Thanks for your advice, Saphira n_n but I think I'll keep this part of me for myself, at least for a while.
Hi, Grey. Well, I've just been exploring the forums, but I hope to be around as much as posible. I've been in few forums and I've never RP'd but it's something I'm curious and well, it sounds fun!
Jules and Jules! Same name, what a funny coincidence n_n Thanks for your welcoming.
Jack, hi. Thanks for asking. My favorite books are journey to the center of the earth, Dracula, Demian, The neverending story, Momo, and many hispanic novels (I live in latin america) but to give you an idea, I read mostly adventure, mystery and drama. I'm not quite interested in YA-lit, but there are a few novels I'd like to read live percy jackson and squeleton creek.
Thank you all for your comments.