Reinvent yourself, find new interests, adopt the ways of a lovable role model.
Who you are is up to you. That's the beauty of a free world. I can say there are three objective meanings in life: to nurture and breed, to maintain territory and/or social group, and to experience. We create our own purposes as we survive and each have the ability to change the world around us as much as we are capable of for the good of ourselves and our social group. In between we have fun and when things are bad we take to realisation there's good to come with much relief and when things are good we enjoy it while it leasts. In life there's always ups and downs which makes things more fun! Learn to enjoy the journey and all the small things you can actually touch, small, taste, hear instead of longing to forever. Don't waste life waiting around, just find something you enjoy and are good at and put your heart into it. Find a cause to work towards if you wish, whether it be in sympathy or a desire for power. You feel people hate you? Why do you think that is? There could be any reason but understand they may just be jealous of your talents/personality or you could be interacting the wrong way and you may need to find a way for people to see you as someone who isn't any stress to be to or even someone to look up to. Be yourself, develop character. It takes time, but you'll get there. To feel happy is a choice, you've just got to count your blessings and benefits of being yourself and not someone else. Still, meet both ways, let yourself evolve but always be yourself. If you're having trouble with finding the right career/hobby fit for someone such as yourself, try an
MBTI test (answer for how you've always been like as in childhood not by your current mood), that should really help you. Even if a couple of people have learnt to dislike you, you can find people who will like you, don't give people the satisfaction to dislike them and don't retaliate by fighting with them, just walk away and put yourself above them for your own good. Also, meet friends that are like you, if you're not getting on with current ones - it's not worth wasting time on people that will drag you down as the kind of person who takes energy from having a purpose. Get a grasp on several things you would like to go into, eventually you will see opportunity into at least one of these, one could become your career, the rest of your interests could become simply your hobbies