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Author Topic: How to Draw Everything  (Read 1892 times)

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How to Draw Everything
« on: April 07, 2012, 02:23:53 PM »
Hi there. I saw some people who doesn't like the way what they drawing, so I thought I could help
this people with this simple drawing tutorial. And i didn't find the topic what I could post this tutorial,
so could the forum open a subforum for learn to drawing? It could help a lot the people who want to
draw things in own way.

Anyway, Let's go back for the tutorial. I did this tutorial to another forum and I want to share with too,
if you don't mind. In the other forum, it's in Portuguese, so I'll try to translate in English for you.

All right, Let's start.

First of all, this tutorial will not turn you like a big professional, but will help you a lot to getting closer in that title.

What many people don't  care of it, because it's hard, and it turns ugly, but it's a very wrong way to think, because
it help and a lot when you want to draw a thing for the first time without any idea to how to draw this.

Like a horse. Do you already drew a horse in your life before?

With this tutorial, you can draw until this Magneto right down here:

You are getting excited to know what's the tutorial, aren't you?

But is so simple, you can laugh of it.

The tutorial is... Making a skeleton.

calm down people, before arguing, think about it.

Calma gente, antes de falarem alguma coisa, pensem um pouco. The skeleton allows you to make the body
structure of his body be sent to the paper.

What are you mean, you ask.

Let me take a Example:

See this image what I will take for a example:

Oh, mygosh! So details! I will NEVER EVER draw this!

Saying that, you never will. Now pay attention.

Look in this image and imagine geometric shapes in the character.

Geometric... Shapes... In the character... ?

That's right. Like, in the head, shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees, heels, foot palms and foot fingers there's a circles.Draw one circle on each part what I quoted.

You are joking me, right?

Draw it!

All right, all right.

Then, the drawing will be something like this:

Now, outline his chest, his abdomen too, do that separately. Do the same thing in his groin, drawing some thing like an underwear.

Like this:

Now outline all the circles outlining his body. While you do it, outline the details too, like the snout, claws, tail, horns, etc.. Like this:

And There's it. Your  drawing skeleton.

Yeah, but still looks horrible to me.

Look, I just gave to you a tool. Now the rest is up to you. The skeleton allows you to organize
the structure, the details will be of your own rich experience in drawing.


And indeed you can. With this tutorial you can draw any animal, character, person, etc..
You just need to visualize geometric shapes in it.

Like Odorico ParaguaƧu in the book Beloved says:
"I gave you the fishing rod and teached you to fishing, now the fish is in your own."

Well, that's all folks. See ya in the next tutorial! o/  ^_^

« Last Edit: April 07, 2012, 03:22:25 PM by McTwisp »
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Re: How to Draw Everything
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2012, 04:18:06 PM »
And i didn't find the topic what I could post this tutorial,
so could the forum open a subforum for learn to drawing? It could help a lot the people who want to
draw things in own way.

The thread fits in just fine where it is here.
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