I read this a couple weeks ago and I think its one of the best Anthro books i have had the pleasure to read. I also got some nice comments back when I emailed the author about it. Good news is he will be writing a sequel at some point. Its the story of a Gene modification program to improve humans to settle newly discovered planets and make them habitable for regular humans. The story focus on the 2 year transformation and training program of a group of program "volunteers". Very detailed and descriptive focus on the development and morph of several characters.
http://www.amazon.com/Sunset-of-Furmankind-ebook/dp/B006LA0COM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1330129596&sr=8-1If anyone else reads it or has read it , let me know what ya think of it. The same author has also written a more traditional Furry sci/fi adventure called "Blue Horizon" which I also read and enjoyed.. If you are cheap or poor, you can also read both for free by chapter at his website
http://trblasingame.weebly.com/library.htmlI wrote the review on it over at Amazon. but here is a copy and paste
This was a wonderful story that I found riveting, I read the whole book in a weekend at the neglect of everything else I was supposed to do. The story should appeal to Furry and Non-Furry fans alike. Its a pleasure to read a good story absent of X or even R rated sex often found in this Genre. This is a PG friendly book. Its easy to feel a connection to the characters. I also like that the author kills of a few characters that keeps the story from becoming a cliche fairy tale where all the good/key characters survive. This story could make a great movie. It a combination of Avatar and Star Trek's "Space, the Final Frontier" themes. I kept picturing the Arthur C Clarke's "Space Odyssey" as I read the story esp. when I created my image of the space craft and their travels to the strange new worlds. The Author has left the story wide open at the end that could easily fill several more books taking the story in various directions. Its a fast paced story that has lots of action with multiple dynamic relationships developing throughout. the book focuses heavily on the actual unique abilities of the anthro characters. The author is very effective at bringing the reader into such intimate connections to many of the characters psyches. I felt like I was inside several of the characters heads looking out through their eyes as I read through this wonderful novel. I could not put my Kindle down.