so im a gay comedian, but before anyone gets up and walks out just hear me out, so like I said im gay but I have some issues with gay community. example the rainbow flag, who the **censor** decided we get the whole damn rainbow? it used to be just pink and an upside down triangle that was it. if you wore pink you where either gay or a bad ass either way don't mess with them. if there gay and and make fun them you better pray they don't know who cuts your hair next time you go in you might get shaved half bald or something, if there a bad ass they'll just turn you into a human pretzel.
you know who is pissed we took the rainbow? skittles. there moto is taste the rainbow, why do I get the feeling that <Removed> was not what they ment by that? you know what they should do, they should use this to there advantage, hell everything one thinks they support us already with the rainbow logo use it, have a big ass skittles bag as the start of your commercial and then have some gay guy jump out throwing skittles screaming "taste my rainbow....I mean taste the rainbow" and then at the end have the screen go black and in skittles spell out we're not quite that fruity but we're still pretty damn know who else is pissed about us taking the rainbow flag? kindergartners, they go into class and draw there stick figure house and stick figure family with the rainbow back ground and all of a sudden the are called gay, those poor guys are tramatized.
another problem i have with the gay community is the fight for gay marriage. I mean come on do you really need a peice of paper to tell you who your family is? ANd on top of that do you really want a religion that doesn't belive in what your doing anyway to marry you off? hell im sure the preacher is sitting up there thinking evil thoughts anyway, like wow this is an ugly couple or trying to justify it in his mind like wow that lady has a better beard then me, or if your lesbians hes thinking jeez that dude has some mad bitch tits.If you really want to get married go to canada.
you know me and my hubby got married up there, those people are unnatturaly nice. they are so nice you could cut there leg off and they would ask you if you want an arm too. hell when we got married we said we wanted to just have a small wedding no party no cake no nothing and our preachers wife made us a cake free of charge. canada man way too cool to visit. first time i went up there a friend took me to a <Removed>, and it was when i was trying to be semi normal so i was like ok whatever, <Removed>