! Uwahaaaaaah. My real name's Kathleen, if anyone cares, though Fang, Leeners, Kathers, red, hey-that-one-chick, Shroedinger and Tarzan are also various nicknames i've been known to answer to.