Hope that helps!
It does, but it doesn't show how to get to the other things. THere was a whole page of extra info I fiilled out about myself, but I can only get to it by directing myself to modify it. Not sure how other people access that stuff.
I'm Almar, welcome to the Forum! How long have you been a furry?
Hard to say, really. I think my earliest furry memories are of seeing ads and stuff for that old game, Tail Concerto, in a video game magazine I used to read. I remember liking the cute but still pretty cool-looking animal characters. I never actually got the game, but within the last year or so, I bought it's "sequel", Solatorobo.
Welcome to TFF, Solario. I am Sytex, your always friendly moderator. I hope you enjoy your time here on the forums. If ever you have a question, feel free to ask any member of the forum staff.
Thank you, Sytex. I'll keep that in mind. ^__^
Thanks to Ventus Fall, NovAurora, FurryJunkie, Nikolai the Lynx, Sn0w, Timmy Fox, and Indecipherable for their warm greetings! You guys sure know how to make a fur feel welcome! ^___^
Post Merge: December 27, 2012, 10:53:47 PM
Waitaminute... Oh, I'm sorry, I guess the stuff I was thinking of IS on that page. Sorry for the confusion; I am error.