Do you have only one? If you do, is it you, who you want to be, a small part of you, or just a character to be? If you have several, why? Are you just indecisive? Or you you like having multiple fursonas just so you don't get bored? Or perhaps they're different sides of you? List them if you want, and what they are to you.
I have several, and each develops kinda on their own around a core detail and part of me. Here's my list, in no particular order.
Riku Aotsuki- snow leopard/housecat mix, he represents the deep, spiritual part of me that's rooted in nature's majesty.
Jaiyden&Bailey- winged cat twins, they represent the part of me striving for balance; yin and yang.
Tai- a tiger, he is the threshold of unrestrained rage, but also self control.
Sanji Seiteki- a fox, he represents sensuality and love.
Matthias- cheetah, he's the speed-loving part of me, as well as, to a degree, my realistic ideal.
Fen- a small wolf, he is self-doubt and self-fear.
Rei- a cat, she represents purity unmarred by naivete or innocence. Also, extroversion.
Zeke- also a cat, he's both suave and bold(in looks AND speech).
Kynan- badger, he is wisdom. Redwall lovers, he was inspired by Russano the Wise.
Snowflake- another snow leopard, he's both slight fear of public opinion and hippyness.
Elijah- river otter, he's playfulness and to a lesser extent, actual courage.
And that's the primary ones...