Author Topic: The Torus Beacon  (Read 1294 times)

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Offline Cephalotes

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The Torus Beacon
« on: May 01, 2012, 05:41:23 PM »
--This is both a grimdark and idealistic story, with bloody violence and drug references, but effectively making the player characters immortal. There are both technological and magical elements to the storyline.
--I will not participate, only lay out the foundations of the world the players are in.
--I will accept a total of three furry characters, each controlled by a different member(though members may assume control of another member's character for this fic with permission). These will be the first three members to post their chosen character and have it not be very similar to any characters already submitted and confirmed. I will post to confirm characters.
--If I go inactive for a rather long time(2+ weeks) while the players are still posting, the players will need to decide a new game master. In that instance, if I return, I'll just watch to see how the plot is handled by the new game master.
--No more than six posts can be made between each of the game master's posts, and no player may make more than two of those six allotted posts.
--If one or more of the participants that are still alive go inactive for 2+ weeks, the game master will then resolve the story for better or for worse.
The Story:
--A small planet is held fast within a loop in the time stream by an artifact within a subterranean bunker. An outside organisation has found three furries and paid them to be flash-cloned. The clones, having no memories from the furry from which they are cloned, awake inside a small hotel room with no memories. Lying next to each of the clones are weapons, funded wallets, small electronic devices(enchanted so that data stored survives the jump back at the end of each day) and cards that tell them their identities and their mission.
The clones have to find the artifact and destroy it to break the time loop and cause this small planet's timeline to converge with the real one.
It is not(yet) known how the planet was isolated or why, and the characters will have to spend a little time getting used to the world.
--Now recruiting--
  • Avatar by: Desert Rat Phelios
(AKA Dorylus, Shinagato, Storm)
----If the meaning of life is 42 and cats have 9 lives, then cats must be the number 378.
----In the event of a rogue AI:
"Does a set of all sets contain itself?"
"This statement is false."
"New mission: Refuse this mission."


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