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Author Topic: Any fursuit material in sweden?  (Read 2233 times)

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Offline Cherrylazerboom

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Any fursuit material in sweden?
« on: October 07, 2013, 07:07:21 AM »
Just as the title says. Decided to make this thread jsut to see if some people know some websites. I've been looking almost everywhere on google and I was also in Sveafur :p I would like to know where to get foam and furs mostly but it would be great if you know some other things.

Offline Byracka

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Re: Any fursuit material in sweden?
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2013, 05:02:24 PM »
If it is your first time making a fursuit by yourself I recommend a couple of things.  :) Look at a lot of tutorials, internet is your friend. Compare them with each other and see if any one technique, or a combination works best for you. If you watch tutorials put up by professional fursuit makers you'll also learn which materials and tools are best to use. Then, when you know well enough "how" to do it, I want you to image that you are working on the fursuit, in your imagination, what tools and materials do you use? Write them down as you imagine them. This is a very good approach because it lessens the chance of you forgetting something important (or small but annoying) when you start.

Another thing I recommend is that you try and get material for as cheap as possible (cheap does not mean worse) if it is your first time, you want to make room for mistakes. If you make a mistake with something cheap, you can easily by new stuff. But if you've bought crazily expensive fashion wear, and you make a mistake. . .  yeah *sad eyes*  :( I recommend the "scavenge hunt approach" see what you can find! I'm making a fursuit head for halloween and I found plenty of high density foam in the cellar of a local church, I found a good model head by asking a local hairdresser and I know a store in Jönköping called "Ohlssons tyger" that a small section of floofy but reasonably priced furs.

Now, I'm just making a random colourful dragon character and just the head. So it doesn't matter for me that I can't find exactly the right colours or fur quality. But if you are making your own fursona I understand that you'll be more picky about your equipment. Just remember that the more precise you want something, the more difficult it will be to find. White furs you should be able to easily pick up, red is more difficult of course. I'm just saying that it can be difficult to find the EXACT shade of red of your character, so be prepared to compromise if you find something good anyways.

So for your first fursuit. Be reasonable, don't spend a fortune on it and be ready to make slight compromises. Ask around your area and people you know for material  ^_^
I do not bite unless you want to! So send a PM if there's anything you want to say :3


Offline Cherrylazerboom

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Re: Any fursuit material in sweden?
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2013, 10:18:57 AM »

My situation right now is that I've only been looking at a lot of tutorials on the internet and I've been thinking that I should just make some random design, just like you say, and just go wild and crazy on how to do the head and such to learn haha. I'm definitely going to do a head made out of foam and not resin because that seems too complicated with getting the right volume and mixing things and such.

I think the idea of imagining it all in my head was really good and I'm going to do that maybe a couple of times. We have a hairdresser here just a couple of meters away so if I maybe ask her nice enough she'll let me borrow a model head x)
And I understand that I'll probably won't find the right color for my fursona's head but that's alright.

Thank you very much for that long comment :)


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