Know for the fact that you yourself have nearly every right, if not every right to be where you are, and do what you are doing.
Also, it should be known, that you have friends in RL and online who support you in what you do, and we'll be there to back you up
Along with this, know that you are worth it; you are an amazing, unique person, and if anyone tries to tell you that you're weird or something else derogatory, or anything else that says other wise, they're probably ignorant about you or what's going on, and probably dead wrong. No need to insult them, but they more than likely aren't cookie cutter products either (By that I mean 'normal, and have no right to judge other people
But most of all, just go and do things to have fun; don't be reckless about it, but if what you want to go do is something you love, and really want to take part in, don't care what other people think!
(Again; don' be reckless, and find yourself doing something that could label you as don't want to be (i.e. rob a bank, unless you want to be a thief... which... uh.... o.o....)
Seriously; go in with a big bright smile, and if you even have the slightest doubt you'll regret missing out, go and jump in! 8D
Hope this helps