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Author Topic: lighters and matches  (Read 8997 times)

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Offline Riku Aotsuki

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Re: lighters and matches
« Reply #75 on: August 15, 2012, 05:33:38 PM »
Try not to handle it with bare hands though it's bad for your skin and can burn a little.

A question. If you can't get gasoline, could lamp oil do?
Nope, it has to be gasoline. Something in its composition causes it to dissolve styrofoam and react with it to form the napalm.
Many children fear the darkness. The wisest know that this is foolishness; it is the shadows that should be feared.
~Riku Aotsuki
The you you think of as you is not you. The you that thinks of you as you is not you. Who then, desires to become enlightened?
~Jed McKenna


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