There's a slight difference in Agility and Fletching tho.
I don't have silver hawk boots so all I can do is run around the ape atoll course for hours on end, gaining about 47-49k xp (or double that when having bonus xp) an hour ;__;
Or like when I was fishing... I spent hours upon hours fishing rocktails in a damp cave, constantly running the risk of getting pushed into the water, tripping, getting crushed by living rocks or developing black lung thanks to all the miners who also reside in that cave ;_; All to make sure them fancy bankstandeneering people and the pvm'ers would be able to get food and cooking xp.
Or when I was hunting.... I spent hours upon hours fighting over 9 squares of land with 5 people who weren't really people, but merciless and soulless bots brutally stealing my spots if I was three seconds too slow. ;__;
Eventually, I gave up my hopes of ever becoming rich and decided to go back to hunting red salamanders instead because I just couldn't take it anymore.
Or when I was derailing my own post.. Fishing and Hunter had nothing to do with this.. ;__;